Ecto reunion


Lookin' for all the ectochicks...

Just thought I'd check and see how everyone is doing and give a little progress report. For those of you that were skeptical, I've been on the Gaining Mass program for about eight weeks now and have gained ten pounds! My measurements in chest, hips, thigh and calf have all increased - chest and hips have been the most dramatic.

I tried on three different dresses I hadn't worn since last summer, hoping to find something "springy" to wear to church for Easter and they were all too small/too tight. As strange as this may sound to most folks... I couldn't be any happier!

Angela :D
Angela: I am an ecto. I am interested to hear what you did...what is the Gaining Mass program? Another thread? Do you have a link? I have recently dropped a lot of body fat through controlling my diet, and now I am realizing just how much work I have left to do to gain muscle (tried on some swimsuits yesterday and even though I am thin didn't look that good). I realize this is going to be more difficult than dropping the fat, ironically. Did you track your protein intake? Just curious. What was your workout routine? I want muscle!!!

S&H, S&H, and more S&H, with some PUB thrown in!

I have been using S&H regularly since January, steadily increasing the weight by 1 pound, whenever I can. I throw PUB in, once in a while, making sure I increase the weights there too. It has built more muscle than I've ever had, and I am definitely an ecto (5'10", 132 lbs). My arms look great. I tried on a halter dress over the weekend, and couldn't believe how great my shoulders and arms look!

Hi Jen,

I had been using Cathe's weight workouts for quite some time, but hadn't made as much progress as I wanted. I agree with Penny's post... of Cathe's stuff, S&H is the best. I did it exclusively before I started the GM program, reversing the count to emphasize the negative instead of the positive per the book "AstroFit."

In frustration, I began to surf the Web looking for a program designed speficially for hardgainers/ectomorphs and found the Gaining Mass program. You can read about it here:

(Mouse over the main image to see his transformation)

It is a combination of very heavy weight work, diet and supplements. It uses mostly free weights and compound movements. There's also a fat-burning part of the program you are instructed to start with if your bodyfat is over a certain percentage.

I belive the program runs for 26 weeks, but you could stay on it indefinitely. It takes commitment, though, and it's very different from Cathe's stuff. You're only allowed to lift three times a week and do very little cardio. And you eat - a lot!


Thanks, both of you! I have PS, MIS, SH but not PUB yet...I think I am going to get that next. I have been doing a PS/MIS rotation, I think I am ready to go into SH territory, plus probably make the necessary changes to my diet, I suspect I am not getting enough protein on the average day. I am pretty motivated in general so I think I could stick with whatever the gaining mass system would require....

I am still reading over the site...I think I might be freaking out, ironically, if I start to gain weight, worrying that it would be fat rather than muscle! I guess they address that concern...looks like you gain weight, then do a fat loss rotation, or something to stay lean? If you don't mind my asking, Angela, do you have a personal testimony that what you gained is muscle? Did you experience similar concerns? Also, do you measure your body

Hi Ecto's. Angela...Congratulations on your weight gain. I'd love to see an updated picture.....primarily of your shoulders. I'm trying so hard in this area. I can now see striation, but I want those nice rounded caps that Jaishree has. I'll have to check out this website. I'm still trying to cut weight from the pregnancy. The frustrating thing is...I've been loosing the weight in my upperbody and I want it to come off my tush and legs. I've been doing loads of interval work to burn the fat...I know this may be contraindicated for ecto's, but I'm having a blast and my cardio level is about as good as it's ever been. I continue to lift at least one heavy day and several moderate days.

I'll really have to study this site...the prospect of eating loads and cutting cardio has me thinking I'll pick up the fat, and I don't want to loose the passion I've developed for intervals. I'm at the point that I just don't know what I want to try.

What are all the other ectos doing??

Hi everyone! So glad to hear about your weight gain, Angela. You are one focused woman!

After a week of doing yoga and Pilates at my parents', I'm now doing Cathe's June rotation, which focuses on muscular strength and burning extra fat: I've never lifted one body part per day and I've been nicely sore.

Yesterday, my neighbor returned from three months in Florida and one of the first things she said was, "I swear, you're getting skinnier and skinnier." (She didn't mean it in a mean way. She's 72 and one of the nicest people I know.)

And that's the problem! I am trying to lose ab flab, but I tend to lose fat where there is precious little already. That's why, instead of Phase II of Bobbi's "Skinny Fat" plan (heavy cardio, moderate lifting), I'm doing the June rotation in hopes of developing or at least hanging on to some muscle while burning some fat. I think the ab flab knows something and is trying to protect me from some impending famine.

I'm also trying to fit more yoga and Pilates into my rotations without exercising 12 hours a day. Do any of you do this? If so, I'd love to hear how!
Jen - Yes, women have a hard time getting over the "I don't want to gain weight" mental block... it's been pounded into our head so well. Generally, I believe the mass gaining phase does cause you to pick up a little extra fat and you can go into the fat loss cycle to "cut" after you've gained the overall mass.

Anthony is talking about producing a women's version of the program - possibly to come out this summer - that would alter the dietary recommendations a little and provide more isolation work. There aren't many women following the program, but it is very effective for us, too. Again, I think it's just that mental block that we don't want to see the number on the scales go up and - as you guys know - there are so many women that are afraid to lift heavy, thinking they might bulk up too much.

Regarding bodyfat, before you begin the program, you weigh yourself, take measurements and figure your body fat using the provided caliper. Depending on your percentage - and there are different cut offs for men and women - you either start the mass gain or you start the fat loss. You continue to track weight, measurements and bodyfat throughout the program.

Bodyfat hasn't been an issue for me - I'm sure I'm the exception to the rule. I became very ill a few years back and lost a lot of weight. Since that time, I've been following a very restrictive diet, so my bodyfat is low. If anything, I probably need to gain some.

Briee, I've gained a coupla inches in the chest (you measure just under the armpits - not around the bust) and a coupla inches in the hips. These are the areas that have responded the most. My arms are still my weakest area, although I can certainly see a difference. Here are some current pics.

Let me know what you think...


I looooooove your hair. So thick and shiny....I'm dead jealous! The etra eating must agree with your general health, that's obvious.

Clare :)
Me too Clare! Angela, I have always thought your "do" was/is sooo cute!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks Angela, I am definitely going to check this out further. You look great!

Sheesh, if I could only fit in yoga and pilates! Good question!

Angela, you look did you post those pictures???? Now I'm really going to have to check this out, but I think I want just a few more weeks of fat loss with these intervals and then I'll build again. (Baby Fat....yuchhhh). Your arms ARE developing dear:) :) :) , people have to remember we are scrawny armed ectos and I think you really have put some hard work and dedication into this!!!

Yeah Susan, I keep losing in my upperbody and my tush and legs just aren't cooperating!!! BUTT we're getting there, slowly!! }( }( }(
And isn't it hard to give up those intervals...I think they are mega addicting. I'm going to keep them and try harder to lift heavy.

There goes Debbie again, jumping into this ecto thread!!! are somewhat of an ecto aren't ya Deb????


Me, an ECTO??? Don't think so unless Ectos have short stubby legs and arms! I best describe my legs like tree trunks! I won't even go into my mid section which premenopause is not treating well!! I'm trying to figure out how I can lurk/post on the Ecto's thread without YOU knowing. Darn, you catch me every time! Angela, awesome pix! You are lookin' good girl!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Briee!

I'll take it Sooooosan! Na, na, na, na, na Briee!!! I'm officially a part of the group! Yeehaw!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Briee!

Great, Debbie! (How many pushups can you do? Do you at least have a little ab flab?)

Briee, you're not gonna like this, but I was wearing a tank top on this warm Virginia day, and, as I was washing my hands, I noticed...drum roll please...a bicep vein!

Don't feel too bad, though, I'm kind of a vein-y person. I never even wanted one actually. (I'll sell it to you cheap!)
RE: Briee!

Wait...not so fast...miss Debbie. Susan there are rules to follow here that one must not forget.

So can you do pull ups Debbie????...if can't join.

If you CAN do pullups, but also own or can at least name and identify one familiar squirrel who can't do pullups.....your in.

If you Can do pullups and CAN'T name and identify one familiar squirrel that can't do pullups, but you have a friend owning or previously owning a squirrel that can't do pullups, you are in.

Finally, if you CAN do pullups and have absolutely NO affiliation with squirrels of any kind, but know of at least one immediate family member or even a distant relative who has ecto arms thereby not being able to do pullups.......we'll consider you as an affiliate member. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

If your wondering what on earth squirrels have to do with the price of tea in china....ask Susan...she's the one who started this.

Briee (can you tell I'm bored and should really be working out about now).
RE: Briee!

Susan...we must have posted about the same time. AND NO I DON'T LIKE THE BICEP VEIN ONE BIT.....What have you been doing for the last year to deserve this?????? How many years have you been working out? Did your tank top have elastic at the top so as to restrict the blood flow thereby making the bicep vein bulge????? I've tried all this, but no vein. I have huge veins in my forearms and even from my chest running up to my neck, BUT NO BICEP VEIN.

I DESERVE A BICEP VEIN!!! And what do you mean you've never wanted one???? What's wrong with you.....

Hey I'll trade you my "body by jake - firmflex" for your vein??? What do you think shipping would run.....for the vein I mean.

Briee (green with envy }( }( }( }( )
RE: Briee!

Briee, you are a riot! What did you put in your coffee this morning?

You'll be happy to know that the bicep vein is gone. I don't know if it was a figment of my imagination or a trick lightbulb my husband put in the bathroom, or if it was because I had just done S&H bis/tris, but it's gone. Maybe it'll pop up again next week after more bicep work. If it does, I'll send it to you free of charge, shipping included. (Blecccch! I just had a vision of actually sending you a vein. Made me a litte queasy...)

I think Debbie hasn't posted yet because she's too busy asking friends, squirrels, friends of friends, friends of squirrels... about pull-ups.

I think your criteria for honorary ecto-membership are valid, though.:)
RE: Briee!

Oh no Susan....I was really quite happy for you...just green with envy. Now I'm going to have to mourn the loss of your bicep vein and a BIG loss it is ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

Hey have you been reading the thread on the P90X. I'm more than tempted to try this and nothing has ever turned my head except Cathe. Hmmmmmmm VERY TEMPTING. VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY TEMPTING. SHHHHH...They say.....that one will be doing pullups no less after 90 days. We quite possibly could break free from this ecto stigma of wimpiness. Something tells me that it would be a lot easier to just take steriods (oooo I really didn't say that :eek: :eek: :eek: ). Looks way intense.


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