Damage Control

Yesterday I did a pyramid legs workout. My legs are so sore today. Today was RWH BSB and abs, and a 20 min rowing workout.

The only other thing I did was go to the grocery store. I need to sort through all our gifts this week and make sure the kids have the same amount of stuff. I will be working Friday night and it really ruins my weekend when I'm up til 3 or later in the morning.

How was your weekend?
How are you? I have been in a bit of a funk. I'm attributing it to the time change since I'm still waking up really early in the morning. I'm making my way through Iron. If it's not for you-don't do it! I'm trying to just maintain muscle and reverse my bone loss at this point (if that's even possible). I like the simplicity of her programs. I found a low impact kickbox on you tube that I plan to try the next time a walk is not feasible. Just keep doing something, right?!

Did I tell you Dan's sister was having surgery on 12/4? It was to address an acoustic neuroma on a cranial nerve. Unfortunately, she had a lot of bleeding and pressure during the surgery. She never woke up. It's so sad. I'm glad we talked at Thanksgiving and got to see her two years ago. Her daughter said she had a peaceful death.

Work is going ok. New technology ALL the time though is starting to wear me down. I have to keep changing my "work flow" for the different pieces of my job.

Today I did RWH CST and abs 2. I'm only getting 3-4 workouts each week and am okay with it. I'm just glad to be able to keep moving. I really like the length of the workouts. It gives me time to add on abs, row or spin for 20 minutes.

Tomorrow I is my off Friday. Unfortunately, I'm on call this week and have to work tomorrow night starting at 7pm. We don't anticipate being done until around 1am or so. I have such a hard time staying awake at night.

Yes, technology is ever changing and my aging brain is slower to absorb it all. I have 7 to 9 years before retirement and I can tell they are going to be challenging years going forward. It is harder for me to multi-task at work and learning new things seem to take longer.

I'm going to wrap gifts tomorrow and get a good handle on what I have and what I still need for gifts. I also need to that for Dec. 24th dinner with my family. I took off the 22nd to tie up any loose ends before the holiday.

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. It makes you want to sieze the day and tell your family how much they are loved on a daily basis.

I worked Friday night and didn't do much yesterday. I did start a heavy leg workout but started getting tired half way through so I decided to stop. I think I will do the other half tomorrow. I didn't want to risk hurting myself. I also took Rallie driving, just in the high school parking lot. She did great and is starting to feel more comfortable.

The girls were really arguing yesterday morning. I did find out that Rylee is being bullied by 2 boys at school and they also were throwing and yelling stuff at her at our neighborhood gym. I did tell her dad about. She is standing up for herself, but got in trouble at school for yelling in class for those boys to stop throwing things at her. Obviously, they do when the teacher isn't looking. I think my son will be contacting the teacher where this is happening.

This morning I'm cleaning up leftover issues from Friday night. I had to call my lead to help fix a few outstanding issues before tomorrow. I hate when I can't fix things myself. I'm hopping he gets online soon.

We finally got our Christmas tree up last night. The girls want to decorate it tonight.

How is your weekend going. Do you have any fun plans??
Well, we had a bit of a whirlwind last week. DS2 and his girlfriend are taking a break-right before the move to LA. So DH and I are flying out on Thursday and helping him move. We will drive down either Friday or Saturday with him and his pets. Pack on Thursday and unpack until we fly home on Christmas day. So that's what we're doing for Christmas, I guess!

Otherwise, I finished CG's Iron program on Sunday. I am just going to do what I feel like doing-when time allows-until the new year. 5 day a week was ok-but every Tuesday night I had to talk myself into doing it. I got an apple watch for myself and last week I averaged 90 minutes a day of exercise minutes. Even if that's overestimating I'm happy with 60 minutes a day. I think this coming weekend will be a lot of functional fitness!

Tonight is the Christmas party for work. They are having live music, cocktails, and hors d'oeuvres. I think DH is more excited than me. I've been anxious about things lately and have a headache frequently. I feel like there's so much pressure to do everything "right".
Rallie behind the wheel! I must admit-I never got out of the parking lot with my boys-DH had to teach them. I was too nervous. Bullying is so sad. DS1 was bullied and it breaks your heart. I can't even imagine with social media how bad it is now. Your kids and grandkids have a great support system though and I hope they keep things in perspective. Bullying is usually about the person doing the bullying. It's so hard though when it's someone close to you being bullied.

So I have today to do wash and pack. Tuesday and Wednesday I work. We are leaving at 2:30 in the morning for the plane out of Rochester. Then we won't get back to Rochester until Monday night at 11-so 2AM when we get home. Then I have to work next Tuesday and Wednesday! AAhhh. I might not be checking in for a while.

Have a merry Christmas!

I'm off work until Jan. 2nd. I really need this break and think the rest of my team does as well. We have holiday shutdown next week. I had already planned on taking Friday off, but also taking today as comp time for working on Sunday.

This morning I'm doing Muscle Max. Something that will everything including abs. My goal for next year is to be more consistent with my workouts. I did great until mid summer then work and lack of motivation got in the way. Making my workouts a priority in the new year.

Great job finishing Iron!! Got it done right before the holidays!! Wow, sounds like you have a busy week. Enjoy your time with DS2. Moving is stressful no matter when it happens. I hope he likes it in LA. It's terrible that you have to go right back to work on Tues/Wed though. You will probably crash Wed night.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
No workout for yesterday or today. We had a Christmas with the kids and granddaughters. In the afternoon we went to MIL's to spend the afternoon with DH's family. It was a wonderful time. We got to spend some time with our new great nephew, he is the best baby!

How did the move go? Did you make it back yet.

Hi! We made it back and I've been working ever since. Covid is rampant here again and with so many people calling off I've been scheduled all week.

The move is complete! The freeway was not fun to be driving on last Saturday. But, everyone made it safe and sound. I finally did a short total body last night, but had not done a proper workout for many days.

I hope you're enjoying your vacay! I can not wait for this weekend-I haven't even got my wash done yet.

I'll fill you in more later-it's 7:22 now and I'm going to walk to work today to at least get a walk in!

It's finally Saturday! I got to sleep in until 8 today and am looking forward to regrouping today. I was able to walk the past two days and am planning a leg workout today and an upper body tomorrow.

Do you have plans for New Year's? DH is pumped for football and I'm ready to finally watch some soccer. We're having my BIL over for dinner on Monday. Otherwise-the weekend is wide open for cleaning and laundry.

The trip was a whirlwind of packing and unpacking. DS2 was really happy we could help him and it was wonderful spending 5 days together. He broke up with his girlfriend which is probably for the best. She was not a partner as much as someone who wanted everything done for her. I will miss her.

I have had a headache probably every day for a week now except one. It's getting bad enough that I may even go to the doctor about it. We'll see. I'm eliminating some foods to see if that helps.

I'm glad you had a great Christmas! A baby in the mix makes it even more magical!

Happy New Year!

I've been enjoying my time off work. It was much needed. I'm using this time to get back on track with my workouts. I've worked out the past 4 days. I'm following a rotation through mid to late January. It is circuit based with cardio and weights. My cardio endurance is pretty poor right now. According to my Dr., cardio will help more with lower cholesterol than weights. I think in February I want to give Iron another try. It has such great reviews.

I'm down about 17lbs since June. I still have another 10-15 to go, but am happy to say that some of my clothes are now fitting. My foot surgery last year didn't help either, but I'm 5lbs under my surgery weight wich makes me very happy. Between menopause and foot surgery I had gained about 25lbs and it wasn't a good look.

I should be getting a lot more done around here than I am. I still need to clean out my closet and my office. The office just becomes a dumping ground and I need to sort through it all, get it filed or shredded. I hope to do that tomorrow morning.

We don't really do any for New Years. I'm sure DH and the boys will be watching football. We usually spend NYE watching movies. I always hope that the kids want to stay home.

Sorry to hear about DS splitting up with gf. It sounds like it was for the best. I hope he likes it in LA. I want to go there and do the hike to the Hollywood sign and visit some of the beaches.

Happy New Year!!!
Well-if we ever go house sit for DS2 you should come out and we can go to some of the beaches by bike! Apparently the whole coast has a road that is pretty safe to bike on. Malibu is pretty close to him as is Venice. I don't know any others, but we could find them. DH doesn't like to bike anymore since he fell off and broke his hip. I don't know about going to the Hollywood sign-maybe if we took an Uber. I am not ever driving in LA, I know that for sure!

You are down 17 lbs?! That is amazing. Are you doing low carb? I just read an article that low carb beats low fat for losing weight. Apparently I've been doing it wrong all along-I do low fat. I've been trying to focus on getting 80 grams of protein a day-hope it helps keep muscle! My apple watch is very motivating. I'm getting more steps than I thought around the house. I even made my goal of 500 dedicated workout/movements for last year-I got 504. I think I'll keep 500 again for this year. That way if the weather is bad or there's smoke in the air I can have some leeway.

Your plan of cardio and weights sounds perfect. I decided to do a total body on Thursdays, then either upper/lower/upper on Sat, Sun., Mon. or lower/upper/lower on those days. Last weekend was lower/upper/lower so I'm going to do Back and Bi or Chest, Shoulders Triceps on Saturday and Monday this weekend and lower on Sunday. I really don't like adding in days I work-makes for too long a day when I leave at 7:30 and get home at 5:30. I have started walking for 20 minutes on the treadmill at lunch this week and will try to keep that up.

We could do Iron together if you want-I kind of mix of the order to fit my work schedule. Let me know! Hope your back to work week isn't too stressful.

I worked out on the first, but that's it. Tuesday was full of meetings, Wed my internet was out for 3 hours so I couldn't work. Yesterday I was trying to make up time for Wednesday. Now it's Friday and I have a hair appt at lunch. I'll have to make up my time next week.

I've had some help with my weightloss, but I don't want to stay on it forever. I want to transition to a dietician/nutritionist to help with maintenance once I get there. I follow a higher healthy fat plan and low bad carb plan. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, for protein I use prot. powder, chicken, steak, etc.

Increasing our muscle mass and maintaining is so important at this stage of life. I do need to throw in circuits, bike or rower for the mental aspect of it. I need some cardio in my life. I have lost a lot of muscle since menopause, even with lifting. It's a real challenge building muscle at this stage.

I would love to do Iron with you. I'm down to come visit you in LA, that is a short flight for me. Hollywood Sign Hike Do you have any summer plan to house sit?

Well if it's not too far from Santa Monica we should totally do that hike! 1000ft and 4 miles sounds perfect. We don't have any plans yet. Hopefully we get more notice than a week if DS2 is planning to travel and needs a sitter. He's a bit of a procrastinator at times.

I've been following my plan and feeling good. I got a new vest that fits much tighter to my torso and some hiking boots to help my ankles. I'm determined to increase the vest to 15 pounds. Yesterday I added weights and it felt good. We did 2 miles which was pretty good with the 9 inches of snow that fell. We live next to a hospital which keeps their walks really clear-plus being Sunday there was not a lot of traffic.

We started emptying out DS2's room over the weekend. We're going to make it a guest room with a bigger bed, but keep his single mattress as well.

I hope you have a good week and don't have to work too much!

Another week has flown by. I got in workouts on M/W/F and today. I thought I already posted this but must not have hit post reply. Today is Chest/Triceps and abs.

We are having arctic temps with windchill in the negative 30 range. We've been told stay inside due to the sub zero temps and frostbite concerns. DH is out shoveling snow right now. He should be inside in a few minutes. I would've waited until 3pm-our high temp of the day.

It will be so nice to have a guest room. I hope to have one too if/when the kids move out. I be it is a nice feeling.

Great job adding weights to your ruck sack! It makes such a big difference. What backpack do you have? Does it have pockets for adding weights?

Yes. I bought a 10 pound vest and then added about a third of the extra weights from the 5 pound box. I don't ever expect to get above 15 pounds total. I've also been wearing my hiking boots for better ankle support. It's heavy! It's a good modification because DH does not like to walk as fast as me so this way it's more aerobic.

We are also having record colds now. I went to bed at 8PM last night just to stay warm. We don't have any snow though. The 9 inches from last week melted within 3 days.

This is my double leg weekend so Thursday was total body, Saturday was quads and calves, Sunday was upper body, and today is glutes and hamstrings. I've been using the device that holds two dumbbells that you lay over your hips as well as the glute band to get a good burn.

Otherwise, I've been reading, working on my latest jigsaw puzzle, and watching sports. We had my parents to dinner last week and had a good time.

Stay warm!

It was a very hectic work week. I had to work Thursday night, should've been about a 1/2 hour but ended up taking 2 1/2 hours. I did not sleep well a few nights and this morning didn't wake up until 8am. That is very late for us. We are usually up by 630 on the weekends. I must've needed the sleep.

I only got in 3 workouts this week. Sunday was GS C&T, Wed was Muscle Max, and today was a leg workout. Tomorrow will be GS BSB and abs.

I've been put on a program that could last up to 2 years. It is so stressfull. I have to split my time between my regular job and this program.

DH retired back at the end of January this year, age 57. We just got his PERA statement and found out we have to pay a 10% penalty because is not 59 1/2. I'm not sure why PERA didn't tell us this when we met with them before his retirement. We'll have to pay this penalty for all of 2024 too. He was eligible for retirement based on his age and years of service. We could have planned for it if we knew ahead of time, or he could've worked for 2 more years so to avoid this penalty.

We are finally out of the freezing temps. It's actually suppose to get into the 50's tomorrow. If it does, then I plan on walking around the lakes.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

Yikes-we are in a cold freeze and the furnace stopped working today. We noticed it about 4PM. So, the on call are on their way. It's 56 in my house right now.

How are you? I only worked out 4 days this week. Way too cold to walk. What have you been up to? I finished my latest puzzle today. Got my dad on the lowest dose pain patch and hope that helps his shoulder. Not a whole lot happening! I'm going up to our room where we have a space heater to wait this out.

Have a good weekend!

It was a very hectic work week. I had to work Thursday night, should've been about a 1/2 hour but ended up taking 2 1/2 hours. I did not sleep well a few nights and this morning didn't wake up until 8am. That is very late for us. We are usually up by 630 on the weekends. I must've needed the sleep.

I only got in 3 workouts this week. Sunday was GS C&T, Wed was Muscle Max, and today was a leg workout. Tomorrow will be GS BSB and abs.

I've been put on a program that could last up to 2 years. It is so stressfull. I have to split my time between my regular job and this program.

DH retired back at the end of January this year, age 57. We just got his PERA statement and found out we have to pay a 10% penalty because is not 59 1/2. I'm not sure why PERA didn't tell us this when we met with them before his retirement. We'll have to pay this penalty for all of 2024 too. He was eligible for retirement based on his age and years of service. We could have planned for it if we knew ahead of time, or he could've worked for 2 more years so to avoid this penalty.

We are finally out of the freezing temps. It's actually suppose to get into the 50's tomorrow. If it does, then I plan on walking around the lakes.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

OMG-we were checking in at the same time!
How frustrating to go through that with Dave's retirement. Seems like something they should have told you up front.

All my fitness plans are now out the window. There's something wrong with my right second toe. I've Doctor googled it and am going to do conservative measures for a week and see how it feels. It's been hurting for probably two weeks and I thought it was that my shoes were too small. It hurts most when I'm just sitting, walking is ok, but the recommendation is rest, ice, heat, anti-inflammatory. So, I started last night with anti-inflammatory and I have been resting since it's too cold to walk outside. I think the pool would be ok? I don't know. I'm just going to do upper body weights and abs for this week. Naturally it's my bad side (ankle surgery, SI joint). Probably my foot mechanics are off. With my osteoporosis I may even have a stress fracture. Anyway-I'll keep you posted!

Well, I went Tuesday to the Walk In and was dx with a stress fracture in my right second toe. So-minimal impact for 6 weeks. I was told to tape it to the next toe and "take it easy". Tuesday and Wednesday I just got through work. Yesterday I went to the pool and did 30 minutes of no impact deep water aerobics. It felt great! I'm going to go Mondays and Thursdays until the end of February and then reevaluate. My toe still hurts some, but it's not terrible. It's enough that I went to the doctor though.

So-I've started going through old pictures to create some historical albums for the family-weeding out the millions of duplicates for a more condensed version that is manageable. I've been reading and will probably start a new puzzle. Plus I'm really trying to eat as clean and unprocessed as I can. I've upped my protein for healing.

It's going to be a long 6 weeks....


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