Daily Check-in Friday, July 21st, 2023

Thanks, Siobhan, sorry, I was running a little late this AM!

Today's workouts:

CatheLive- Fast & Fierce Upper Body - 31 min. (love this express!)
KCM- Body Design- Weighted Kickboxing w/Stretch - 18 min. (used my egg weights)

Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

I wasn't going to work out today as my body is feeling a need for a rest day. So, I ignored that and did a Funk Roberts Metabolic workout for 33 minutes (I didn't finish as I was running out of time and wanted to try more Anabolic Aliens - "And what is going on?") and added on a 10 minute day 1 of AA 30 day program. Wowza. Talk about tough. Love this guy.

Glad to see us all getting in a workout yesterday. Nora, I've taken a bit of a step back from 2.0 as well. I did it a lot but am now craving more variety.

Linda - we must have been posting at the same time :) Nice workout this morning!

Have a great day everyone and enjoy your workouts.
LOL! Yes, we must have! Good workout and glad you like the “AA’s”….. I am gonna
check out that workout you did this AM…. Have a good day!
Good T.G.I.F morning:)

Linda- Ooh love your workouts today. Nicely done with today's fierce take no prisoners workout today with:

CatheLive- Fast & Fierce Upper Body - 31 min. (love this express!)
KCM- Body Design- Weighted Kickboxing w/Stretch - 18 min. (used my egg weights)
Bravo on such a fun workout, WTG and enjoy your day;)

Siobhan- Good job on today's workout with:

Funk Roberts Metabolic workout for 33 minutes
Anabolic Aliens - "And what is going on?") and added on a 10 minute day 1 of AA 30 day program
Sounds like some great worouts, WTG. Now on to have an amazing Friday;)

Annette- I hope you are doing well and feeling better. Have a great day and a good workout/or rest day. Either way have a blessed day;)

Here's today's workout:

LITE- Metabolic Blast= 42 Min
XTrain- D9- Tabatacise= 45 Min
Jessica Smith- 10 Minute Walks- Arms & Abs Walk= 11 Min

Have a fantastic Friday:)

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Nora, you had a great selection of workouts today too:
LITE- Metabolic Blast= 42 Min
XTrain- D9- Tabatacise= 45 Min
Jessica Smith- 10 Minute Walks- Arms & Abs Walk= 11 Min

aahh… there’s that Tabatacise! :)
Hi ladies,

Late start to my day, I was going to the gym, but the sun came out so I laid in the sun until it started playing hide and seek on me. But before that my tummy wasn't feeling the best so that caused me to stay home and lay in the sun

Then after playing hide and seek with the sun, I came in I was out there maybe an hour and a half.

I came in and decided to do a workout so I did 2 Taebo Expresses off the DVD. I did the Kick Express and the Combo Express which equaled 22 min. So I did something for cardio on my cardio day. Yay me!!

I lost another pound so that was good to see.

Today is our middle son's 29th birthday!! So Happy Birthday Jeremiah!!

Nice workouts all around!!

Have a great weekend!!
I needed a cardio workout since I was sore from yesterday so did Hamelin D’abell 53 minute inch loss classic on Youtube and Lucy Wyndham Read London and Venice walks-I never liked walking workouts since they seemed silly but her scenic walks and accent I love-in the afternoons it’s been too hot to walk outside-last week our AC broke and we went all week in the 90’s before it was fixed
Good job with Hamelin D’abell 53 minute inch loss classic on Youtube and Lucy Wyndham Read London and Venice walks.

Oh, I have done Lucy’s London walk…. I liked it a lot. she’s so cute…

good job Annette with your 2 Taebo Express workouts…..happy birthday to your son!
did you bake him a cake? :)
Good job with Hamelin D’abell 53 minute inch loss classic on Youtube and Lucy Wyndham Read London and Venice walks.

Oh, I have done Lucy’s London walk…. I liked it a lot. she’s so cute…

good job Annette with your 2 Taebo Express workouts…..happy birthday to your son!
did you bake him a cake? :)
Lucy is adorable-I had tried Leslie Sansones walking workout years ago and hated every step!!
No cake, he is a finicky eater and honestly hates eating and only eats because his body says eat.
Lucy is adorable-I had tried Leslie Sansones walking workout years ago and hated every step!!
Oh no! LOL! I am a tried & true Leslie fan! :) I've got tons of her dvds and different "toys" that came with some of them. But, she's not for everyone and I will admit, gets to me sometimes! I had purchased that Jenny Ford Walk Across America 10 dvd set- which
is 50 walks ....I think I have only done 7 and I checked, the last time I did one was July
of last year. At this rate,I'll never get across America! I like her, but the workouts are
about 30 min. and each one, except for being in a different state, is basically the same
and I find myself getting bored around the 20 min. mark. If they were only 20 min or
so, I probably would have done more than I have.
Oh no! LOL! I am a tried & true Leslie fan! :) I've got tons of her dvds and different "toys" that came with some of them. But, she's not for everyone and I will admit, gets to me sometimes! I had purchased that Jenny Ford Walk Across America 10 dvd set- which
is 50 walks ....I think I have only done 7 and I checked, the last time I did one was July
of last year. At this rate,I'll never get across America! I like her, but the workouts are
about 30 min. and each one, except for being in a different state, is basically the same
and I find myself getting bored around the 20 min. mark. If they were only 20 min or
so, I probably would have done more than I have.
I get bored easily and also hate when excercises are repeated,even if it’s a move I like-I always play my own music during workouts which makes it easier-I have such a huge collection of DVDs,that I refuse to continue with any workout that I hate-I wind up in a foul mood if I feel that I wasted my workout time
LOL, we sound alot alike....I get bored easily as well and am "irked" if I stop a workout before
it's done....and feel like even what I did accomplish was a waste because I didn't finish it.

But, that being said, I might try to start up those Walk across Americas again. I think they are in 3 sections, I might try doing the first 2 sections and then fast forwarding to the cooldown, skipping the 3rd section and see how long and how "bored" I get doing that.
I hate not using the dvds.
LOL, we sound alot alike....I get bored easily as well and am "irked" if I stop a workout before
it's done....and feel like even what I did accomplish was a waste because I didn't finish it.

But, that being said, I might try to start up those Walk across Americas again. I think they are in 3 sections, I might try doing the first 2 sections and then fast forwarding to the cooldown, skipping the 3rd section and see how long and how "bored" I get doing that.
I hate not using the dvds.
I used to force myself to finish the workout but now I have so many choices that Id rather be pleasant to live with then slog through torture!During the pandemic I discovered Kundalini yoga and Lee Holden Qui Gong and love to do those to deal with stress-regular yoga used to bore me-doing endless down dogs and Warrior was so dull-I love Ana Brett yoga-I skip many of the chants but the moves are more aerobic then most yoga

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