Do I need to purchase?


I am looking for advice. I currently own Gym Style Legs, 4DS, both Pyramids, ME, and MM. Plus, I preordered STS. I am wondering do I need Gym Style Chest and Triceps and Gym Style BSB? I hate when I don't have the workouts for a rotation and I see this month Cathe uses all the Gym Styles. What do you think? Is it worth buying since STS will be used for 3 months? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


I don't follow Cathe's rotations but I'm sure you can substitute any upper body work with some version of 4DS strength sections. I have GS TC & BSB, but haven't been doing them as much lately because of the 4DS workouts. (I'm not that disciplined! I sort of do what I feel like doing that day based on what I've done already that week!) Anyway, with STS, I think you'll be OK without the other GS series. (Save a little money! I'm all about that!) Hope that helps a little.


I don't follow Cathe's rotations but I have the GS series and I love them. I have all the dvds you mentioned and have also preordered STS. I guess I love variety but I enjoy the GS upper body work. Back, Shoulders and Biceps is one of my favorites. I like concentrating on a couple of body parts a day instead of doing a total body workout. I feel that I have made some great strength gains with these workouts. I rotate these with my other weight workouts.

I would buy them. Gym Styles are quite possibly the best $75 fitness-related purchase I have EVER made. I think you will see amazing gains, and it will get you ready for STS.

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