Daily Check_In Friday February 22


Good morning ladies,

Snow storm brewing here this morning.

Last night" KickMax (minus leg conditioning drills) as I just did leg work on Wednesday and Sunday.

Heavy weights Biceps/4ds

Have a good day.
Good Friday Morning Ladies

well last night I got 4 hours sleep woot!

I will probably do ME and keep it all light just so my body remembers how to workout x(
I'm not a happy camper but during the day I'm so busy but I'll try to grab a small catnap when I can find the time

did CC#1 yesterday it was a nice but couldn't push past what I usually do.

Me thinks this weekend I well sleep as much as I can and let everyone take care of themselves here for a change.

Hope you all have a fantastic Friday :D

Vilma, GOOD idea ! I hope it works !

The snowstorm hit us yesterday afternoon. Schools dismissed early and are canceled today.
We've had snow, ice and freezing rain.
We are still in a storm warning until this afternoon, but it's not doing anything right now.

My appointment with the orthopedist is this afternoon, and I hope I can get there.
I am planning on making it, as I'm ready to get this figured out.

No workout, due to a housefull today.
DD, her friend and DH are all home today.

Have a good one,

Hi everyone,

We have about 3 inches here, Becky, nothing really too dramatic, but it seems worse the farther south you go, which would be your neck of the woods.

Today I felt like moving around, so I opted for a 4DS premix. I did Premix 11, Bootcamp drills and KB legs, core and stretch. I am definitely using these workouts more in premix form, and this one was a good one.

Good Morning Cathy, Vilma, Becky and all who come after!

Today I lucked out-- I was out late last night playing Mahjong, couldn't wake up this morning, but dragged myself out of bed at 5am, got on the computer and schools were closed!!:) So I went back to bed!!***hee hee***

Just finished 4DS/BC! I had a really good workout, don't know if its because of the extra sleep, or the later workout time, but I'll take it.

Cathy~ I hope you had a good workout

Vilma~ Well, 4 hours is better than 2.5 hours. I hope you get some rest this weekend!

Becky~ We didn't get snow, just ice- no fun at all. I hope you get to the orthopedist today.

Have a great day all
I plan to sit by the fire, read and play games with my boys:)
I did the Fat Blasting Cardio with weighted gloves on. My plan worked and I lost some weight, YIPEEE!!!!

Have a great day!!!:7

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