Down and Out in Fatland


Hi Ladies,

First let me tell you how much I enjoyed seeing everybody's beautiful pictures from the road trip. It sounds, and looks like everybody had a blast! Everybody looked beautiful, healthy, and fit. I loved seeing all of the pics of Cathe and crew. :)

My summer has been very lazy. Of course it's hotter than hell, I haven't been running that much. I have been eating everything in site, and have been doing Cathe sporadically. Last week I did HSC, and LM, for the first time in a while.

I have packed on 10 pounds in a couple months. It's so distressing. Just when my legs were looking leaner, just when my stomach was getting flatter---I self sabotage. Every morning I have good intentions, by the end of the evening I have blown the day with pigging out and no exercise.

I want to join a check-in, maybe go slow with Cathe, start doing a DVD 3 times a week. Part of my problem is I am in this Summer mode, staying up too late, being lazy, etc.

I feel so big. I don't want to show my face at big outing a lot of our friends are going to this week. Isn't that pathetic?

Thanks for letting me go on and on! Just checking in to whine a little. I haven't been posting because I haven't been working out consistently.

Oh, Lori! I think we've all been there. Maybe you should join our August "no sweets challenge". It definitely helped me in June, and it's amazing the difference it makes when you have all the ladies to account to. I can't count the number of times I had the cookie bag open and closed it up again without taking one, because I didn't want to have to say "I ate cookies"!:)

Your idea of starting back slowly with Cathe is a good one. I haven't run in a while either, it's just been too hot for me. I'd rather run in a blizzard than in humidity.

You can do it! You just need to convince YOURSELF that you can do it. We'll be behind you 100%:D
Hi Lori. Well, I'm glad you posted. Many of us go through these up and down times, and hopefully we have more ups times! It's ok if you are not doing Cathe workouts regulary. Still check in with us. I find that these women are SO insipiring that it makes we WANT to work out, not because I should, but because I really want to! We are here for you to whine to any time!
Is there a time that you have the most energy??? If there is, I would try to pick this time to work out (if at all possible). Commit to just doing 15 minutes. That is what I do. Then if I still feel like continuing I do, and I would say 95% of the time I wind up doing the whole workout. It is just getting started that is the hard part!
I look forward to hearing more from you!
Hi Lori,

I have been exercising for a long time and I had fallen off the wagon a few times. You need to forgive yourself for your mistakes and star again. Don't give up, start slowly and check the forums everyday, that motivated me, the workouts some ladies do make look lazy. Also remember that even if work out 3 hours a day if don't clean your diet, you can still pack it the pounds, I have been training very hard and still gain 5 pounds. I am now cleaning up my diet once again and adding more cardio to kick those pounds, in the end I will always win. The forums keep me on track. Every morning when the sun comes out, you have a brand new opportunity to begin again more intelligently!

Join Us in the Relentless Pursuit of Healthy and Fit Living!
My niece gave this to me a few days ago, laminated to go on my fridge. I think these are sage words and, if you heed them, you will know that the only thing you need to do is....:)

Begin Again

One of the best things we can do in our lives is this: Begin again.

Begin to see yourself as you were when you were the happiest and the strongest you've ever been.

Begin to remember how natural it was when you were a child-to live a lifetime each day.

Begin to forget the baggage you have carried with you for years: the problems that don't matter anymore, the tears that have cried themselves away and the worries that are going to wash away on the shore of tomorrow's new beginning.

Tomorrow tells us it will be here every new day of our lives; and if will be wise, we will turn away from the problems of the past and give the future-and ourselves-a chance to become the best of friends.

Sometimes all it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself-
Begin again

Just start all over, Lori. You can put ten pounds on and then take them off. It's tougher to do the latter but it can be done. Do it and we'll be here to love and encourage you every step of the way. All you need is a course of action and we want to know what it is, but we already know you can. :)

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Hi Lori,

I totally understand. This summer has been dreadful to workout in. I have no air conditioning up here in Vermont. My running has been dreadful. I just ran my first 1/2 marathon in June and I signed up for another in September. And the last time I ran was almost two weeks ago. This is not good!!!

I also joined the No Sweets Challenge. You should come and check in over there.

Hey Lori - I'm right there with you. I've been dealing with a knee injury since July, major health problems in my family and a busy summer with the kids. I've been eating too much because I'm so stressed and have cut back on my workouts - not a good combination.

We're going on vacation to the beach next week and I wanted to lose 5 pounds by then. Instead, I gained 5. I feel like a blob and don't even care sometimes.

Lori, I've been there and I'm sure a lot of us here have been there too. When it's hot and humid it's very hard to get our butts to exercise. I did Low Max on Monday and the heat index was about 110 degrees. I think I had to pause the DVD after every interval to drink water, dry out all my sweat, and get my heart rate down enough so I could start the next interval; and I had my A/C full blast and a fan running! Yesterday I cheated on my diet too, because TTOM is approaching, but I don't feel bad. I've been doing great today and I'm going to exercise today too. You have to start again with everything. You can start eating clean again tomorrow (don't wait until Monday to start), but take it a little bit slower with the exercise. Another thing, you don't have to be working out and eating clean all the time to post in here. In fact, when you're not doing everything right, post, we'll help you to get back on track again.

It's so hot today I'm not going to run. I'm going to do a warm up, followed by the low max blast premix and a total weight training workout with abs. I love to find excuses not to workout, especially when it's hot and humid, but I know that if I slack one day I will do it the next day and the following day and then I'm back on the sedentary track again.
The no sweets check in is fabulous. Once you get a grip on sugar, not just in sweets, but in all the places it lurks, it is amazing how many fewer cravings arise, even around the really PMSy part of the month!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Hi Lori,
Its good to see you back! I knew you were taking a break for the summer but maybe you decided to come back early!
I think that 10 lbs will drop when you get back into your routine and you may think that you have lost alot of your endurance but you will be amazed at how fast you get all that back.Don't think that you have "stopped", you just put yourself on "pause" for a while.
I also know what you mean about the summer monthes. They are brutal but so much fun! Why can't we just enjoy it like we should?
Maybe next year, (although you may be on an awesome plan by then)and you could probably start this now. Why don't you get up bright and early before the kids wake up and do a CTX workout? Or a 30 min run. I bet you will start your day out right and make some wiser choices as the day goes by.
Anyway, I am glad your back
Ladies, thank you so much for your words of encouragement. They mean so much to me. I am glad to be back! I am glad to see so many familiar posters, and new posters too!

I know I am in a slump. I am the same person I was 10 pounds ago. I just need to get my butt movin'!!

Today I did LowMax. I love that workout. I ate sensibly today, and the kitchen is now closed for the evening. :)

Thanks again for your support.

Hi Lori,

I don't think we've spoke on the forums. I just wanted to tell you that I've been there many times, I think we all have. We can't seem to drum up the motivation to move. Congrats on doing LowMax today!!!! Isn't that a great w/o. It is a real calorie burner according to my HRM.

This forum has given me so much support. You can count on these people to console you or kick you in the butt whichever is needed at the moment.

Look forward to talking to you more.

I've been wondering where you've been, haven't seen you post in awhile. Just reiterating what others have said, to not spend any time beating yourself up, it only makes you feel worse and puts you farther away from motivated (and for me, with my hand further into the bag of chips).

One thing I've tried when I've found myself both eating out of control and not working out at all is to tackle one of them first, then follow up with the other. For me, starting with a week getting committed to clean eating works best. I plan my meals out, go to the grocery store with an extensive list, let myself recall the clean foods I love, really make a big deal out of it (it can sort of be invigorating to think of it like a fun project). The fantastic feeling of eating clean for a week leads right into a motivation to begin exercising.

You'll reconnect with your motivation - but not until you stop beating yourself up! Do that first! Good luck!
Jane and FFD, Thank you both for responding, and for your support. I am already feeling motivated with all of this wonderful encouragement! :)

Jane, I think you are right about the calorie burn on LM. My stomach was growling like mad a little while afterward.

FFD, You are right about the mind thing and clean eating. I need to get into a *zone* so to speak. I am just fed up at the moment. Kind of hit the bottom where I can't take it any longer. A couple months ago I decided I would eat whole, delicious foods in small portions. That worked for a while, and I was actually losing. Well, I continued to eat real butter, chocolate, french bread, and bacon--but not in reasonable portions. I decided not to weigh myself either, which was a huge mistake for me. When I finally stepped on the scale I had gained a solid 10 pounds. I haven't been this weight since I had my son 2 years ago.

I am looking forward to not stuffing myself, and having a consistent exercise schedule. You know, I feel so good when I am working out and eating right. It's not the easiest, but I feel good doing it. I feel miserable when I am lazy and eating mindlessly.

I really hope I fit into my dress for the symphony this Saturday night. I think I may have to buy some shapewear. :)

Thanks for letting me go on and on! :) And thanks again for the kind words. *See* ya around. :)

>Where are the monthly challenges posted? thanks


They are on the Open Discussion Forum. Just look for the titles... "No sweets, salty snack...etc". I believe it is a "no sweets challenge" for August.

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