Did Cardio Blast this morning and now my knees hurt


Active Member
I loved the workout, but I'm not happy my knees are now bothering me when I go up or down stairs. I imagine the box jumps did it (even though I only used three risers on each side). I tried to focus on keeping the movement out of my joints like Cathe says, but I think I was too worried about not tripping and falling on my face to pay enough attention to that. :confused: Anyone have any suggestions? I'm also thinking my sneakers may have something to do with it. I have running shoes now but I think I'd do better with cross trainers instead (they usually have a wider base, more ankle support and less tread).
How old are your sneakers? I always know when it's time to get new sneaks because my joints start to feel the pressure of jumping or running. I would definetely try some cross traininers rather than running shoes. I really can't do any of the videos in my running shoes because I don't feel like they absorb enough of the impact. To be honest, I don't really even like running in running shoes :)-
I did this exact workout this morning (2nd time in 2 weeks) and hurt my right knee. OUCH! I had to take tonight off---drats. I'm hoping it is a minor thing....
My sneakers are fairly new, but I do think crosstrainers would be better. Now I just have to budget those in--why are sneakers always so pricey? Thanks for the suggestion.

I also think lowering the step might help, since I'm pretty sure it was the box jumps that did me in (that move is something new for Cathe's workouts that I haven't done before). I'll try an 8" (or even 6") step next time.
A mid cut shoe made for the studio is best for this type of workout, or any workout that involves moving in multiple planes. The cushioning is superior and the mid-cut supports the ankle for lateral movement. Avia makes great studio shoes (I do not work for Avia just love their shoes!) which really helps to cushion impact. Even so, I only use two risers under each end of my step for the jumps which raises my heart rate plenty.

While body mechanics and technique play a role in injury and pain, most exercisers wear the wrong types of shoes for their chosen workouts, like running shoes in a step class and the dealbreaker is the expense. However, the investment is worth it - you will feel the difference and your body will thank you!

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