

Active Member
Hi cathe,
I bought a spin bike finally last week & did the cycle max DVD the other day. I have never taken a spin class before but I thought that this would come fairly easy to me since I workout daily with your DVDs and have been doing so for many years. Obviously this DVD was excellent and as usual challenging but I found myself actually taking short breaks which I don't do with your other DVDs. I was a little disappointed with myself due to the fact that I actually had to take short breaks. Is spinning something that you have to work up to even if you exercise on a regular basis?
Yes, spinning will challenge you in new ways. I had a bike and still thought I'd die the first time I did Cycle Max Express. That was October and now I challenge myself by adding more resistance. Stick with it and you'll see improvements in no time!

Hi there :)

Spinning is a whole different monster! So much energy needs to come from the lower body and core. On top of that your body has to get used to the new form pointers and your sit bones have to adjust to the saddle. It's well worth it!! Mega calorie blaster and cyclemax has a MAJOR fun factor!! Just take the breaks as needed for now and soon you'll be biking through like a champ!!
Sucking wind like crazy and dripping sweat - I can't make it more than a half hour, and I am pretty good at Cathe's other workouts! What a great workout and I'll for sure do a happy dance when I can keep up!

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