Deleting posts???

Hi Everyone! Chris and I have just returned from authoring the DVD's today. I decided to do a quick peek online since I have to teach in 5 minutes. I see that this thread has gotten very active and I quickly skimmed through to see what was happening. Without reading them all (due to lack of time right now) I'm fearing that this thread may have taken a negative turn. I'm so very much hoping not. I will not be able to get back online until tonight to read this thoroughly. Until then, I'd just like to PLEASE remind everyone that all comments are welcome as long as they are presented respectfully. I'll be back tonight.
Hi Cathe!!

Hi Cathe!
I hope your class went well.
Actually I think this thread has gone pretty well and don't feel it has gotten too badly out of hand. If you have time please read the entire thread. You'll see where everyone is coming from.
I guess all of us kind of butted in since this is the "Ask Cathe" part of your site but I hope you aren't too peeved at us. We really meant no harm and again, I think it's been fairly civil.
Have a great weekend!
Trevor :)
I, like Lollie, am a member of both sites and a number of other fitness related sites. I've also been working out with Cathe for approximately ten years and LOVE her and her workouts (Hi Cathe!) :)
The thing is, VF is a consumer site that discusses the merits and the downfalls of ALL the fitness related things we do. Cathe's site is geared towards her workouts. There is no agenda about Cathe over there at all - she is pretty much a universal thumbs up...with the exception of the FACT that some have had customer service issues that took a while to resolve. I, personally, have NEVER had a problem with an order from SNM but that doesn't mean that I don't believe it doesn't happen to others. Lollie's situation was unique and I really think she needed to have the help that maybe she could only access here. Others turn here first because they are not regulars here and don't know the preferred procedure.

I saw that a few posters at VF made a few comments about this site and I also saw that WWWendy immediately asked that it not be discussed at VF. I guess, that like in this discussion, people did just type out their frustrations and maybe wish they hadn't.... I don't see the same thing here....I have on many, many occasions heard such horrible things said about VF members and blanket statements about how the members are there and I really don't understand it. I don't think that blanket statements about members of this forum should be made, either....There are so many different personalities that's just too limiting...VF is a consumer research, fitness topic only website. There are complaints when there are problems from ANY vendor (Goodtimes ring a bell? LOL)but there are also gushing reviews and enthusiastic chats about how much we love our workouts. There are also other topics such as today there is sadness about the death of a popular fitness instructor, Scott Helveston, who was killed in Iraq....

I know many don't understand how some of us buy so many different instructors workouts and that may be a difference between VF and here. The typical VFer probably has hundreds of dvds and videos and it can be overwhelming sometimes....We're vidiots :) I have every single one of Cathe's workouts - mostly on dvd but would you cringe to know I own a total of about 500 workouts? (sometimes I do) ;) I have to say, Cathe's are in more frequent rotation than most but I do others.

I guess what I'm trying to say is we have different focus on these different websites but its all about our love for home fitness. It's okay if someone doesn't like KPC and someone else does or someone thinks the tall step is worthless while another thinks its the best thing since sliced bread....And really, isn't it okay to pose a valid quesion about whether or not posts are being deleted, too? I've been around this site for years (though I don't post too much) and I've not found deleting threads to be a typical response but I do understand SNMs point to some degree. I think emailing the poster when their thread is deleted would be a nice solution to hurt feelings.. I really don't think that the original question was asked because the writer doesn't like Cathe - it was just a question.

So, I guess the thing is - "can't we all just get along"? There's no right or wrong here just someone wanting to ask a question. I wish that the bashing about both sites would just stop immediately because both are very special sites for their own special reasons.
Karen :)
Thanks Bobbi! I think we can, too! LOL

I have to admit, as much as I love my variety, that sometimes I do wish for the simple days when I just had a few. There are definitely days that I just stare at all the workouts ;) Basically, I tend to just rotate cardio, weights and core (pilates, yoga, bosu, lotte berk etc)and choose from each category. I can go with the flow or my mood that way. I can't wait for Cathe's new ones to get here so I can add to the mean mix haha
Karen :)
As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life and that's taking variety to a whole new level! I'm excited too. I can't wait until they make the big annoucement that they are ready to ship. Once I discovered Cathe, I phased out all the others I used. I used to run quite a bit but foot injuries have me running just a little and that's one of the reasons I can't wait to have the new stuff.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Cathe, I have the utmost respect for you and Chris and all the hard work you do, and I am the guilty one on here who made what could be construed as a blanket statement. I was peeved that threads are started over at VF that bash you, and I reacted instead of responded. My observations are my own and I won't retract them because they are how I perceive things over there, but I could have worded them differently, and if the wording I used offended you, I apologize. I have so much respect for the hard work you all do, and for the way you conduct yourself on this forum. What else can I say? :)

deleted by author

sorry I was going to post but have had my fill.........
Trevor :)

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read and respond to our point of view on deleting threads. My only regret is that it has caused such an uproar. It is obvious that our decision to delete certain threads, and/or the manner in which we choose to delete them, will be met with approval or disapproval. We accept that and are even fine with people voicing their approval or disapproval. We only ask, as we always have, that it is done constructively and respectfully.

Thank you for sharing your views, comments, and/or support while adhearing to this policy, and also thank you to those who have acknowledged that perhaps they have stretched the limits of this policy. We appreciate all efforts made in keeping this a happy and healthy supportive environment.

Since I think that there is not much more to be said or gained from this thread, I'd like to ask that we simply take a deep breath, move on, and enjoy a new day. Ahhhh, I feel better already:)

Thank you all again, most graciously, for you loyal support :)
Bravo Karen!

You said it all SO well!

The ONLY point that I would emphasize is something you alluded to, and that is that VFers have this sometime-habit of ranting about Cathe-ites, and I truly don't see that happen here, as you said ("I saw that a few posters at VF made a few comments about this site and I also saw that WWWendy immediately asked that it not be discussed at VF. I guess, that like in this discussion, people did just type out their frustrations and maybe wish they hadn't.... I don't see the same thing here....").

Perhaps it would be helpful if, over at VF, other members besides the wonderful WWWendy -- like you, maybe, since you are SO eloquent -- chimed in to ask folks to stop the destructive chatter about Cathe's "educated crowd." What is said about us often -- that we are a cultish group who doesn't tolerate any dissent about our beloved leader -- just isn't the truth, and it is really divisive and hurtful and pointless for another fitness community to lob those charges at us. How nice it would be if BOTH communities felt that each admired the other, so that members would feel completely free and comfortable to visit back and forth. :) Kathy S.
RE: Bravo Karen!

Hi Kathy,
I responded to your post in the Ask Cathe section, too - and have to admit I was a little putoff by some of the things you said there but maybe we aren't so far apart at all :) I think its normal to get protective of the forums that you frequent - its where your friends are! :)
I really appreciate your kind comments and maybe I DO need to step out of my shell sometimes and speak up when I see these type things on ANY site - I did it here haha I'll try to "step up to the plate" more in the future!
Karen :)

>You said it all SO well!
>The ONLY point that I would emphasize is something you alluded
>to, and that is that VFers have this sometime-habit of ranting
>about Cathe-ites, and I truly don't see that happen here, as
>you said ("I saw that a few posters at VF made a few comments
>about this site and I also saw that WWWendy immediately asked
>that it not be discussed at VF. I guess, that like in this
>discussion, people did just type out their frustrations and
>maybe wish they hadn't.... I don't see the same thing
>Perhaps it would be helpful if, over at VF, other members
>besides the wonderful WWWendy -- like you, maybe, since you
>are SO eloquent -- chimed in to ask folks to stop the
>destructive chatter about Cathe's "educated crowd." What is
>said about us often -- that we are a cultish group who doesn't
>tolerate any dissent about our beloved leader -- just isn't
>the truth, and it is really divisive and hurtful and pointless
>for another fitness community to lob those charges at us. How
>nice it would be if BOTH communities felt that each admired
>the other, so that members would feel completely free and
>comfortable to visit back and forth. :)
>Kathy S.
RE: Bravo Karen!

Hi Kathy. I just wanted to let you know that I did post in the latest thread started at VF before Wendy posted. Here is a copy of my post:

We also have to remember that a lot of Cathe's members are VF members also and I would hate to see any feelings hurt.

The reason why opinions are more neutral here is because we are a consumer group. Plus, VF isn't owned by a company like Cathe, The Firm, Joyce Vedral, etc. I think it's a norm with all of these websites to have some members who are totally dedicated and they will defend the workouts that they love like they would their own families.

Debbie Stout
RE: Kathy!

I totally agree!!! I think sometimes the positive outcome of tiffs like this is that people actually DO come together stronger in the end and it forces people who visit regularly but rare post'ers (okay...lurkers LOL) like ME to post :p
Makes me want to start posting more about on topic things haha
Karen :)

>You're absolutely right on all counts. We're really of one
>mind here. I'm a big admirer of VF and my sole and entire
>point, not really made as well in my other emotional post, was
>better made by you. Two great, industry-leading communities
>like ours really need to be supportive of each other in every
>Kathy S.

I'm a long time VFer that sometimes lurks at this forum. I didn't reply to this thread earlier since I did not read the bad customer service thread for Cathe. So I couldn't comment on that thread since I've always received very good service from SNM.

However, I did want to post the following link from VF. Somebody saw the bad customer/DVDs thread and wanted to know if it was safe to order from SNM. This link has responses from VFers (I'm one of them) that has received good service and is very pleased with their DVDs.

I've learned that since VF is a consumer site, that VFers are free to post both the good and the bad about every fitness product. Unfortunately, if there's a bad service thread, you will mostly hear from people who were unsatisfied. So the above thread gives the other side of the story. Cathe is one of the most admired instructors on VF.


I just want to point something out on this thread for the people who are unhappy about not being able to pick up the telephone and talk to a live person at customer service.

I do alot of business at and Ebay. Neither site has a telephone number for customer service/complaints. I have had to deal with auction's gone bad on Ebay strictly through email and although I'm upset at the time for getting ripped-off/mislead...both sites have always handled my comlaints in a timely fashion and I've gotten my money back.

My point in mentioning that here is...those two sites probably handle hundreds of complaints daily and all via email ONLY. And both sites tell you that any problems will be handled within a 30 day time frame. Keep in mind that it costs money for a business to have a 800 number and people there to man the phones. And company's who do operate in that fashion do so by passing on those costs to all consumers of their products.

So, next time you have a product issue...just take a deep breath and give the customer service dept. a chance to handle it...and maybe having to wait two weeks for a replacement item isn't so bad if you keep in mind that other sites may take up to 4 weeks to handle your complaint.

It's times like this that we turn to yoga for relaxation and to gain a perspective on life.

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