
I'm starting the rotation I have posted at the Rotation Forum, so far I'm staying on track, of course it's only Tuesday, lol.

Yesterday's weight was 128.6...ugh, had a bad eating week last week, TTOTM!! Calories yesterday were only 1000 cals but I felt satisfied, most was protein. My workout was GS Chest and CTX Step & Intervals.

Tuesday....126.8. Cals were 960 plus two chicken drumsticks from a rotisserie chicken I bought at the grocery store...dont know how many cals there. I feel very full though, ugh.
I don't plan on weighing myself again for a few days though. My chest is definitely feeling the GS workout from yesterday!

Workout today....20 minutes of intervals on the bike, abs from Leaner Legs, and the floor work from GS Legs.
I didn't get to post yesterday because our cable went out.
My workout routine is going to have to change a bit, because I can't workout at home Monday - Wendesday. So I think Monday and Wednesday will have to be weights at the gym (not sure about the actual routine yet), Tuesday my Hi/Lo class and Thursday-Saturday I'm with Cathe :)
Yesteray: cals: 1500
Workout: Hi/Lo class

I have a meeting to go to today, so I might not get to workout if it ends too late.
Hey Katia, how was your day? I didnt weigh myself today, it wouldnt have been pretty. I felt bloated today. My cals were slightly higher than I had wanted, maybe 1600-1700. For my workout I did S&H Tri's, Bi's and abs and was able to go up in weights on a few exercises so that was nice. Tomorrow is GS Back and kickboxing! This weekend will be's a holiday weekend plus opening season of college football so lots of football gatherings which usually means not so healthy food. Do you have any plans for this weekend??
I just got home, so no workout today. I feel a bit sick too (left my windown open at!)
Diet is OK, not great, but OK.. cals a bit high too, but I didn't count today.. I feel blah!

Tomorrow I'm working out with Cathe... maybe half of Low Max?
My mom's B-day is this Friday and my dad wanted to go out to eat to my favorite dessert place.. which is out of the question. Him and my mom should go there alome. It has this kind of a romantic atmosphere too, so definitely a place for them to go to without us.
No other plans for the weekend yet. Saturday will most likely be the usual club or hopefully something quieter.
OK today I couldn't decide what workout to do lol I was really tired and sore and din't feel like doing anything. So I started doing IM3, but after the first interval realised that that's just not happening. So then I did KPC first 2 segments.
Diet is too low: 900 But that always happends on days I don't work.

Tomorrow we're going camping and will be back on Monday. So I won't get to post and wont' get to workout. Well tomorrow morning I'll get to, but no workout Saturday through Monday.

Have a great weekend!
Too funny about your workout b/c I didnt feel like working out either. According to my rotation I was supposed to do a KPC premix, but didnt feel like it, so then I put in Low Max and got thru the warm-up and my brain didnt feel like thinking too much so I ended up doing intervals on my recumbent bike for 20 minutes and then did GS Back as planned.

My eating today wasn't great. I'm guessing like 1700-1800 cals. I really need to get my cals down a bit. I also have plans for the weekend but hope to get in at least one workout. I'm getting up early and working out before work tomorrow to get it over with!

Have a good weekend!
I'm just sitting here debating if I want to go to the gym to lift weights or do Low Max. I'm leaning more towards weights becaue I only did that once this week and haven't lifted in forever before that.

I think your cals got high because the few days before you were very low. The same thing happends to me. On the days I don't work, I'm just doing fun things and don't pay attention to the fact that I need to eat. And then on work days I sit at work counting minutes till I get to eat again.
Where are your workouts??? I know you haven't been slacking like me ;-)

So, here's my update.. being honest here...
Friday- 3 intervals of Low Max + chest presses and flies, diet was low
Satuday-Monday we were camping:
Saturday we went canoeing so I rowed a little, but that's it LOL, diet was low
Sunday- set around the fire all day, danced ad little LOL.. 1500 cals
Monday- did nothing, cals at 1500
Tuesday and Wednesday I was recovering from lack of sleep over the weekend so no workout and my cals were waaaaay too high
Thursday- IM3 3 intervlas and chest presses and we went for a walk at nigh, cals at 800 (low)
Ok, my diet has sucked and my workouts have been so-so. My last workout was Wednesday night and it was Biceps from GS and PUB, and Triceps from GS and Pure Strength....OMG were my arms sore, in fact it's Friday and they still are!

Eating today was a joke. Tomorrow is a football with junkfood everywhere. Wish me luck. I am going to workout this weekend just havent decided what yet.
Yesterday I did CIA 9905 the step portion. I did about 3/4th of it. Diet was low.. eh it's always low on the weekends.

Today I started doing this new video I got on Netflix, but the coreagraphy was really hard and the video was kind of easy, so I stoped and did the step portion fron SJP instead.

Good luck with the football game!
Sunday was a rest day and I ate too much, probably 2500 or so. I was hangry ALL day.
Yesterday I did weights at the gym. Cals were at about 1300.

The weekend sucked b/c I had no self control and basically ate junk all weekend and that continued into Monday. I skipped my workout Monday b/c I was lazy. Saturday my workout was lame...I did S&H Shoulders and Pure Strength Shoulders plus 16 minutes on the bike. Sunday I did S&H Back, GS Back and the cardio from C&W.

Today...I have to workout but dont know what I'm doing yet. So far cals are 300 for breakfast.
I did my workout after much procrastinating!

I did the pushups from GS and then did S&H Chest, but had to lower the weights, but I think that's from all the pushups I did beforehand. After that I did Step Heat. Usually that's an easy one but today I worked up a sweat. Maybe it's just an off day for me OR maybe it's b/c my DIET SUCKS!

Breakfast....a plain mini bagel and a hamburger patty
"Lunch"...popcorn, an apple with caramel crap!

No clue yet what's for dinner!

How's your day so far?
I went to my Hi/Lo class today. It was soooo fun as always. Unfortunately soon my classes are starting and my class is on Tuesdays :( so I' won't be able to attend this class anymore. But it's only for 6 weeks, so I'll live lol.

Cals today were a bit high thanks to cereal. About 1800 I'm guessing.
You think your cals were high?? Try 3200 cals on for size! No wonder my butt and thighs are huge!! I feel so out of control with my eating and not sure how to stop the runaway train! Help!!!
Cals were better today....right around 1500.

Workout today was S&H Biceps, arms are tired!

OK, you have to post!!
Cals were too high, close to 2000. Workout was 30 min on the bike, didnt seem super hard but my legs are still tired.

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