
Active Member
I keep checking, every day, hoping to see some sort of up-date on the DVDs...and nothing. I don't care WHAT the information is, ANYTHING will make me happy! LOL! Give me a tidbit! A weeeee bit o' news! Please?

Sure would appreciate it!


I recently emailed SNM and asked the same thing. They said the DVDs should be ready (possibly) byt the end of the month, but they weren't sure what the cost would be to people like me who missed the presale on them.

Oh Geeeeeeeeez......that seems SO FAR OFF!! :( Whine whine whine...... and that's only POSSIBLY?

Pooooooooooooooh!! :(

I'm jealous...

...of all of the people with the new tapes
I'm trying to be patient but it's not one of my better virtues!!! It's been a long time since I ordered May 1st at 00:05, and I'm getting discouraged and losing motivation...PLEASE HELP KEEP ME MOTIVATED
I'm with you Carol, ANY information is better than none. I'd like a weekly update or SOMETHING to know I'm one day closer to Cardio Kicks like the rest of the bunch!

The authoring of DVD's is complete and we're now working on getting the glass masters made.This is not an easy process and all kinds of technical problems can happen. Hopefully,we will know something more in a few days and we promise to let you know just as soon as we do.
Thanks for the update, SNM...

...even if it doesn't bring us any closer to sweating with Cathe, it does help make the wait easier
Thanks for the Update!!

Thank you Thank you THANK YOU! News, even if it's not what we REALLY want to hear, is still news and it helps us wait it out.

Hopefully next time, there won't be such a disparity in when the DVDers get their workouts (compared to the VHSers)?

Thanks again!
Any Update on the DVDs?

We all can't wait any longer :)))

...SAY THEY'RE COMING SOON!!!! I think I'm gonna croak if I have to go through one more check-in where everyone is talking about their aching arms and legs after those intense new workouts!!!!
Any info is always appreciated! esp. if the info is that they're on their way

I Caved

I caved in today and ran to Collage to pick up Circuit Max. Now I have to wait until Saturday to try it because I don't have another cardio day scheduled until then. Waaaaa!
Don't feel bad Joni!

LOL! I changed my order to VHS on Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks so I could at least get them! LOL! I caved too! I just couldn't wait any longer. Oh...and those two workouts are AWESOME!!!!!! Good GRIEF I love them!!! LOL!


I'm holding out...

...but getting weaker by the second!!! I'm afraid that I'll change my order and the next day they'll say-it's on the way
I'm hoping that we hear something soon, so many are singing the praises and getting some awesome results. I need a break from the PS series, MIS, and bodymax, and nobody else cuts it!
PLEASE SNM-not meaning to be a pest-but ANY NEW INFO OR UPDATE?!?
Just wanted to bring this to the top. Could you please give us an update on DVD's? Thanks!
I've been checking your thread all day!

But no message has been posted. :-( I am so ready for the DVD's to come, I can't hardly stand it.

Please, SNM, update us as to how things are going. I understand you probably can't name a date yet, but we just want to hear something, anything to make us feel like we're getting closer! :)

RE: I've been checking your thread all day!

I check it every day too. :-( In a way, I'm glad I'm sick right now, otherwise the waiting would KILL me! LOL! I sure hope we hear something SOOOOOOOOOON!!

The second we know something new we will post it. We know it is frustrating for everybody who ordered the DVD's, but we're doing our best. Double layer DVD's, which all of these are, can be tough sometimes for the replicator to make masters. They're working very hard on it. This is all new technology and they just don't have all the kinks worked out yet. :)
Thanks SNM

We understand that you can't say when they'll be ready yet but it just makes the waiting easier to hear something, ANYTHING about the DVD's just so we don't feel like we've been forgotten. ;-) Even if you post just to say, "the DVD's look pretty" I don't care. For some odd reason it just makes me feel better. :)

Thanks again for your quick reply!

Thank you!!! I wish we understood more about this new technology. I take it that it's the cutting edge of DVD tech now? I'll just stop worrying about it and let the experts handle it. :) I'm sure that when we do get these DVDs, they'll be well worth the wait! :)

Doesn't it seem like we've been waiting forever!!!! It can't be too much longer. I seem to recall they said August or September when we were pre-ordering and we are almost into October. Daily briefings WOULD be nice though(hint, hint). All this waiting is sort of taking the excitement out of the whole process ~ for me anyway. It will be anti-climactic when they do announce! Hang in there!

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