Exercises not listing the % of 1RM


I was doing an excel sheet of all STS program and noticed that there are a lot of exercises not listing the % of 1RM that you should use for that workout.

STS, can you please place this request on the list of bugs to be fixed.



Workouts 30, 33, 36, 38,39,40 (almost all)
Workout 1, exercise 239
Workout 3, exercise 264
Workout 4, exercise 638
Workout 5, exercise 110, 720
Workout 6, exercise 264
Workout 7, exercise 694, 239
Workout 10, exercise 252,694
Workout 11, exercise 113,703
Workout 12, exercise 264
Workout 16, exercise 324,328,619,690,693,679,717,715,720
Workout 18, exercise 83, 133, 178, 235, 237
Workout 19, exercise 319,673,717
Workout 21, exercise 134,178
Workout 22, exercise 140,133, 178, 205, 237, 678, 640, 676, 679, 720
Some exercises are obviously body-weight only (eg pushups), but when it isn't so obvious, I either assumed it was, or that bands were used. Some you listed are the 2nd & 3rd sets in a row, where the %1RM was given for the 1st set.

Here's what I took things to be:

Disc 1 ex 239 seated curl, alt + both: bands
Disc 3 ex 264 calf raise: body weight only
Disc 4 ex 638 functional o'head press: bands
Disc 5 ex 110 dble arm row. 1st set has 65%, next 2 sets have N/A
___for this situation, I'd guess that you do the allocated number of reps for the 2nd/3rd sets with as close to the 65% as you can, otherwise use a lower weight so you can do the rep number.

But.... that's only my guessing.

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