Does anyone else NOT count calories?


I see quite a few posts about people asking how many calories they should eat a day for a certain weight, etc. Am I the only one who doesn't pay attention to calories? I just eat a variety of mainly whole foods, weigh myself once a week, and if I see a trend of gaining that continues over several weeks, I tweak my diet (as in "what I eat," as I don't believe in "dieting" per se).

I think I just kind of naturally cycle my calorie consumption so some days I eat more, and other days I eat less.

Could it be that if you eat mostly natural foods, your body will let you know the amount of calories you need? After all, cave men and women didn't sit around calculating how much they ate. And you know what, I doubt that very many people in any other country of the world count calories either!
I don't count calories either. Some days I eat what I consider to be enormous quantities of food, and others days I barely eat anything at all. Somehow, it all balances out.

I too do not count calories. I do look at labels to see the nutritional info like calories, fat, sugars and protein and I make my right from wrong selections from that. But, I certainly don't have a running calculation on a daily basis of what I eat. I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied. I just make it a point to take in my 5 fruits/veggies a day and eat reasonably the rest of the day. I use to count points with WW but found it to be too much of a mind game. I became a slave to numbers. So...I listen to my body. Losing 80 pounds was not the hard part....maintaining it is. So...I have to do what works for me. I think I do my fair share of working out that a well deserved indulgance should not be something that I get upset over! Somedays I eat better than others...but the full week for me is my overall picture that I look at. Your not alone!
Until recently I did not pay much attention. Calories are still something I do not care much for. I got a program for my PDA and have been tracking protein, carbs & fats. I think if you eat clean that there is nothing to worry about. I have found doing this since Christmas though and with the Hardcore workouts, that I have had to up some protein and carbs that I was not eating before. I lost weight without wanting to. It has balanced itself out though after the initial weight loss. I went for three years without keeping track of what I ate. Mostly just knowledge of what is unhealthy has kept me where I wanted to be.
Diane Sue
I don't count calories and it's refreshing to read that someone started counting to up her weight. :) When I counted, I obsessed and to wanted to lower my numbers even when they were fine. So I quit and I gave away my scale too. About 6 or 8 months (?) ago I went strictly vegetarian and largely vegan and my weight plummeted so I added back some animal protein and was regaining when I developed tinnitus and went from a 6 to a 2 so fast I thought I had a parasite. Nah, I knew it was insomnia and the subsequent lack of appetite but it was freaky. Interestingly I was living at doctors offices and none seemed too concerned even when I dropped two pounds in one week putting me at a scrawny 112 on a 5' 7" frame. I weighed myself at my neice's today and I have gained 3 pounds and I have an appetite. Now I just have to use Hardcore and get me some muscle to go with my skin and bones.:)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I mispent my entire youth counting calories, but those days are long behind me. I can honestly say that I haven't got the slightest idea how many calories I eat in a day. I concentrate now on trying to eat more foods that are good for me and fewer that are not-so-good. I still eat plenty of not-so-good stuff (read: ICE CREAM x( I'm so addicted x( x( ), but I'm forever trying to improve.
Kathryn, not only do I not count calories, I don't weigh and I don't measure. I seem to stay real consistent with my weight; I've worn the same size clothes for years and if my pants start feeling tight, I just adjust for a couple of days. It seems as long as I keep working out I don't have a problem! For the most part, except for an occasional candy bar or piece of cake, I eat a very well-rounded healthy diet.

Bottom-line, I have no idea how many calories I eat or should be eating!

Edited to add: I'm very in tune with my body and I can tell when I need more protein, carbs, vegetables or whatever.

I think I'll jump on this thread to give a different viewpoint. I eat very cleanly but I also have to watch my calories. Over the years I've found I'm not one those who can naturally maintain my weight. For some reason I can eat a large portion of food and just don't get that fullness feeling. I'm so envious of those people who can, for example, eat half a yogurt and put the other half away for later!

However, I don't look at a set number of calories that I need to eat every day to maintain but focus more on an average. My body responds better if I consistently eat under and over my set point. So really I'm eating the same way as those who eat more natural, I just need my 'training wheels' so to speak, to keep me on track.

I've reconciled myself to the fact that I will have to monitor what I eat for the rest of my life if I want to remain at a healthy weight. But honestly, keeping track of what I eat is such a part of my lifestyle now that it's not a burden -- especially if I look at the alternative.

All those posts asking 'how many calories' bothers me too because there's just so many factors that go into figuring out the balance. It took me a long time of trial and error to find mine. I wish it were so easy as posting a message on a message board!
I don't count calories, do not weigh myself and do not measure anything ever!

I eat and stop when I am full. I think, "protein, some carbs, veggies, fruit and yoghurt" and when I've done all that and have been a good girl I break out the coffee and chocolate in the evening!

My weight has been pretty consistent for the last 10 years. If I start to gain a few pounds, I can feel it in my jeans anyway.

Again, as a previous eating disorder sufferer, calorie counting and scales are not sensible ways to live a life. Plus they are very boring and I'd rather save my brain cells for ruminating on other things.

I don't count calories, weigh myself or measure either. Like many have said, I can tell when things aren't right by how my clothes are feeling.

Clare, I am also a previous ED sufferer and am still struggling to convince myself that scales are not sensible. But I'm getting there.:)
Count me in as another person who does not count calories or weigh herself. I do keep a detailed log of my exercise performance each week, and if anything I leave out exercise details that I should keep in (for example, on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the club before my aqua classes I teach, I get in two full sets of 48-52 decline push-ups, and recently I've added in overhand-grip pull-ups; I've not added those into the log although I probably start doing so 'cause I feel so smug about it).

I too spent a ghastly amount of time and energy in my teens, and then later in my '20's, policing the calorie content of each and every bite and jumping on the scale 2-3 times a day, driving myself and my loved ones crazy in the process.

Now - not. I trust that because I know I'm exercising up to my intensity, frequency and duration capacities and I'm getting in a well-rounded cardio+strength+flexibility spectrum, my body with tell ME what it needs and in what quantities by my appetite.

And no, I'm not overfat and in denial. I'm still slidin' into a size-zero pair of jeans after all these years.

I don't count cals or weigh myself anymore. I used to be a chronic dieter who exercised 6 times a week and weighed myself 7 days a week. I'm never going back to that. IMO, dieting leads to a slowed metabolism, cravings for high cal foods and should only be indulged in if there are medical reasons to lose a large amount of weight.

When I eat healthy, I find it unecessary to count, weigh or watch portions. Unlike most people, I limit exercise to 4 - 5 times a week. I do however eat low cal 2 days a week. I don't really know how many cals I eat those days, but I tend to focus on lean protein and veggies that day without any wholegrains. That is the only real effort I make in terms of fat loss. I also have no problem with occasionally cutting down on food and upping the exercise for a week here and there to shock my body or to recover from a holiday of no exercise and too much food.

The anti-diet approach works for me. Dieting on the other hand made me gain weight I had lost again and again. Each time I tried to lose it, the process became harder and harder. I do suffer from hypoglycemia and I think its still one of the side effects of all those years I spent eating 1000 - 1200 cals. I am now totally in tune with my body and my emotions and that has helped me trust myself with food. I went from a size 6 - size 4 without counting cals and have learned to be content with that. I guess I'm kind of happier when I am healthy and well fed than when I am skinny.
I don't count calories, however, I am very aware of what goes into my mouth. I do measoure out serving sizes of cereal, etc. because I watch my portion size. I eat 6 small meals a day and maybe an additional piece of fruit here or there. I stay away from all meat, fried foods or greasy foods, as well as butter and cream sauces. If I eat sugar/chocolate and desserts, I eat them in moderation. I also weigh myself once a week and see if I need to cut back a certain week. I have a certain weight I don't like to see the scale go over and when it teeters at that point, I cut back a bit until it goes back down
Never have, never will - count calories. I do weigh myself once a week to make sure I'm staying within my range.

I'll take that back. I did enter what I ate into Fitday to see if I was taking in enough calories. I was trying to lose 10 lbs and was eating something like 800 calories a day. So the entries helped me to see that I was undereating. What a treat to find that I could eat more, lose weight, and be a happy camper in general.

Now, I just kinda know.

Hi Kathryn,

And nope I don't I am 103 lbs and 5'2" and 45 yrs young, I guess I am at the point now that I don't have to count calories I can pretty much eat what I want, do my workouts, and drink almost a gallon of water every day, I just try to eat as much protein thru the day as possible and eat fruit everyday......
This week while working I ate at Arbys twice, and went out to eat Italian and pigged out lol..... I still weigh every day, don't ask me why its a habit now.....
But the point is now I am just maintaining with weight and trying to get more definition in my butt and abs..
I just had to add that I also measure myself and I do watch my portion size when I am at home and at work but there are time like when I go out to eat, I don't watch portion size, I just try to get my exercise in and my water, water is very important..... I am just glad I am at the point where now I don't have to watch my calories and can pretty much eat what I want, I NEVER EVER go hungry unless I am some where and can't eat right away, I just try to have water handy.... Rhonda:7
Hi Kathryn,
I'm another one that does not count calories weigh myself or measure or eat cleanly for that matter. Still working on it;) But I am consistent with working out and do keep track of them.
Well, I count everything. But I have a mild case of OCD... I have a detailed training log and I'm hopelessly addicted to fitday. However, I don't diet, but eat very healthy. Sorry, I just can't help it....:D
No counting calories for me either. I watch my portions and try to only eat "good fats" and enough complex carbs to work out. I have small piece of chocolate every day. I'm not that good with the fruits and vegetables. I never, ever weigh myself and don't look when I'm weighed at the doctor's. I usually go by how my clothes fit (or don't). I actually have no idea what I weigh but I'm in the right BMI for my height so my doctor tells me. I'll just take her word for it.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
I used fitday for quite awhile and although I haven't weighed or measured anything in years, I have a rough idea of how much of each nutrient I get from long practice. Tracking is very valuable in the begininning stages of a program. From my anorexic years, I can give good estimates on how many calories, fat and such foods have. At this points, it's useful and helps me keep the diet balanced. My diet is very clean but I have favorite indulgances like bittersweet chocolate and dark chocolate peanut butter cups. One of the things that's fun about being underweight is guiltless indulgance. I can eat all three peanut butter cups because I need to. Oh, joy. :) Usually I'd indulge in one and save the rest for another day. My bloodwork showed I was getting adequate nutrition in spite of the apettite loss. It was dreadful to have to force myself to eat though and I'm frankly relieved to be an eating machine again. It's also fun when less fit folk realize I eat like a horse and stay lean because I work it off through exercise and incessant fidgiting. I was looking at cards at a gift shop when I went out to brunch with my neice after yoga today and found one that had an older lady sporting horn-rimmed glasses and brightly garbed matronliness. It read, "You know what I call women who can eat ice cream and cake and never gain an ounce?" It opened up to read, "Bitches." :) I didn't expect that and laughed out loud.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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