Daily Check-in Sun 4/9


Good morning ladies

Tammy..how was the Viper??...

Susan...hope your cold is better.

Katie...good job with GS legs...yes I do recall the slow motion lunges and the burn...

Sandra...its those plie jacks in Imax3 that kill me...I think the whole crew definitely had their Wheaties!!

Sending thoughts and prayers for Heather and her 2 friends during Passion week. She posted in yesterdays check-in late last night.

Well, the rain is back so it'll be a muddy 16 mile trail run. We liked the mud as kids right?...

Have a great day...:)
Try to have a good run in the mud, Carole. :)

I am sick...UGH...no work out for me today.

Have great work outs everyone!
Hi all,

I've been really busy lately, still very busy. So not posting a lot.

Ran for a total of 2:25hrs in the sun. It's still pretty cold, only 2C. But the sun made up for that frosty wind. Have no idea how far I've run, cause my Polar was behaving kind a strangely. As I have run 18K in 2 hours on the TM before, I'm assuming I ran about 20K or so.

After a shower, I was off to my sports masseur. Don't remember who asked but a sports massage is kind of like the massage therapy at the physiotherapist. Painfull and certainly not relaxing. But my calfs feel much better these days.

Have a great w/o and a wonderful day.
Morning all!!

Carole - running in the mud is so much fun!

Wendy - sorry you still feel like dirt:(

Dutchie - I hope it warms up for you soon! WTG on the long run:)

I got up early and did Powerstrike I and later I'll do either GS Legs or L&G.

My hip seems okay after my run yesterday, but it sure was sore right after.

Snow is gone, coffee is hot and strong and I slept like a big old baby last night so I'm feeling pretty chipper this sunny Sunday:D
I think today I'll mix up BMax step and circuits with CTX power circuits, it's a tried and true fave of mine.

Carole, I only ordered 2 of the TLT's and they both happen to be the ones lead by Tracie. I've only attempted them once and liked them both but liked BBBB a titch more because of all of the balance work which I adore. Some of the core work in EFM was pretty humbling but it gives me something to grow into. Let us know how that muddy run goes, splashing through it feels good at the time but I don't like wet feet at the best of times.

Wendy take care of yourself and feel better soon!

Dutchie, I hope your massage goes well and helps ease the bite in you calves.

Shelley, sounds like your hip might need one of those hurts so good massages, hope it continues to feel better.

Robin, I didn't get my furniture moving weight workout in yesterday 'cause all my helpers bailed on me for birthday parties, bowling and work, even my Mother bailed to go to a 'Fantasia' party:eek: I'll confine my minions to quarters today until they finish helping their Mama }( :+ Hope you enjoyed RS yesterday.

Sandra, the couch came yesterday as I was rushing to get out for work. I greeted the delivery men with toothbrush in hand and away I went. It was nice to miss all of the unpleasantry of door removal and the like and when I got home the couch was here as if by magic. It truly is a BIG COMFY couch. It's oversized and overstuffed (think high end bordello) gold in colour with huge pillows that co-ordinate beautifully with our high back setee. We are thrilled with it. Marley was on a bottle drive for her cheerleading squad yesterday in the student ghetto, they didn't make a huge amount but I thought it was kind of touching that a lot of the student leave their empties on their porches for street people to pick up and make a bit of money. Moving a house must cost a lot. My husband worked on a project years ago where they were moving century homes from downtown TO to a development north of the city, I don't remember how much it cost but it was ALOT. So, how come your not drinking coffee, is it because you are nursing or is it a diet change? I hear you about IMAX 3 Sandra, I still dread doing it but it's never as bad as I think. I'd probably like it more if I did it more.

Hello to all that follow!

Take Care
Hi everyone :7
Shelly- I'm gald you managed your run and your hip is not too bad today. I'm sure you will be cautious with your running.
Carole- I don't know how you can dio so many miles in the mud!! Wow!
Wendy- I do hope you get rid of this illness soon!
Hi Dutchie!

Rest day for me. I did do 25" of Karen Voight yoga for a little stretching out.
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation


Good morning all! I'm not a runner, but reading about all your runs, kinda makes me want to start! I'm not sure about the mud though.

Today, I completed upper body split. Then I did Totally Cool Step and ended with abs from Allstep and PH.It was a 2hr session. I now have to clean as my dad and his SO are coming in from FLA on Tues. I have to be sure that DD room is clean as that is where they will be sleeping. So, I was kinda hoping that it was rainy today. It turned out to be sunny, but cool.

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CC#5 and AbRipperX for me today.

Carole: The Viper definitely worked me out...next Saturday I'll tackle the Gauntlet. I love all the terminator workouts. Enjoy your muddy run today and stay safe!

TiGGer: I hope you feel better soon.

Shelley: I'm glad your hip is feeling better today.

Dutchie: Great job on the long run.

Laurie: Your workout today sounds very interesting.

Judy: Enjoy your rest day.

Sandra: I feel the same way about IM#3, but after I finish I always think "Now that wasn't so bad"! Of course, I'm dripping w/sweat and don't look nearly as fresh as Cathe & Crew!

Hello to all that follow...have a great Sunday!
Good morning all.
Carole, enjoy playing in the mud!

Dutchie, happy to hear from you

Tigger, sorry you are sick, but relax and enjoy the rest

Shelley, glad your hip is better

Laurie, don't get lost in the compfy couch. I ended up doing IMAX 3 yesterday. DS was taping with the VCR, so I had to do a DVD instead of RS.

Tammy, LOL at the thought of being fresh as Cathe at the end of IMAX 3

Judy, enjoy your day of rest. I got and wore my Drop tee shirt. My DD's boyfriend liked it.

Phyllis, I know what you mean about all these runners making you want to run. Unfortunately, my knees and back are just too old to make it much more than 3 miles, and then I'm crippled for 2 days.

If the VCR is freed up this afternoon, I'm hoping to fit RS in before DH and I go pick DS up. He had an overnight evaluation at a residence we hope to have him placed in. (Long story made short over on the <--- thread for those of you who don't know it.)Have a wonderful Sunday all.
Good Morning Fitties!

Yesterday was a 4 mile treadmill run, today I'm hiking in the woods.

First it's cleanmax though, and I've goofed off all morning, so I better get busy!!

Have a great day!!! Good workouts everyone!
All the Gauntlet talk has me wanting to fit that in this coming week.:D
Hi all,

All this talk about running is making we want to get back to doing it. I'll probably start back when it gets a little warmer.

Yesterday I did Low Max plus the ME/Boootcamp premix. Today I'll be doing Powerstrike 1 and then Tear It Up. Hope Everyone's weekend is great.
I ended up doing a completely different lower body w/o. I did LowMax and then for kicks and giggles I added on the BootCamp lower body premix and core only premix. I am swirling with fatigue and exhilaration. It was a very good workout, my hip flexors are talking to me already.:)

Enjoy your rest day Judy!

Phyllis, I love extra long Sunday workouts, sounds like a great mix you put together. I love mixing, it keeps things fresh.

Tammy, your mix sounds intriguing, I don't have any of those workouts but have heard lots of raving about them here.

Robin, RS is one of the last workouts I have yet to replace with DVD, hope you get to enjoy it today. Nice break (relatively speaking) after IMAX3.

Becky, enjoy your hike in the woods. I've been hunting through the woods here for pussywillows, they should be around soon.

Take Care
Today is 2nd day back.
Gym style back and biceps. No barbell pullovers , had to skip'm.
It is amazing how weak you get in 11 days.
Lifted a little lighter than usual as for Dr. Orders, but it felt good.
No running for me . Not allowed for another week, then look out ladies,back in the saddle again.
I just wanted to come back and say...

Thanks everyone for the well-wishes! I am hoping that they work FAST!:+
Hi everyone,
Well, I ran 6 miles yesterday but only about 6 miles an hour, but it felt great. I feel so much better today thanks to the 9 hours of sleep I got last night. I am definitley doing the Amy Bento A team bootcamp. I keep saying I am going to do it, but I definitley am today. I will let you guys know what I think. It sounds like there is definitley some cold bugs going around. My advice is to sleep. I don't know about the rest of you guys but I have realized I really need more sleep. I usually get about 6.5 hours and I think I really need 8. That is my new goal. Well, I am off to shower and Costco. Have a great day friends.

Hello fit ladies !!

Today I am doing Low max ( the combos only ). I will also do some stretching later. Have a great workout !

Hello Phyllis and everybody,

If you possibly can, Phyllis, you should try running as nothing beats the endorphin rush and calorie burn of this activitiy. Running 20k is about 12 miles, and it would burn around 1200 calories. I love to run, but I have to be careful of my right knee. Today, I am going to go Powerstrike 2, and the pyramid up version of PUB. Friday night I did Maximum Intensity Cardio, and that is an incredible workout. Yesterday I worked so long that I only had time for an hour's workout so I did a premix of KPC and the weighted ankle workout from Legs and Glutes. I so wish I had had the time for the full workouts of both, but something is always better than nothing.

I hope you fit ladies are having a wonderful weekend.
Love you name, Laurie,

I am also an endorphin junkie, and I just love the high I get from intense cardio. I am addicted.
Thanks Caitlin from one addict to another:) I can't think of a better drug, though I've tried a few others, this is the one that I'll stick with;-)

Take Care

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