Did anyone use Cathe's step tapes while pregnant?


I'm asking because I'm five months and my doctor said I'm gaining weight to fast. He basically ripped me apart and told me I was getting fat. We have a good relationship so it's fine. So, obviously I need maintain where I am but, I know that's difficult with 4 more months to go. I've gained 15lbs so far. Hopefully, I'll only gain 15-20 more if I'm lucky. I must admit my eating has been terrible Wendy's quiet a bit I hate to admit it LOL. I'm wondering if any of you used step tapes while pregnant? and did it help you maintain? I'm trying to clean up my eating some I know that's where the problem lies. Thanks.

Hi Shanda! Congrats on your pregnancy. When I was pregnant I still exercised to cathe's tapes but I modified as needed (no plyos, lowered step height, no jumping, etc). I watched what I ate but if I wanted something I didn't deprive myself...I just didn't go overboard and use the execuse "I'm eating for two" take over.
It would be a better idea to post this question on the Fit Moms forum and get the experts opinion. Good Luck!!
I used Cathe while pregnant and did most of the moves low impact. I also gained twice as much weight with that pregnancy than with my first one. I really don't think 15 lbs at 5 mo. is too much. You may find that your baby grew a lot during that time and now he/she may slow down on growth. I'm no doctor...just a mom who's been through it:)

Congrats on your pregnancy!

Hi Shanda--

I did Cathe tapes throughout my pregnancy as well. I modified by using the step at a lower level, and using lower impact moves. As far as strength training, I just lightened my weights to what was comfortable as I progressed through the pregnancy. I enjoyed using the CTX series (modified of course)as my regimen.

I don't think your weight gain is that big of a deal either. I did the same thing.. I gained 10 lbs in the first 2 months and then I gained at a progressive moderate pace afterwards. I think alot of it had to do w/ water retention and all of the hormones. I ended up gaining a total of 30 lbs (what my doctor recommended).

Good for you on wanting to continue to exercise!! I had a tough labor and after it was all said and done, my doctor told me that because I was so fit was the only reason I got through it as well as I did. However, PLEASE keep in mind, that you should listen to your body and not push yourself. Don't make exercise a goal to losing weight right now.. use it to make yourself feel healthy and strong. (JMHO.)

Good luck!
I used Cathe's tapes throughout both my pregnancies. I think how fit you are currently will determine how, or if, you should modify. I did no plyo jumps during my 3rd trimester, but other than that I made no modifications at all. My heartrate was always higher than recommended, but I never felt lightheaded or dizzy so it was okay.
Hi Shanda:

don't let your doctor rip you apart. He's only sizing you up compared to a weight gain chart, he's not looking at you as an individual. This happened to me during my fist pregnancy and it was very upsetting, I ended up leaving that OB GYN office and writing them a letter to tell them that I was not some naughty school girl to be treated with the rod, but a person growing a baby who needed nurturing. Of course, I got no reply!!!!

Your body weight gain will follow a pattern specific to your body and this pregnancy, and he should know that. Ignore him and follow your own instincts: if hungry, eat. If not, stay away from the hamburgers!

I did step aerobics up to about month 4, I hadn't discovered Cathe then so I was using Charlene Pricket and did OK, but as I noticed that I was lacking energy to do fly over the top moves, I switched to swimming every day for a mile which kept me in great shape, helped keep stomach muscles toned and also made me feel light and sleek whilst in the water! So good for the soul.

After about month 7, I went back to the UK where I had no access to a good pool so I walked every day for at least an hour and that was great too. I didn't do it for fitness, checking heart rates and all, just to keep moving and get rid of lega and back ache.

So, you can see, that your body will respond differently from one week/month to the next, and you will need to reduce intensity continually, but you do not have to reduce yourself to bed rest either. I disregarded any doctor's recommendations to not raise heart rate beyond a certain level, because I was already in good shape, so Iistened to my body and took my cue.

The weight gain thing sorted itself out just fine, some months a lot, other months none or little: in both pregnancies this was the pattern, result, 2 very healthy babies who are now strapping girls!!

One caveat: Interval max should probably be avoided. Interval training is not recommended for pregnant women, you don't want to reduce the oxygen getting to the baby. But there's no reason to give up on weight training!

Good luck to you and remember to trust your inner voice

Shanda, I'm glad you have a good relationship with your doctor, I personally would have knocked him upside the head with a dumbbell, but I'm just not a doctor fan, especially when they have a chart telling me that I should be identical to the rest of the population. That being said, I gained 60 pounds with each of my first 4 pregnancies and I did cardio stuff throughout the preg's at a lower than usual impact. With preg number 5 I did strength training. In my situation, I had a very hard time doing cardio and would get so winded, but lifting weights was NICE. I continued most everything without modification, I did my squats with 25 pounds (so I dropped my weights a little from the norm) on the BB the day before I delivered the baby and felt fantastic. I had no complaints like the first four pregs. I believe the strength training helped keep my weight in a much lower range, again not that I cared (I only gained 32 pounds with baby number 5, but I lifted religiously and did a little cardio on alternate days). I believe Cathe gained about 35 pounds (read her pregnancy story on this site).

I personally wouldn't worry about your weight gain, but do try to get lots of healthy foods and fresh veggies into your diet. By all means don't do anything workout wise that your not comfortable with and listen to your body.


DISCLAIMER: Always check with your doctor before taking my advise (and if all else fails carry dumbbells in your purse when you go for your next visit) Sorry...I'm somewhat sore and irritable from my workout this morning and in "one of those moods". Many congratulations and best wishes on your upcoming event!!!

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