enzymes - very interesting finding


Hi everyone.
Just wanted to share this experience with you, to let you know that the food issue we so often discuss can have different roots.

I've had terrible problems with my stomac and digestion for almost a year. Actually I have always had problems with my stomac, inherited from my dad. But it has gotten much worse again. Over the years I have tried many trips to the doctor, but never really solved the problem.
I lived by fit for life for maybe 2 years, some years back, lost the 10 pounds I've always wanted to get rid of, and felt great. But the problem was that i just couldn't stay on the diet or the way of living. And eventually I started eating "not unhealthy" but combining everything again, and started gainng more than 10 punds back.

I should say that all this time I have exercised very advanced. That is not my problem i can always find the motivation to exercise.

Then maybe a month and a half ago I my reflexology told me to go to this woman working with bio-medezine. She said that there was something wrong that I always had so many problems with my stomach.

I went to se her and she took a lot of bloodtests and iriology ( i think thats how it's spelled, she's looking into the eyes.) exam and could tell right away that althogh I lived very healthfully, ( I had to write down what I ate and which supplements/vitamins I took) I could not digest or get any benefit from the food as I didn't have the enzymes to digest it.
She gave me this diet that I should follow for 2 month then seeing her again. The diet wasn't so different than my usual habits, except I shouldn't eat too much bread and coffee.
Besides this she put me on enzymes and different vitamins and herbal drops and aloe vera juice.

This is amazing, already the next day the pain went away, I had a feeling of having to get rid of a lot, and felt very constipated, but when it cleared I felt so much lighter, it was amazing. Now I've had good and bad periods, but she says it's normal as the body rids it self from toxins. I'm really hoping that I can be a little better about not eating sweets as I can tell this is working. And atleast now I have no pain anymore.
I feel much thinner also, although I haven't lost pounds I don't feel bloated in the same way anymore, and that is such a great feeling.

It also made me go back to very heavy weights so the combination I'm hoping gives me more definition.

Anyways just wanted to share this with you, as all the cravings i used to have, have subsided quite a bit. So maybe there is a way out of this and getting back to my feel great weight.

Do the enzymes you are taking have anything to do with your periods? Mine became very painful a few months ago. My doc said to wait for a few months and see if they go back to normal since I just had a kid 6 mo. ago. They haven't and I've already gone through 1/2 a bottle of ibuprofen in the past 2 days. I'd be really interested to hear your experience with this as it progresses. Glad you are feeling better!

Hi Dorthe,
I'm so glad you found something that works for you...I hope you will find your stomach problems a distant memory soon.
I went through much the same thing in the past, I was put on at least one & maybe two enzymes, but it was a long time ago & I can't remember exactly. I have bad stretches once in awhile, but usually just fine.
Like Cinza, I would be interested in knowing which enzymes you are taking.
So glad you're feeling better!
Ruth :)
Hi Dorthe....Your story just reminds me what a complex biological organism we truly are and what works for one person does not always work for the other. I am happy you found a specialist that worked with you...I know that is very challenging in this day and age...even finding a doctor that cares. The last surgery I had I don't think I even met the man who did the cutting! So, keep us updated on your progress.

RE: enzymes - for digesting

Hi all,
thanks for your comments. all the products are natural products from plants and herbs.

The enzymes are called All-zyme I can check the brand when I get home to see more. It's mainly for digesting protein. Since i have taken them I have notised very different changes in my training results. I have been able to up my weight training quite a bit.
I'm also taking drops called Arabiamin, to help digest or split fat. It's a german product I think, it's a combination of dried herbs. Then I had to take zink, and b-vitamins and general vitamins, and magnesium and calcium.
I also take grapefruit-kernel-extract and aloe vera juice, as she also saw from the bloodtests, that I have candida in my stomach and blood.
It's a whole lot of stuff, but I'm getting into the habbit so it's not that bad anymore.

Truly I have seen big changes in my weight training, like she said you can eat healthy but if you can't digest it, you get nothing from your food, and then you'll feel like eating sweets and carbohydrates all the time.
I also had problems with mayor period pains, the reflexology is the only thing I have found really helps that. I have to take Ibuprofen on the first days also, but my stomach really can not handle that.

I just see that this has kept me from reaching results. It's so great now to finally see some payoff for all the hard work. Before no matter how hard I trained the weight just kept creping up very slowly but steadily.

RE: enzymes - for digesting

I do plant based enzymes too and love them.
RE: enzymes - for digesting

Hello again Dorthe...Yes, I would be interested in the brands you are taking when you have a moment. I get very discouraged with the weight loss things sometimes when I am following a healthy eating plan and exercising. It seems since reaching menopause my weight just stays there. So, there must be something I need to adjust. I should probably keep a diary on the different foods I am eating ... not just amounts. I noticed last week I dropped a few pounds but did not eat many carbs...stuck with fresh fruits and vegies during the day. So, perhaps there is something to that as well. Thanks again.

RE: enzymes - for digesting

Hi Kathleen,

I truly think there is something about this issue what you're eating. I read this great book also optimum nutrition by patrick holford. He's also talking about what it means when you don't get enough enzymes. these enzymes that I'm taking is plant enzymes. The thing is here that there are enzymes in all the noon cooked vegetables. I can see a big difference when I eat more salads, but often it's not enough.
As i my case my system was so out of wack that I couldn't get the balance straight again. The enzxymes I'm taking is a brand Rainbow light. all-zyme double strength. complete spectrum of plant-source enzymes. It contains the natural enzymes protease, amylase, lipase and cellulase. All comming from orange, mango, carrots, beets, beans, ginger and peppermint.

it's all natural, so you could give it a shot. I take one capsule 3 times a day, before my main meals.

very best

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