Commit to get FIT & Lean for May 2014!

Good morning,

The concert was amazing:eek: I am so glad we went. We ended up spending the night with at my kids in DC. We didn't get home until late last night, I was so tired …didn't sleep well the night before. We also took the dogs with us. The weather on the other hand:confused: It was raining so bad we couldn't do much, the dogs didn't wanted to go outside.

Cookie - the concert was fab and we had lots of fun. DS and his fiancé drove us to Silver Springs and they picked us up.

Debbie - good job on TB. That's a tough one. How was the photo shot with the dogs? Maybe I need to do one with mine:eek: Great idea.

Kirstin - I think it's a great idea doing T25 in the mornings and do a weight workout 3 times a week. Good job on your workouts and keeping up. Hope you catch some air soon.

Amelia - what kinda car are you plan on buying? Will you take the manager position? I think you can do it;)

Vicki - that's nice of you taking Coastie home with you and taking care of her while your dad is undergoing chemo. I will keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers.

I think I am all caught up on personals. I will be back after my workout.
Fell off the wagon, it ran me over and left me behind. :( Really, really gotta refocus. Seems like working out in the mornings is the only thing that keeps my eating in check during the day, but the past couple times I've tried, Aiden woke up. I just can't seem to get exercise and healthy eating to coincide.. it's one or the other. On a happier note, tomorrow is Friday!!!! And I know it's been a while since I've checked in, everythign is a-ok with the house situation!!!
Hope you all have a great afternoon. :)
Good evening,

Workouts are done. I did P90X3 Pilates and Low Impact Challenge.

Kelly - don't be so hard on yourself. All we can do is try, sometimes it works and sometimes we fall of the wagon. Hang in there! Glad everything is ok with the house. Very happy for you and your family.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. I will see you all in the morning.
Hey everyone!

I just did X10 low impact and fitness blast premix. I was a sweaty mess. I feel good though. Just got off my conference call. Looking to have a snack.

I am beat!

Kelly- the important thing is getting back on the wagon, which you are doing. We all fall off from time to time, such is life.

Belinda- too funny about the dogs. We had rain for two days. Today it stopped raining and got so humid. . . anyway, Baxter hated being outside yesterday when he had to "go". He was driving me nuts.

I am so tired. I will be back tomorrow!


I've been so busy catching up with work & house since vacation:( My workouts are suffering, alot going on this weekend so must get it together. I decided to go for the Daytona trip, thinking about flying from NJ to Orlando & going to the condo on Sunday. DH doesn't know what he will do.

The sump pump couldn't keep up with the rain, but it's just a large puddle so not that bad. I was happy today was so nice:)

Belinda - Ugh, on the rain but the concert was probably awesome. Did you have to sneak in the kids place because you came home too late:eek:

Kristin - Great job with your workout!

Cookie - Please don't let March come back:eek: See what sleepiness does to us;)

Kelly - Just brush your self off & start where you left off.

Waves hi to everyone

Belinda, glad to hear the concert was so good. Bet they were worth the wait to finally see. As you can tell, I'm not sleeping well tonight - hope you are.
Kelly, happens to all of us. Glad to hear how you're doing and that things are good on the house. If I don't get a workout done in the morning, generally it doesn't happen.
Amelia, my dh is after me to develop a five year plan of what I want to do jobwise. Perhaps that's an idea for you. I'm impressed with your loss.
Kristin, does Baxter not like the humidity? Two of my dogs are older but the one who is getting close to 2 yrs old, has so much energy that she drives the other two crazy. She's also a lot bigger than they are. It is like an adolescent with the elderly.
Vicky, hope you're recovering from your trip and workouts.
Deb, yeah - do I need sleep?!!! Cringed when I saw it. Oh well, lately I just feel overwhelmingly tired. Last night just read and relaxed, but now I've been awake off and on since 1. Finally just gave up and got up. thinking about taking a sleeping pill to get a couple hours in before work. Anything exciting going on this weekend? Is your dh considering going on the rt?
Well, considering the weather predictions for Saturday, we decided not to do the big walk. Only slightly disappointing since I really enjoyed the long ones we did in preparation, and I wouldn't mind being home to catch up on things. Being away last weekend really thru my schedule off, and then the two weekends before that we were visiting kids. If I don't fall back to sleep soon will go on rebounder and watch more episodes from Season 2 of 30 Rock.
Good morning,

Today I will do TB Trisets LB and P90X3 Agility.

Cookie - for some reason I couldn't sleep yesterday, I woke up at 3 a.m:mad: I hope you get some sleep soon. Hope you had fun with your workout this morning.

Debbie - glad you got in:D That's fantastic! I am sure, other husbands are going and hanging out at the hotel. We stayed with the kids on Tuesday night and Wednesday. We had fun.

Kirstin - wtg, on your workout yesterday. My dogs don't like humidity and rain:eek: When the weather finally gets warmer, I have to switch my workouts around…so I can walk the dogs early in the mornings or late at night.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I will be back later.
Good morning,

P90X Agility is done. We are switching P90X3 to mornings:D This way we can walk the dogs in the evening or do whatever we want to do.

Off to get workout 2 in before lunch. BBL!
Happy Friday! Today I am doing Slow & Heavy Biceps & Triceps (with some dips, tricep pushups, and chinups added for extra work). My workout schedule is all akilter because of my vaca last week. I usually do lower body on Tues, upper body Weds or Thurs, lower body Fri, and upper body Sat or Sun. But when I got back from Key West late last Friday night, I didn't want to miss my reg Fri lower body, so I did it Sat. We were out-of-town Sunday, so I did upper body Mon. I did lower body on Tues, like usual, but by Wed, my upper body was still too sore from Monday. I couldn't do it Thurs because I was at my daughter's dance rehearsal. It's funny how I'm a creature of habit when it comes to working out, but if I don't have to think about it, I just do it. So, today I'm doing upper body, tomorrow I'll do lower, and by next Tues, I should be back to my reg schedule. Now if I could only be so consistent with my eating...Our newly adopted dog is fitting in great :). He seems to be very happy in his new family, and I know that he loves all of the attention he's been getting. You'd never know that he was an outside, country dog--he loves being in the house and hanging out with us. He and Stella are in the backyard now, chasing chipmunks or whatever :p

Belinda--Sounds like you had an awesome time in D.C. I grew up in northern Va, so took many a trips to D.C. :)

Kelly--Lord, I know how you feel with falling off the wagon! I can stay on the workout wagon, but the eating sensibly wagon? I'm off it more than I'm on it :(. Well, at least it seems that way. I just do not know how to eat unhealthy foods in moderation. It's so all-or-none with me. Very frustrating, and I'm 50 for goodness sake! You'd think I'd have a handle on it by now! My workouts are what save me, that, and I cook almost all of my meals. That really, really helps. But when I go bad, I go big! I'm usually pretty good for a few days, then go on a tear for a day or two, so in reality, I guess I eat healthy more often than not, but barely more often. None of my friends have any sympathy for me because I'm not overweight, so they figure it must be easy for me. If they only knew...committing to hard workouts isn't easy! And then trying to eat healthy most of the time on top of that? But I try so hard because I feel better when I eat healthy, and I love, love being fit. If I could just eat "bad" sensibly. I rarely know moderation when it comes to my trigger foods :(. I can't figure out if I should be amazed that I'm as fit as I am, or if I really do eat that much healthier than most of my friends? But hey, I'm glad to hear that your house situation is going well :D

Debbie--How exciting that you are doing the Daytona Roadtrip!! I am totally jealous :eek:.

Gotta get this workout done soon (and y'all know I don't like to rush through workouts, what with my long breaks & all). My daughter's dance recital is tonight and it's downtown, which means fighting rush hour traffic :confused:.

Waves hello to everyone else!
Hey girls, I posted this morning in the other March thread but didn't see this one? I will copy and paste my post

Morning girls,

Yesterday was a rest day and today will be something before work. Not sure wht yet?

Im so excited to have the weekend off I requested it a couple of weeks ago and I'm so glad I did. My son's b-day is tomorrow but since my DH is working we're going to have a little party this evening for him. He'll be turning 9

Cookie-Did you get on the rebounder yesterday? I didn't know you had 2 part time jobs.. glad to hear you are going with one now. I told my hubby yesterday that im still undecided about the bakery job. The pro's and cons are the same and the medication I'm taking for depression has caused my anxiety to soar and until I get that under control I don't think taking on more responsibility make sense. I don't know Maybe the side effects will go away ( anxiety is one side effect)

I will bb after my workout with more personals

Ok, its now 4pm and yes I got my workout in this morning:). I did turbo jam for 40 mins. It was fun. I will bb sometime this weekend to catch up on personals.
Hey guys!

Today's workout was Party Rockin' Step #2. I didn't do this one in a month because I was following the rotation and I really missed it. I just really love this workout. After work today I took the boys to the park with Baxter. Bax and I ran/walked on the path, while the boys rode their bikes and played on the playground. It was nice to enjoy the outside. I am dreaming of summer, lol.

So glad it is Friday and the weekend is here. I have a lot of cleaning to do, but I plan on buying some spring clothes this weekend at some point.

Amelia- happy birthday to DS! Enjoy your weekend off! The weather should be beautiful.

Vicki- what kind of dog is your new edition?

Belinda- nice job with TBT LB.

Deb- I want to go to Daytona too. I just don't know if I can swing it. It would be cool to go to a location road trip.

Cookie- Baxter loved being outside and playing so long as it isn't raining out. He loves going to the park. He gets upset when the boys ride their bikes away from us. I think he worries about them or something. He keeps his eyes on them the whole time.

Okay, I need to relax.

BB tomorrow.


My eye's popped open at 6:30 - on my day off :mad::rolleyes:

Today's workout will be the total gym and a walk at some point. I'm going to yard sales with my sister first..should be fun.:)

Kristin-Great job with PRS. Your park run walk sounds fun. That reminds me, I need to get my DS a new tire for his bike..

Vicki - A dance recital, how sweet. How old is your daughter? Great job getting your workouts in after your vacation. I usually take a day or two off.

Belinda- Great job on your workout. How the weather where your at? About the car ( if I take the bakery position) I really want a ford fusion, fiesta or Escape. Can you tell im a ford girl? :p And the kids won't be aloud in the car LMAO ( jk ;))

Cookie- Did you go back to sleep? I've never seen 30Rock but here its good. A 5 year work goal sounds good. I will have to think about that for a while. :confused: I would honestly LOVE to go back to school and do something in the medical field - maybe one day. I couldn't imagine doing that right now would be too much on my plate. :confused:

Debbie- Hopefully everything will be caught up soon so you to enjoy your workouts again. Yay on Daytona, that sounds awesome! :)

Kelly- I completely understand, just take it one day at a time and don't beat yourself up for it. You'll get back in your groove again.

Did I miss anyone? I will bb tonight to post my workout
Good Saturday afternoon! Went to my huge neighborhood's spring garage sale this morning. It's so much fun :). I was looking for workout dvd's but didn't find any that I wanted. Bought a couple of cook books and a few other items. Just got back from my 3 mile walk with my dogs. Our new dog isn't the best on a leash yet (kind of like walking a cat--but not quite as bad!), so the walk ended up taking longer than usual. No matter though because it's a beautiful day here in NC---lower 70's, sunny, and a light breeze :cool:. Getting ready to do Trisets Lower. Would love to get some gardening in, too. I've got euchre tonight, and it's a Cinco de Mayo theme, so making what I call Mexican Wedding cookies. I'm sure that I'll eat quite a few as I'm baking them :eek:. Will have to leave the leftovers at the host's house! Looking forward to margaritas tonight :eek:. I'm still on a sugar binge, as I ate half a large chocolate bar before the dog walk. Hoping I burned off at least some of it with the walk! Tomorrow, I'm going to the Wells Fargo Championship :).

Kristin--Our new dog is a Jack Russell mix. We think. He's so sweet. It's nice being a 2-dog family again :D.

Amelia---I know! It drives me crazy when I wake up early on the days I can finally sleep in! The one thing that's nice though is that if I rise early, I have more time during the day to do what I want, even if it's just relaxing and watching tv :).

Waving hi to everyone else. Enjoy your weekend!!
Good afternoon,

I also went to our huge neighborhood's spring garage sale. I went yesterday and today:D Yesterday I found a brand new hand held steam cleaner kid/ mob set for $7 (she ask for $15:p) I only had $7 in cash:p. Today I bought a big brand new garbage can from Rubbermaid for $5 (the lady wanted $10:p) and I bought a rolling cart for my plant, it also was new. He ask for $3 but I talked him down or $1:eek: Well not really, he couldn't break a $20 and I only had 0.80 cents in cash, so I got that for rolling cart for 80 cents:eek: I am already using my hand held steamer, it's amazing:eek:

Amelia - my husband has a Ford Fusion, he love it! My husband will not let our dogs in his car. Good job with your workouts. Happy Birthday to your DS.

Vicki - have fun with Trisets LB today. I saw a few workout dvd's today, but nothing I was interested. I already had most of them.

Kirstin - glad you love Party Rocking Step. I had a hard time keeping up with the step workout I did the other day. I like Kickboxing these day's.

Getting ready for P90X3 Yoga.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

I was busy finishing my April work in the stores & last night spent the night submitting. My time management was off, need to ask for an extension on one of my stores. We have Kohl's to prepare for Mother's Day so I always forget to prepare for the mess I am faced at those stores.

I going to go to bed real soon to get in a good night sleep & workouts tomorrow:)

Belinda - You scored some really good deals! Have you ever had a garage sale?

Kristin - I still need to try Party Rockin Step maybe this week. Today felt like summer is around the corner:)

Amelia - Happy Birthday to your ds!! You must be having fun enjoying your weekend off:)

Cookie - I hope you caught up on sleep this weekend:) I don't think DH will come to the RT but will ask him. He probably thinks it's a bunch of woman running around;)

Vickie - Mexican wedding cakes my favorite, I always think of them as Christmas cookies but sound perfect for Cinco de Mayo!

Waves hi to Melissa, Lori & Kelly

Hi guys. I didn't have time to check in yesterday. I walked Baxter twice and I also did CSS. That workout is sneaky. I always think it'll be easier than it is. . . Then the slow mountain climbers come up, lol.

Anyway, last night we went to our friends' house for a BBQ and drinks. I had a bit too much to drink, but managed to take Baxter for a walk/run. I plan on doing weights today. Not sure what workout.

I will Bb with personals after I do my workout. I am typing this on my phone and I can't read back other posts.
I'm back. Flex Train all done. I am a smelly, sweaty mess over here, lol.

Deb- hope you're getting a chance to relax this weekend. I feel like I am running a marathon, but the end mile is near ;).

Belinda- I love yard sales. Sounds like you got good deals. You are great haggler!

Vicki- nice score with the cookbooks. I had to laugh at your "walking a cat comment." I had a cat, and bought a cat leash and tried to walk him. The key word being tried. Lol. What was I thinking?

Amelia- I hate it when I wake up early on my days off. It is like clockwork for me, 5:15 every morning. Sometimes I forget it's the weekend and start getting ready. Crazy.

Cookie- we have a countdown among the teachers, well two actually. One for the last day of classes and the other for the last day of school. More students refused the math test than the ELA in our building. I wonder if that is across the board.

Okay, I still have cleaning to do.


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