Commit to get fit and lean for March 8


Good morning girls,

Since I didn't get my cardio in yesterday, I will do cardio today! I will go to the gym around 11 a.m ( that's when they open):p

I will be back to report my workout and personals!

Have great workot and day!
Good Morning!

How is everyone? Last day shift...woot!Woot!:D

Believe it or not, I worked out last night. I warned DH not to do the family dinner thing yesterday but then I had a friend call and invite us over for dinner. I knew it wouldn't be a late night cause we both have small kids and they need to be in bed by 8:30. As soon as DS went to bed I got on the TM and did a 6 mile run and disc #3. I didn't start until 9:20 or so and then when the times went ahead I really didn't finish my workout until 12!

I am hoping to get cardio and abs in again tonight but I have to come back here. I have to decide if washing my hair and putting makeup on again is worth it:eek:

Belinda** Have a good workout.

I am going to read yesterdays thread and return:)

Good morning Lori and all who follows,

I back from the gym! I did cardio coach volume 2, burned 588 cal. and 3 miles:eek: I love CC! Can't wait to try them all:eek::D Had a lot of fun. WOW, i am excusted!

Lori, enjoy your workout!

I will be back with personals!
TrishK** Motivation can be a real pain sometimes. We all go through spurts where we don't want to do anything. I have never went through an extended period of time though. The longest break I had was when I was pregnant. My body was probably thanking didn't realize what I was going to be putting it through later:confused::) Your going through alot right now and exercise may help. Are you in a safe neighbourhood where you can run or walk? I dunno...does Vegas even have neighbourhoods? LOL All I picture is lights, big buildings and people everywhere.

Cookie** I fell down yesterday to, if it makes you feel any better?:rolleyes: I was doing something for work and ( I shoud have known) that there was a layer of ice underneath the snow I was about to step on! Down I went but landed on my bottom! Its funny cause my first reaction was "did anyone see me"? LOL I think when we fall down we feel like kids again and we think people are going to laugh at us...and most of the times they do AFTER they know we are o.k. When I went to get back up I almost fell down again:eek: Maybe you won't have to rest for as long as you think. Hopefully it will heal quickly!

Deb** How was dinner last night? My inlaws are the opposite and like to eat late. Most times when we go out its not until 6:30, by the time we get our food and eat it, its time to go to bed:confused: I don't like eating to earlier either cause then I am hungry before I go to bed! Did you have dessert? What did you have???? We went to a friends house and she put toffee cakes in the oven. When I looked at the nutrition label it had 500 cals per cake and 19 g of fat!:mad: Needless to say, I didn't eat all of mine. DH and I shared one and there was still lots left over.

Trish** Enjoying your new workouts? The only thing I have is a TM...which is rather boring right now. But with the time going ahead, I may soon be able to run outside after I get off of work:D I can't wait for this summer when I can pack DS up and go for a run! Hopefully he won't be trying to get out of his stroller. Every yr brings a new thing and I never know what to expect. The first yr he slept the whole time and last yr he use to throw things out so I would have to stop, until he had nothing left to throw out. Lord only knows what he will do this yr.

Ameila** How was work yesterday? Anything exciting happen???

Well....I wish Cheryl would make an appearance. I wonder what she is up to. I should try contacting her through email. I thought forsure she would resurface when STS released.

DH is getting tired of his BIL bull crap. Did anyone else read my post on discipling other peoples kids? Well, I went next door to check out the paint color in their hall way last week, DS started to cry and my BIL decided to take matters into his own hands and tell him that he " can't cry in this house...look at me...look at cannot cry in this house" All while holding on to him and not letting him go. Poor bugger was looking at me crying as if to say "save me" and I just stood their in shock.Keep in mind...he just turned 2! And all their 4 yr old does is cry! I could understand it if the kid were destroying his house or kicking and screaming. It was almost as if he thought "no one else is going to discipling this child, so I will".
Yesterday they were at DD's v-ball game, DS started to wiggle from DH's arms and BIL says " Rylan..settle down" Im soon going to tell him to bend over so I could pull the stick out of his A$$! Who is he to tell MY child to settle down when he is in his fathers arms?! Not only that, DH said that he was amazingly good all day.DH went to say something to him but someone else started talking so he just let it go.
DH said that he is going to have to have talk to him. Also, the other night he went into the garage where DH was deep frying wings, one of the dogs sniffed him and he said " Charlie, F*** off" in a not so nice tone.
The sad thing is when it comes to blows, I am going to basically tell him that he can discipline his own kids, but the way I discipline mine is none of his business. If he wanted to discipline kids, then he should have had more. If he doesn't like it, do yourself and us a favor and don't invite us to your house anymore. Everyone will be happy. He is the kind of guy who can't keep his mouth shut! Obviously since this happened the other day, he thinks he as full rein to discipline my child, so there isn't a doubt in my mind that it will happen again.
Like DH said, he is the first to critize everyone in his family..from his mother to his father to his siblings but yet, no one as confronted him to tell him what a jerk he is being and its about time.

Sorry so long...needed to vent (again!)

Morning girls...

Today is a hoping to get outside to do it. Im trying to wake up since its technically 10:30 right now:eek: I wonder who's bright idea it was to 'spring forward' time? I'd like to ask HIM what HE was thinking;)(cause you know it wasn't a women;):D)

Belinda- ok Belinda,if you keep talking like that about CC i will have to go and find the one's i purchased and try them. Funny,i purchased them but then never done them...just got caught up into running and 4DS i guess. Great workout today,great calorie burn!

Lori-:eek: sounds like your BIL needs to be 'put in his place';) and it sounds like it will happen soon. I can't believe he is actually disciplining your DS:eek: sounds like he has a few screw's loose...I would never think about doing something like that....and if some one else did something like that to my child I think i would be in shock the first time too:eek: Good job getting in your workout last night,my goodness you worked out until midnight,YOU GO GIRL!:)

ok...ive got to scoot and log my food for the day,the carbs always get me to really watch them:rolleyes: its not that i don't get alot...they just add up really fast and i usually have move things around:rolleyes: but its working so far. My carbs are about 45% of my macro's.
Ameila** It definitly was a man's idea...every stupid idea...was a man's!;) They probably did it just to screw women up (more then we already are:confused:) cause hey...who is going to get up with the baby even earlier when the times change? Not the man!:rolleyes: On that note, my baby slept till 11:30! No trouble to tell I was working!
Have fun with your workout. I would be getting out for a run as well if I were off. Its a little chilly but the roads are dry and the sun is shining. Thats all I really need in the winter time:D
My BIL is a ticking time bomb in every aspect of his life. He hates his job, his job is stressful...blah...blah...blah...therefore I will be a totaly pain to everyone else around me! He is a pilot with the military so its not as if he can get another job. But I just think he uses his stressful job as I reason to be a pr*ck! I never did get why people who are in crabby moods take it out on others. I think eventually they will "get" why we don't come around that much!

Time for lunch. I think 1 egg, some egg whites and toast are in order!:)

Good morning girls,

I agree w/Amelia who's idea was it to spring forward. I feel so tired but I must admit I like the fact daylight is longer. I never did get my workout in yesterday. We're taking my mom to see South Pacific in NYC today. I think DH is going to kill me it turns out it's 3 hours long and it's a musical:confused:

Dinner with my in-laws worked out nice. I had tiramusi for dessert. I'm actually not crazy about italian desserts so I hope the cals were worth it.

Belinda - I'm so glad you were able to get CC on your ipod. My favorite is Vol. 6 with Sean.

Lori - Way to get you workout in last night:) I agree you or DH will have to say something to BIL before you have a blow out fight. It sounds like he has other issues but is taking it out on DS and your dog.

Amelia - You have to dig out and try Cardio Coach. It will motivate you when you run. It will be like getting new workouts for free.

Cookie - I hope your sprain gets better soon. That is a bummer.

Trish - We're having another nice day today:) Great job with your workout yesterday.

Have a nice day everyone!!
Hi girls,

I took my dogs for a short walk:p My legs are killing me.

Trish** I bought CC 1-8, you can’t beat that price! Great job with CC 6 yesterday. I need to give 5 a try soon! I loved CC V 2, had an awesome workout! I run even at 7.0!

Amelia** hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday! I can’t believe you have a CC and haven’t tried it? Get it out, girl! You will like it! How did your run go?

Cookie** Oh, no! How is wrist and hand today! Sending you healing vibes! I am down 2 more pounds! I love it! I think STS and running is doing me good!

Debbie** Thanks for you help yesterday! I was wondering the entire time ,why it didn’t work! Have a great time with your mom in NYC! Sounds like fun! I will try CC V 6 soon, lol!

Lori** awesome job with your late night workout yesterday! I agree with everyone about your BIL! What’s wrong with him?

Have a grea weekend!
Hi Laides,

Rats, this is the second time I'm typing this:mad:

Anyway, I am pooped! I stayed up late watching Lost episodes and didn't get to sleep until after 12. Factor in losing an hour and I'll need a two-hour nap to catch up;) Not sure if I will work out today. My shoulder is still not right so I don't want to aggravate it. We'll see how it goes...

Belinda - YAY!! I'm glad that you like CC (I knew you would!!). Did you do #2 as planned? I tried 6 last night and enjoyed it. I will probably try #4 the next time around.

Lori - Last year I used to take Olivia out in the stroller while Amaya rode her bike. Of course now the little one wants to do everything the big one does so I don't know if the stroller will work this year. Your BIL sounds like a real jerk. I hope DH talks to him soon before a lot of tension builds up.

Amelia - Enjoy your run outside today! I have a challenge with balancing my macros too. I am keeping my carbs at 50% and 25% for protein and fat. I hope that some of the free calorie management sites add in the feature that Cathe's program has where it will make food suggestions to help you balance your nutrients. That would be helpful.

Deb - Yes, another great weather day. So, after Olivia's nap I'll take the girls out back to play. When Olivia was a few months old we purchased one of those wood play sets. Amaya never stayed on it long unless she had a play date, but, finally her little sister is big enough to enjoy it with her. It was a big investment so I hope they get alot of use out of it this year.
Hey run was overwith this morning. It was a good one..didn't run 3miles like I wanted too but it was close 2.7. I became really nauseous after 2miles for some reason....i took it as a sign to get off the TM soon. Then i cleaned out refrigerator and did some laundry. I was watching P90x 's info commercial while i was jogging..if i had the money i would probably try it(then agian,i would also try STS and Chalean Extreme too,LOL)

Trish-What happened to your shoulder? Did I miss that post:eek:. I wish my calorie counting site did have that feature.. that would be cool. I think I will suggest it to the administrator. Ive already changed my supper agian(thats three times so far today:rolleyes:) now ive got it close to my macro's. It can be a PITA,but seems to be working for me. How long have you been doing Cathe's nutrition program? Hey,i read you post yesterday,I too have some no Pugde brownies in the going to make them wednesday I think. Let me know what you think about them.

Belinda,Debbie...I will go and see what i have from CC. I think I have some itread too.

Lori-I found Cheryl on facebook last week... What cardio and abb workout are you doing tonight?

man,im so tired...I may have to make some coffee after supper just to make it to bedtime:confused:. Ok,have a good day girls!
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Hello everyone,
Well I know that I have joined the right group, I am now going to feel guilty if I don't workout because all of you are so dedicated.

Vegas does have sidewalks but not in my sister's neighborhood. People drive so bad here I would probably be risking my life if I tried to run outside. I do have a gym membership and the gym is 5 minutes away, so I have no excuse. I just started not liking the gym so much when I started thinking about all of the germs everywhere (I know I am a nurse and crazy). Noone in the whole gym wipes down the equipment so I said I think that I will stick to home workouts. I had to lay the ground rules early for in laws that wanted to meddle, you are going to have to set the rules early or the BIL will run all over you, I certainly had to do this with my mother in law.

Well today I commit to starting my one rep max exercises so that I can attempt to do sts. Have a good day eveyone.

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