Competition Bound DID IT!!


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-01 AT 10:59AM (Est)[/font][p]

I think banner would be appropriate.
[marquee] :-jumpy SHE DID IT!! :-jumpy [/marquee]

check Amy out on at

Amy, isnt it time for you to update your cathe bio?
that stuff about the 3 baby tummy and such... that's history!
What next?
Amy, you look absolutely fabulous. So lean and cut! And it says you won! Congratulations! So here comes my favorite question--how many grams of protein do you consume a day? (as many of you let out a groan...sorry!) Jeanne

Amy-you look truly awesome-so cut!!! What was your program like, just give us a little hint. Congrats on your win!
julie :)
RE: WOW!!!

Hi guys!! Thanks!! Cinza, I will update my bio;-). As for protein my minimum was 150gr/day and no more than 200. That works out to 1.5-2.0gr per body weight. As for my training, I used Cathe's tapes!! Seriouly!! Pullups were the only thing I had to do differently. Well, I take that back I had to do leg extensions and curls on my weight bench. Other than that, It was all following Cathe's routines!! Thanks Cathe!! I'll have to go over to ask Cathe and thank her!! I think I'll do that now:)!

Thanks again!!
RE: WOW!!!

Awesome, Aimee! Congratulations! You look incredible! We are so proud of you! What's next?

RE: WOW!!!

Congratulations, Aimee!

You look fantastic.

Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?

Did you do much cardio in your routine or strictly focus on weight workouts? How much weight were you lifting for your legs? How much for your biceps, shoulders, and triceps (just an average).

Do you build muscle easily? Did the extra protein really help build muscle?

I don't want to compete or anything, and I've seen great results with Cathe's tapes, but I would love to get a little more cut.

Any info you're willing to divulge is greatly appreciated--I'm trying to find my motivation again!


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