~~>E-:STS 6 month Alumni April 18:-D<~~~

Quick post for me. I'm tired and taking the day off from working out. Just hanging out in front of the tv and computer instead then going to bed early. Had a little "disagreement" with my sister yesterday. I was so upset that I had trouble sleeping last night. I think we got things worked out now. It really was just some miscommunication and so we ended up in different parks with no way to contact each other ( we were going to have a bonfire) It ended up being a very chaotic evening and then lots of time of the phone with me getting yelled at:eek: although it was her husband that caused the whole problem.

My coworkers and I had a good "debriefing" over coffee this morning. A couple of them had some frustrating weekends with family members. So we were able to vent and they were able to reassure me that it wasn't my fault and I feel much better so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. My sister can be very frustrating at times.:(

I tried this morning to open Rachael's picture but couldn't get it to open. Going to go have another try.
Okay, it seems easier to easy to stay on the computer than to get up and get ready for bed.

Cendrine I think Low Impact Step is the dvd with that name. It's the dvd made with the smaller step for beginners. The dvd also has Total Body Scuplting on it. Do you have that one?? It's unbelievable how much birthday parties can cost! Glad your dd had fun!

Rachael WOW on your picture! You should be very proud of yourself! The do build here in the winter just alot slower.

Jo How frustrating on the trainer appointment. Now you have to go during TBL! I'm curious to see what they say. How exciting that you're almost finished the rotation! It's such a good feeling to complete a rotation!

I did do Muscle Max yesterday and it was just as hard as ME!! Hard to go back to endurance workouts. Probably a good change for the body to shake things up. Enjoying this rotation so far. I was actually looking forward to trying the 45 minute steady state run today as I miss my running since my PF started last fall. But just didn't have it in me tonight. I'm going to do it on the tm in front of TBL tomorrow.
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Jo, I forgot to mention before, I'm so happy for you that the spinning and the plyo and everything is targeting your desired areas! I love it when that happens! Of course I was thinking, maybe it wasn't the workout types as much as you hitting the gym so much in addition to you working out hard at home! I would probably shrink too if I worked out like you! (sigh...) I have actually found myself daydreaming forward to when the kids are grown and I could just do as many workouts as I want in a day (can you believe I thought of a Cathe step marathon...??? All by myself at home...LOL)

Rachel, I know Pump it up and yes, it's very expensive baby sitting. Of course the kids love it but for that price???? The thing is, with ds being invited to all these parties that buy the entertainment, ds is asking for his own fancy parties. We've been able to get away with doing homemade parties so far and I really don't like the commercialized stuff except for the less trouble for the parent part, but I also kind of like the creativity in prepping one and pulling it off even though I'm always glad it will be another year before I have to do another....LOL!

Kim, I'm sorry you had a misunderstanding resulting in so much stress! I get like you and don't sleep well when things aren't right. I hope you get to catch up tonight and am glad you got to vent already and felt better!
Hi Everyone! I have a meeting to get to so quick post.

Kim, I'm sorry about what happened with your sister. With all you have going on it just adds unneeded and unwanted stress. Hope it is all worked out now. It is hard to go back to endurance workouts after doing workouts like STS or GS. I always find it challenging to go back to a total body workout! It makes me appreciate focusing on a couple of body parts.

Cendrine, I'm laughing about your Cathe marathon! Ha! I've had similiar thoughts and I guess I'm enjoying working out as much as I want whenever I want! Home, gym, stretching at work (;)) I'm doing it ALL! LOL!

Off to the shower. Kim, I will be home in time for TBL (don't want to miss that!). Everyone enjoy the day! Rachel hope you're not working too hard!
Hi Guys,

Power Hour done and done well! Woohoo! I liked it and especially liked the abs section, even though FF excluded that, but I decided to do it anyway, since I am trying to strengthen my lower abs in particular to help my back be less concaved....

I'll probably watch TBL on the internet later on, you guys....LOL! How many more episodes before the finale?

Kim, forgot to thank you about telling me that Low impact step is a dvd title with the smaller step, I don't have that one, so will have to sub, but thanks for clarifying!

Hello Rachel!
So Cendrine, we got you hooked on TBL;) have we? I really don't like the whole gameplay but I find the changes the contestants make so motivating!

I did a slow 4 mile run on the treadmill. My PF felt okay while running but I think I'll go ice it so hopefully it's not sore tomorrow.

An former coworker stopped by the hospital today and commented on how much weight I've gained in the last few years:(:(

How did the appointment go Jo??
Yahoo Cendrine on Power Hour!!! Stronger every day!!! You will really be primed and ready for your trip! (They're flying again now...) ;)

Kim, glad the PF is feeling okay! Hope it continues! ARE YOU KIDDING ME about the co-worker saying that? Well, you didn't need that! Ugghhh!!!

TBL was good! I had a feeling about Victoria and doesn't she look AWESOME??? I think Koli really fueled her! Glad you're joining us on TBL Cendrine. There's just a few more weeks and then the finale is May 18 (I think)

Okay...so I had to skip spinning. The trainer had my legs jello...but what was worse was my ARMS were jello so I didn't think I could even lean on my handle bars without plopping my face into them! So after our session (we finished 30 minutes before spinning so I could spin - HA!) I ate an apple, decided I couldn't spin and went and attempted 20 minutes on the recumbent! That was all I could do! So the session was good. Since I have no issues, no weight to lose, no food problems, no health problems, we got RIGHT TO IT! (Just so you know, I did EVERYTHING she threw at me!) Oh the only problem was at the end, after my arms are fried, she threw in pushups where you have one hand on a medicine ball, pushup then switch med ball to other hand. Well I'm embarrassed to say I could only do 6 on my knees! My arms couldn't HOLD ME! But she said I had great form!

We did push/pull, 3 sets of everything. So it went like this: Step ups on a 14" platform pulling a cable (oh my goodness). Abs on medicine ball (deeply declined) with feet on BOSU (balance my friends...balance). Lat pull downs, dips with feet on stability ball. DEEP side leg lunges on the BOSU (my hams are fried!) You get the idea. Except for lats and chest work every exercise had balance involved. I have another session with her tomorrow and then that's all for freebies. I can't pay for sessions right now. I would love to work with her but just can't do it right now. It was hard enough to get DH to let me to join! But she did push me hard and it would be great to have that for a few weeks! (Maybe for my birthday!) Bottom-line, she said it was great to work with someone like me that was already fit and responded to being pushed and I had good form, etc. I liked her, she was very fit, and very athletic. Good personality and we clicked. So if I ever can buy sessions I would work with her.

Rachel, are you able to work on the new rotation? Hope you're not working too hard!
Wow yall were Chatty Cathe's yesterday;):D

I am working hard but it is welcome to finally get to a point on this job where they are actually ready for us.
I was right on target with my rotation until I got terrible sleep last night. Something must be in the air, Kim because Dh mother was all up in arms about something and it had nothing to do with dh. SOmehow though he was being drug into it. You all know I am an early to bed person but after their first conversation last night I could not get to sleep and then after I we were both in bed and finally asleep she decided to call again. He should have ignored the phone call but he didn't. So needless to say no sleep ended up being no cardio this morning.:mad: But on a happier note I have some serious DOMS in my bi's chest and back from my PUB (up only) yesterday that I was totally not expecting!!!

Jo-Your session with the trainer sounds great!!!! I think everyone benefits from change ups like that! I bet you are going to be sore all over today!
I had to laugh at the Rachel Madaychel!!!I am going to try to figure this whole picture thing out and I might try to take some better ones this weekend face forward. I never take those because I know what I look like from the front.lol

Cendrine-Maybe not now but I am sure your ds will appreciate later in life how much time and planning a home party is.
I am so proud for you that you are really getting to follow this rotation. I think it is pumping up your mind too and that is a great thing!

Kim-I am sorry about the whole sister fiasco. Nothing like a good family fued to keep you awake. Hopefully you and I both can get better sleep tonight. It sounds like I will have my work cut out for me when I get around to being able to do the March rotation. It is going to be weird to have more time to workout...when that time comes.

I better go , now I have used up all my extra time and then some.

Oh my aching legs, abs, arms, chest, back and shoulders! I had to cancel session with trainer today as I forgot we have a dinner to go to so rescheduled for Monday. Also, am postponing my trip to see my mom...I decided I'm going to go be with her for Mother's day so not sure if I'll go week before or after but I know she'll love it if I am home for that. (I'll love it too!)

I got all the new Cathe cardio workouts on my iPod now but haven't got to test them on the TV. You guys you have to get those workouts downloaded so you have them. It's fun to see her on my iPod! Maybe you'll use them and maybe you won't but it was part of your package!!! Go DO IT!

Rachel, you'll sleep good tonight then won't you! Oh, hate that when I don't get my sleep! Don't stress missing your workout! You would probably feel worse if you'd done it and not had enough energy. Glad PUB gotcha! :p

Hello Kim and Cendrine! TTYL!
Hi Guys,

I did LIC timesaver cardio instead of Low impact step, it clocked in at about 50 min so I had time for abs and back stretches without feeling rushed. I'm doing well, it looks like. I really do want to get rid of all the discomfort in my back, it's better but there is still stuff there. Maybe during my time in Switzerland the rest will help complete the healing (I hope)

Jo, that training session sounds like a sts workout in it's own right! Can you just do that workout for a few times this month and then see your trainer again for another month of ideas? Or I guess if I went again as soon I might alternate some of the moves that are new in the weeks to follow to kind of milk it for all its worth. I love freebies! Way back when I was going to the gym they had a promotion of getting one free session with a trainer and I had a friendly african american guy who I enjoyed, but the following sessions would have been 80.- per session! Who has that kind of money to spend every week? I guess it's all about priorities, I find Cathe works me just fine until I get independently rich....LOL!

Kim, I am so sorry your coworker had to point out your weight gain! People can be rather clueless and insensitive! My brother is that way too. Makes me all prickly! Yeah, you did get me kind of hooked on TBL but I don't know when I have time to catch up with this week's episode... It is inspiring, as you say, even though I'm sure you and me agree that loosing 2%body fat in less than a week is not a healthy challenge to pass out to these guys. When I did STS and BFFM I only lost an average of half % per week, of course I did not work out 6 hours a day. But it's amazing to see what these guys accomplish. I loved watching the pool challenge with Sunshine in the lead and then everyone else helping the people on the bottom to come in before Melissa. Don't know what that says about me....:confused::eek:

Rachel, I'm glad your workouts are getting you results even if they are shorter! Did you ever get to experiment with the stains this past weekend? Sorry about the MIL issues that kept you up! We have our bedroom phone on silent, so no one can wake us up (not sure if that is a good thing but it has minimized our interrupted sleep since we go to bed early as well some people still feel ok to call even though for us it is bedtime....)
Good Morning Everyone!!!

DISC 36 DONE!!!! Woohoo!!! I had a great workout too! I believe tomorrow is KB and I'm officially done but I'm spinning tonight and water aerobics so we'll see if I have any energy left! LOL!

It's been Friday everyday this week so I'm disappointed that it's still only Thursday! ;) I found out yesterday that there is a Lululemon outlet store about an hour north so I would really like to drive up there and see what's there! (So it's about 1/2 way between us and Vancouver BC)

Cendrine, I was wondering yesterday how long your trip is to Switzerland (how many hours of travel?). Hope that will be okay on your back and you won't be uncomfortable. You are making great improvements! I'm so happy for you!

Off to the shower!
Hey Everyone!

I should have done a plyo workout but wanted less impact for leg workout so I did disk 3 instead. I was conservative on the weights but found going down to the floor to pick up the weights for the ball squats and papel lunges was too deep for my knee.... But other than that I think I did ok.

Jo, too bad it's only thursday for you.... LOL! I'm quite ready for my Friday...!
I got my hair cut today (7 inches off....) I always wait waaaay long before I go in and then I need something serious! lOL I will have to get used to using less shampoo and brush with less momentum... because the brush will be brushing air long before I realize I'm through already...LOL It's nice to have it shorter again althoug I love it long too.
The in air time for Switzerland is 11 hours, it shouldn't be too bad, sitting has not been bothering my back, it's more the bending over and lifting that has been giving me issues, so I think I'll be ok. Thanks for your concern!

Hi Rachel and Kim!
Good Evening Gals!

Sorry there was no checkin for me this morning...It has been a really busy week and to top it all off dh got really sick yesterday. He was running a fever and breaking several times yesterday and today. He is such a trooper though. He went to work both days and we laid about 10,000 square feet in carpet. I think actually a little more than that actually. I can only imagine if he had been well yesterday we might have carpeted the other half of the room too!

I did get to do my work out this morning and it was a good cardio and leg workout. PLB up only! I forgot what a good workout that was. I think it is going to get me too.

Jo-WOOOOHOOOO! Way to go on sticking with it and getting it done! It feels great to have finished , huh?
I wish we had a lululemon here but I do not think I have ever seen one. And now you say you are near an outlet!!! Lucky! LOL

Cendrine-Wow if I cut 7in off my hair would be at my ears! But if your pic is pretty recent then you still have a good but of hair left.
Sometimes the plyo is just too much so I am glad you did disc 3 instead.

Hey Kim!

Well I am going to try to get some extra zzz's so I can push through the final day of the week!
Friday is here finally , Jo & Cendrine!


FUN FUN FUN!! I'm probably driving you guys crazy, but tonight was the FUNNEST ever! Great spin class from 5-6; then took GF and helped her work abs and start using weights then at 7 went to water aerobics. It was a HOOT! I felt like I was at summer camp! Then after water aerobics we went and sat in the therapy pool which has jets and pushes you around the pool. Then we went and sat in the sauna. I didn't get home until 9:30. I'm telling you it's crazy FUN! I so wish you could all share this with me!!!

So no kickboxing tomorrow as we signed up to do the Spin-a-thon Saturday morning for Diabetes. I'm going for it! They are moving the bikes down to the front lobby and we're going to spin away!!

Cendrine, 7 inches??? I'll bet your hair looks cute! Oh and hope your legs are talking to you tomorrow! GREAT job on Disc 3! You are doing GREAT on this rotation!

Rachel, oh my goodness, I hope DH is better! It sucks to work when you're sick! What a trooper he is! I hope you don't catch it! I'm so glad you're enjoying the Pyramids!

Okay, I'm off to bed! YEAH FRIDAY!!! Hello Kim!
Good Friday Morning!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Oh how I love Fridays for so many reasons! I am sure you all feel the same way. I decided since I did not have to make lunch this morning that I would go ahead and do all of the boxing workout instead of stopping at 5 like I normally have to. I felt in top shape! It is going to be a great day.

Jo don't stop telling us! I love all the fitness fun!!!!!

DH is still sick. Thanks for the well wishes!:(


Good morning everyone! Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday everytime I looked someone else was on the computer. DD was playing games in the afternoon and DH was doing some work that needed done for today. I'm thinking soon we will need a second computer. Maybe as a family Christmas gift:rolleyes:

Yesterday I only worked a couple of hours and then had some vacation time! It was so nice to leave early. We have to use up our vacation time by the end of April and I had 5 hours left. I picked yesterday as the kids were getting out of school early and then they have today off. I used my vacation time wisely by going for groceries, picking up the new vacuum, going to parent-teacher interviews and working out. LOL

I did the workout on the schedule Power Hour (except abs) and 40/20, my goodness I was exhausted!!! I'm not sure what I"ll do today it's supposed to be a rest day but I took a extra rest day on Monday so trying to decide whether to skip the rest day. BUt my body is tired!!! Also thinking of switching days around a bit and doing an easier workout today. Week 2 of the March rotation looks like a killer!

Went to the school for parent teacher interviews yesterday, saw my sister at the other end of the hallway and she walked away from our family:rolleyes: I have 2 sisters (we're identical triplets), the three of us and my mom are all very close and spend alot of time together. This sister is the one that tends to have temper tantrums, and can be quite self centered. She also can be very illogical. Most of the time there are no fights because none of us like conflict and we all just kind of do what see wants. This was really just a big miscommunication not a fight. She and her family ended up at the wrong place for a family dinner due to miscommunication, forgotten cell phones, et. It was all by accident and no one did anything on purpose. We've all apologized profusely (although it was really her husband's fault but we all felt bad that it happened) yet I've never seen her so angry, I really think part of this anger is directed at me because we are moving. Right now we're 2 blocks from her and we're moving to about a 25 minute drive. I'm really not sure what to do about it. She's so angry that she won't even speak to me which is the first in 41 years. My other sister said said she'll spend time with her over the weekend and give her a chance to talk.:(:(

Today is hair appt for me, going for a tour of the new school with the kids' and then to the hockey game in the evening.

Sorry, very self absorbed post from me;

Rachael You seem like you're really enjoying your rotation! Hope DH is feeling better soon, I guess it's hard with your job to take sick days. I'm sure he's glad it's the weekend.

Jo Good luck with that spin a thon tomorrow! Keeping sharing your gym stories, I love hearing them! CONGRATS on finishing STS!!! I'm sure your mom will look a Mother's Day visit! Ohh, a Lululemon outlet store, that could be interesting! I still have $57 on my gift card to use.

Cendrine wow 7"! I'm sure you're feeling much lighter today! How are the legs feeling??
Decided to jump into week 2 of the March rotation but switch the first and second workouts. So just finished CCC and it felt great! Going to head to the shower and then to my hair appointment.:D
HAPPY HAPPY Friday!!! Yeah, it's finally here! Woohoo!!! Boy did I sleep good last night. I think I was out when my head hit the pillow and when I woke up I was "who dere? who dat? what day is it?" LOL! I think I woke up in the same position I went to sleep in! Today was weigh day for GF and she hit 88 lbs! She is ecstatic! The original goal was 100 so it is awesome she is so close (she's actually shooting for 115 lost). She said she hasn't weighed where she's at today since high school!

Rachel, hope DH isn't too sick! Hopefully he'll get to rest this weekend! You sound on top of the world today! GREAT DAY!

Kim, don't feel bad about posting to us about sister issues. We're all here for each other for however we can be support one another. I'm sorry that you're dealing with this and hope you'll all get it worked out soon. Sounds like you're the one that's more open to everything and wanting to keep peace. Just like other stresses, writing it down helps to get it off your chest so you can vent to us all you need to! Hopefully your hair appt will make you feel better! Nothing like a little pampering to make a girl feel good!

Back to work...hello Cendrine!
Hi Girls,

Jo, you crack me up! You are such an energizer bunny! LOL! I love hearing all you do at the gym too, so keep the stories coming! How long are you going to spin for tomorrow? Sounds like fun for sure! Congrats to your friend! So inspiring! She is really on a roll, and seems like she isn't going to stop any time soon!

Kim, I have episodes with my twin sister just like you do with yours....:rolleyes: Trying to be the reasonable and mature party, but it's hard sometimes. Don't feel guilty for moving and doing what is right for your family, she'll get over it, I'm sure. But I think I can imagine what it feels like in the meantime, the pressure and keeping to try the guilt away is hard. Even if you know it's nothing you did! I don't know why it is so hard for me, but that is how it is....
Yep, I do feel a lot lighter. And less cold! LOL! I ususally let my hair dry by itself, so the longer it is the longer it takes time to dry and the longer I am cold, well, it was dry in a jiffy today....LOL! It comes to just about chin lenght, so I am only barely able to make a pony tail for workouts, but it will grow fast, it always does when you are in no hurry for it to grow, but when you do want it to grow it takes forever... The hairdresser encouraged me to grow my hair for locks of love. Anyone ever done that before? She said I would have to grow my hair for 18months straight to get it the right lenght. I can go without a haircut for a year, but I don't know if I want to go 18 months.... We'll see... Sounds like a noble idea anyway.

Rachel, nice job on your boxing! I'm glad you are feeling so well even with dh sick.

I had sts kickboxing on schedule for today. I managed surprisingly well, it didn't feel as high impact as I was fearing. The ab section on that is very different and I'm already feeling it in my obliques, and my legs are talking from yesterday, so now I just need to work my upper body hard in HSCH tomorrow and I'll be all set for the weekend! LOL!
Good Morning All! I'm up early as I'm all excited about going to the Spin-A-Thon! We had a weird weather front come in last night which gave me a migraine so I was concerned it would hamper my plans today. But alas, I took some migraine medicine, went to bed early and I'm up rip roaring and ready to go! So just wanted to say Hi and I'll check back with you all later today!

Cendrine, a gal at work just recently donated her hair to locks of love. I don't remember how long she was growing it but it was a while. Now she has it in a really cute short do. Her hair was curly so I think it took even longer! :D

Okay, I'm off to get some breakfast and then the shower. Hope you all have a fun weekend planned!

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