Eat to live has me down to under ...


120 lbs. for the first time in years. And I misplaced the book, I am just following the principles as best I can from the Disease proof website.
This one seems to work for me. I have been on it about 3-4 weeks and down 4 lbs where I couldn't lose anything before. And I am only occassionally hungry.
Worth a try for those looking to lose weight and don't mind giving up most or all meat/dairy/white flour products.

Paula, can you post a link to the Website???

Thanks! And congrats on your weight loss, that is awesome!

Hi Paula,

Congrats on the weight loss.

I'm curious as to whether you've experienced other advantages besides weight loss with this method of eating. I read his book and have definitely been thinking about eating this way, not for weight loss purposes but more so for health and increased energy...

By all means try it but I ate this way for a few months and started losing muscle. Everyone is different and for me, although I lost a little weight, I lost muscle definition as well. I know others did not experience what I did.
I have been concerned aboutthe same thing. But I must say as long as I keep muscle TONE I don't necessarily care about having large musles. Everyone is different in what they want to achieve.
I feel good but I do notice that I have less energy some days.
The wonderful part is being able to eat till I'm full and not really "count" every calorie. I am tired of worrying about everything I put in my mouth. I can eat more food if I eat the high nutrient, high fiber type of food. I will have to continue to evaluate how this diet works for me. So far, it's all good.

Paula, thanks so much for posting this site!! I'm new to vegan-type eating, but am truly enjoying the change. I'm sure I'll use many, many of these recipes- quite happily and healthfully.

Congrats to all who have enjoyed weight loss success! I'm down 75 pounds, and have 60 more to go.

Connie :)

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