Exercise Bike



I need pointers on using an exercise bike. My in-laws just brought one over for us that had belonged to dh's grandmother. It is about 4 years old and in great condition. It's a Tunturi. I have never used one before. I run, and do Cathe cardio and Cathe weights. The bike seems like a good way to get some cardio with low impact to the knees. Can anyone point me in the right direction as far as constructing a workout and any form tips? How long is a typical bike workout?Do you change speeds/tension throughout? The thing I am concerned about is the bordom factor. I get bored on the treadmill and nordictrak pretty easily. I was thinking I could do 20 min. of a CTX cardio workout and then jump on the bike for 10 min.? Any and all advice is welcome!

Hi Candice. I have a recumbant bike. I watch t.v. or read while I workout on it. It really helps the boredom factor. As far as length of time, go however long you feel like it. If bike is going to be your only workout, strive for 45 min. If you're going to do other cardio also, it's up to you -- 20, 25, 30 min. Of course, a lot depends on your goals (weight loss/maintenence, etc...).

Start with the lowest tension for warm-up, and increase gradually. You can also do intervals on a bike. Increase tension dramatically for a minute or two, recover, do it again....If you have a regular bike (not recumbant) you can more easily do one of those spinning tapes. I don't have any yet, and am not sure if I'm going to get one since you can't exactly stand on a recumbant. :-( And yes, bikes are a GREAT low impact workout. Hey, do you also have the ski machine and treadmill you mentioned? If so, what I like to do is jump from one machine to the other, doing about 10-15 minutes on each piece. Then, WA-LA....you've done a long cardio workout without having to stay on one piece of equipment!! :-jumpy

I hope that helps you some. I think you'll enjoy the bike. Give it some time!!

Thanks for the info! I will try your suggestions. One question though - what does recumbant mean? See, I wasn't kidding when I said I know nothing about bikes! Also, when I hear about spinning classes, are they on a regular exercise bike? I may try out one of those tapes you mentioned. My bike is the kind you could stand up and pedal on.

thanks again!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-02 AT 12:05PM (Est)[/font][p]I have an old exercise bike that I bought when I was 18 (19 years ago!!). It has held up wonderfully and still provides a great workout! I use it ocassionally when my achilles starts bothering me from too much step or running. I usually watch TV while I'm pedaling, and go for 45-50 minutes. I also throw intervals in--cranking up the tension a bit and pedaling like mad for 1-2 minutes! This really gives a great workout, and also cuts down on the boredom factor.

All in all, it's a great cross training tool! :)

Candice, a recumbant bike is the kind that looks like you are reclined back, and your legs are out in front of you. The seat is much wider, also. (no butt comments, please!! ;-) )

Fake spin workout on non-spin bicycle

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-02 AT 03:39PM (Est)[/font][p]I used to do a spin class once a week at a local gym when they were letting you pay for day-use, as thanks to Cathe I have no use for a gym membership. They established a members only policy unfortunately, so I started doing it at home on an Airdyne I have. I think bicycles are very boring also but guarantee that if you put intervals in there, and mock hill-climbs, it makes the time pass much faster. I also put the bike near a set of shelves and rest my water and the remote on them. I surf channels or watch a movie while I bicycle. I can't hear any dialog, as the bike is so noisy, but it still helps. After a 5 minute warm-up I ride for 10 miles, which takes about 32 or 33 minutes, then cool down about 5 minutes. I can't tell you how good this is for my quads and for my cardiovascular level. And it is something I do when I want to give my knees a rest, as others have suggested.

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