Do I need Slow and Heavy if I have PS and Gym Styles


I just got some extra money and I was debating on getting this series.

I have everything else except CTX, which I didn't care for.

Do I really need this since I have P/s and the Gym styles?

Thanks. Help me spend or save my money.
I don't know if you need it, but Slow and Heavy is so different from any of her other weight workouts that if you do get it, it will definitely shake things up a bit. I use it once in a while when I want to shock my muscles. I don't particulary care for Slow and Heavy legs, but I love the upper body work.
I am doing Slow and Heavy for the first time this week and loving it!(haven't done the legs yet). It is very different from PS and GS and I am hoping to shock my muscles (and metabolism). I was on the fence also about it and most people on the forum said go for it. I'm glad I listened.

If increasing muscle mass is a goal for you, than I think you should go for S & H.

While PS and GS are both excellent workouts, I have found that S & H is unsurpassed for building mass and definition in Cathe's repertoire of workouts.

However, I do agree with the other posters in re to S and H legs. I don't care much for it either, but in all fairness, lifting heavy for legs doesn't work well for my body type either. IMO, The upper body work in this series is wonderful, I saw some amazing improvements in my upper body after using this series.

Take care, Lynn M.
I just did this for the first time this week. I did chest/back on Monday Shoulders/Legs on Wednesday and Bi,Tri on Friday. I am still having DOMS in my legs it is awesome!!!!! This was agreat change of pace and I enjoy this.
RE: Do I need Slow and Heavy if I have PS and Gym Style...

I like Slow & Heavy a lot myself, but again if you are not looking to bulk up so much (and rather are interested in toning/definition), I would put that money towards Pyramid Upper Body/Pyramid Lower Body. I get absolutely the best muscle recuitment out of PUB with the resistance band finishing sets!
RE: Do I need Slow and Heavy if I have PS and Gym Style...

I agree with the last post.

I don't have any of the S & H series, and I am doing just great without it. I don't "miss" it a bit. I do find the PUB/PLB a different style workout well worth having, however. If you don't have that one, I would get that and not worry about the other series.

RE: Do I need Slow and Heavy if I have PS and Gym Style...

I love the Slow and Heavy upper body sections , but never use the Lower Body. I got great definition and cuts in my shoulders with that series- results I didn't see with Pyramid Upper Body. On the other side, I think that the add-on stability ball work in both the Pyramid Upper and the Pyramid Lower workouts is unsurpassed. I never use the weight training in that DVD any more, but I use those add-ons frequently, and they've made this one of my most-used DVD's.
RE: Do I need Slow and Heavy if I have PS and Gym Style...

Hmmm... you guys are are getting me motivated to do S&H. You are right the results are unsurpassed!
RE: Do I need Slow and Heavy if I have PS and Gym Style...

Hey Catherine, if you happen to see this, have you seen results from using S & H legs?

Good morning Jazz,

I've learned on this forum and other places, that you need muscular strength, muscular endurance and of course cardio to provide health benefits. I'll talk about the strength and endurnce.

CTX workouts are a cross between endurance and strength.

PS promotes mostly muscular strength. They are designed to be used as formatted, but are interchangeable.

Slow and Heavy promotes Premium muscular strength gains.

Gym Styles promotes muscular strength gains as well.

Sometimes your body gets used to the same old same old, and eventually gets use to the exercises you perform, therefore, not gaining muscle or endurance. So, you need to confuse your body to promote these benefits better. Each DVD has different tempo, counting of reps, etc... that will make your body confused and work better.

Use strength, endurance, and a combination of the two during a one week spand to make sure your muscles recover properly. Or use one of many rotations out there, that will best benefit your body.

My point is, get a variety of workouts. The best quality is of course Cathe's.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

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