
Good morning,

Today is D16 (CST):D

It's still snowing in Germany:confused: what is up with that? It started snowing again this weekend....I can't stand this winter anymore:mad: I need some sunshine! To top things off, it's freezing cold too:mad::mad: I was hoping by the end of Feb, I could run outside. I will be running in the gym! Sorry, for venting!

Have a wonderful Monday and workout. BBL!
Good morning,

D15 and Yoga for conditioning for weight loss with Suzanne Deason 47 min, done!

Have a wonderful workout, girls! BBL!
Good Morning

I woke up feeling slightly better, still tired but I'll get over it once I get my workout in. Today is Burn Circuit 1 again. I seriously doubt i will do anything other than that because I have to work tonight -by my self:eek: No trainer tonight...its ALL ON ME to close:confused::confused: I've made notes and reminders for myself so will see how it goes...I'll be glad when the night is O>V>E>R;)

Samonia-Welcome! Awesome workouts!!!!

Sherry-:eek: on all the snow..i hear shoveling snow burns killer calories. Nice job on your workout.

Belinda-Hang in there girl...spring is just around the corner...nice workout.

Kristina-i LOVE working in the yard during spring time. When we first moved here about a year ago there was a lot of work to do. It was so much fun, this is our first home too(buying that is).

Heidi-I will be doing BC1 in about an hour...I want to go ahead and get it over with, LOL. :p

Did I forget anyone? to start my day! Have a great one guys.
Happy Monday Ladies
How was your weekend? I had a blast. I was out shopping for my birthday.
I got me some workout dvd by amy bento. New working outfits. Hehe... I am pne jappy camper today.

Belinda. can send the snow my way.
Dont worry spring will be here soon.

Sherry. How are you? Any cookies left? What are your plans today?

Hi Amelia. Congrats on your new job. I know you do fine.
i will be joining you and Heidi today. BC 1. Bring it on.

Heloo Heidi. Can you move? Come on now. See you at the gym.

Welcome Somonia!

workout done: these are done at a super slow pace...
sumo sqat w/hip lift -15lbs, 12reps
lunge with posterior fly-10lbs, 12reps
pushups with leglifts, 12 reps on toes
dead lift w/posterior fly, 10lbs, 12reps
lunge w/core rotation(don't like these, very awkward) 20lbs, 12reps
bench press/leg lower, 15lbs, 12reps w/band
squat w/side bend-20lbs, 12reps
forward lean lunge w/dble arm posterior fly-10lbs,12reps
chest fly w/hip lift- 12lbs, 12reps

I was proud to do all the pushups on my toes :) it was a good workout...only burned 200 calories though..oh well, still a good workout.

Hey Allee...glad to hear your joining us! Make it work for Charlene says...she is so motivating during the workouts.
Hi ladies!

Second round of ShovelMax completed this morning, about 12" total. Great workout for the back, biceps and legs. Unfortunately, my scedule called for chest, shoulders, triceps. Oh well.

At the airport waiting to head to Lexington. First flight was cacelled, but at least I knew that before I left home. Waiting for the next one now.

Looks like you are all having a great morning. Hope that continues through the day.
Day 2

I did firm ulimate calorie blaster 30 mins and the abs at the end.
Just trying to stay on track. I feel like im getting the flu. my eating wasnt to bad today but there is room for improvement.

I must try "shovel max" it sounds great!

A new day... new opportunites...
Here to report that I did get in a 2 mile interval run on the treadmill. Needed to make up for the wine with dinner.

Now time to hit the sack. Sorry, no personals. See you tomorrow.
Good evening,

Where is Heidi? Hope you had fun with your workout:)

Sherry - awesome job, on that run today. I hear you on the wine, lol! I am sure, with all that ShovelMax, you burned those cal.

Samonia - great job, on your workouts today.

Amelia - those workouts look like compound exerices? Like it! Yeah, on the pushups! Glad you feel better today.

Allee - when is your b-day? Where did you buy Amy Bento's DVD's? Love her workouts.

Have a great evening, everyone! Good night!

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