Commit to get fit and lean for Feb. 4, 2009


Good morning girls,

I will do PS Chest/BM2 Chest + PS Shoulders/BM2 Shoulders + PS Triceps/BM2 Triceps! I will knock out a few 1RM for Chest/Shoulders+Triceps today. :p I am still waiting for STS:rolleyes: Maybe it will come today? I also need to get a abworkout in today!

My legs a so sore today!

Debbie, hope your shoulder is feeling better soon!

Hi to everyone that follows! BBL to report my workout!
My! You girls are short and sweet today~!:rolleyes::D

Good Morning Everyone~!:)

I'm feeling pretty good today. I'm not tired at all:) Nothing worse then waking up and not feeling rested! I fell asleep around 11 on the can someone please tell me who went home on TBL? They were weighing in when I fell asleep.

Im hoping DS will have his nap this afternoon so i can workout:) Im thinking he will cause he woke before 8. Im going to get him dressed shortly and we are going to head out so he can play with his friends!

Ameila and Belinda** Enjoy your workouts!

I will bbl!

Hi girls,

I didn't had time to post my workout form this morning. Went to lunch with DH!:pMy workout this morning was a killer! I can hardly type! My UB is on fire! My abs and legs are sore!:rolleyes:LOL!

I finally got my STS! I just picked it up! Can't wait to open it!:p I am so excited!

Pure Strength:
Push ups off step:
2 sets/12 reps
Bench Press w/u:
70# - 16 reps
Bench Press:70# - 2 sets/10 reps
Incline Bench Press:
65# - 2 sets/10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press:
30's – 10 reps **I struggled on this ones today!**
Incline Dumbbell Flies:25's – 10 reps
Incline Super Sets:20's– 8 reps

BodyMax 2:
Decline Pushups on Stability Ball:
8 reps
Wide Stance Pushups:16 reps
Chest flies on the stability ball 25’s -10 reps **this was tough! My chest was fried at this point! The only reason I added this exercise, because I needed them for my 1RM!LOL!**

Pure Strength:
Arnold Press:
20's – 3 sets/10 reps
Seated Clean & Press:10's/8's – 2 sets/8 reps
Side Lateral Raises
: 12's – 2 sets/10 reps **with weighted cloves!**
Reverse "Y" Flies:12's – 2 sets/10 reps
Side Lateral Raises:12's – 16 reps

BodyMax 2:
Arm Circles: 4's they felt like 20’s!
Lateral Raises: 4's

Pure Strength:
Close Grip Dumbell Press:
25's – 1 set/12 reps 1 set/10- 1 set/8 reps** I went heavy on this because I needed them for my 1RM!)
Lying Tricep DB Extensions:15's – 2 sets/10 reps **I can’t believe I used 15’s! by rep 9, they got tough! I almost picked up 10’s, LOL!**
Cross Body Extensions:15's – 2 sets/10 reps ** same as above, every tough**
Lying Tricep Extensions:
15's – 12 reps ( couldn’t feel my triceps anymore at this point**
Dips: 1 set/20 reps 1 set/24 reps
**no weights for me! I almost skipped them,LOL!**

BodyMax 2:
Overhead Dumbbell Extension on Ball: 20# - 8 reps different counts
Double Arm Kickbacks: 10's - 24 reps
** I went very very slow**
Double Arm Kickbacks: 10's - 4 reps w/4 pulses** I wanted to die at this point, glad is was over!

Good moring Lori and Amelia, enjoy your workout! I been done a few hours now:p I just couldn't type! LOL!

I have to review my STS! BBL!

Belinda-my goodness your are lifting heavy....are you still following FF's rotation?

Lori-I recorded TBL so don't know who went home yet...Im waiting for DH to wake up so we can watch it(he got mad when i didn't watch it with him last time,LOL:rolleyes:) Enjoy your outing with your DS.
Hi Amelai,

yes, I am still following FF's Jan, rotation, I am mixing my 1RM's in there also:p I just got done reviewing STS Disc1, all I can say Holy Crap!:rolleyes::eek: I would do my 1RM today, but my chest/shoulders and triceps are too fried:mad: Seeing the exercises makes it much easier! Off watching Disc 2!:D Holy crap, way to many push ups:p BBL!

My name is suzanne.I wanted to say hi and may I please join here?This is where you would check in every day?I just want to say I love Cathe' Friedrich.I use to write on here a few years back.I missed coming here and getting motivated.I am really kind of just starting back up again.I never really quit working out.I just didn't workout out enough to really do something.This is perfect for me.I love the saying commit to get fit and lean because that's exactly what I need to do.LOL.I am starting off slowly.I had a back injury a few years back and I am a little older at age 45.So it takes a little while to get started up and going again.LOL.

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Good morning girls,

I'm off to work, but will do some cardio and 1RM's when I get back. I feel rested today too and only had 6 hours sleep (go figure).

Belinda - Yesssssss you finally received STS!!! When will you start or did you already;)

Lori - They cut about 8 hours a month from my schedule. I'll take temp. jobs as needed. I work part-time anyway so no big deal. Have fun with your DS, do you still have snow??

Amelia - Enjoy your stepworkout today.

Cookie - It feel good to stretch . . . we don't do it enough.

Suzanne - Welcome, you'll fit right in.

I am done watching disc2! I love STS! I thnk this will shock my body big times!:p Not so sure if I can handle all those push ups:rolleyes: Did I mentioned I hate push ups:mad:

Suzanne, Hi and welcome! You fit right in our group:D I am almost 46!:rolleyes:

Debbie, enjoy your cardio and 1RM today!
Hey Girls!

Im thinking about putting DS down for a nap in 20 mins or so. Hopefully he will take one b/c I have to work tonight so there is no time to put the workout off!

Belinda** Good job with your workout. I didn't think i was going to have DOMS in my chest yesterday but I did! I did go heavier with the BB stuff, i think I had 50 lbs on there or something like that. Have fun watching your dvds. I haven't heard anything from mine. When I click on "edit order" it says "this order can not be edited b/c it as already been shipped or as been processed" Im willing to beat that its been shipped and I will have to keep it instead of sharing my sisters....oh well...atleast I will have my own set:)

Ameila** I know who got voted off now, my SIL filled me in on everything. Maybe i will go to youTube and see if the clip is there.

Suzanne** Welcome! We love newcomers!!!! We get bored with each other after a while;):D Did you order STS? What are your goals??

Deb** We haven't gotten hit real hard with the snow (yet) Last year this time we had tons and it takes forever for it to go away! We had a bit last week but today it is pretty mild (nice day for a run if it wasn't so wet out) But tomorrow we are suppose to get snow again so I am sure we will get back whatever we lost today:( I hate winter!

I will bbl to report my workout!

Lori you can sent Nancy in customer service an email! Or call them:eek:

Suzanne** We get bored with each other after a while;):D

Thanks for a good laught !:eek::D:p
Thank you very much.You all seem so nice.My goals right now are to start off slowly.I'm not a beginner.I just haven't done full workouts for a little while now.I'm starting off with walking and toning for a few weeks now.I can't walk too much outside now because it is too cold.I love walking outside though.I can't wait untill I can do that again.I use to walk with son in the stroller.But he is in kindergarten now and too big for the stroller.LOL.I do miss my special time with him and our walks though.May I please ask what are some of Cathe's beginner work outs?My favorite I use to always do was Powermax.I love that video.But I will deffinantly have to work up to working out to that video again.LOL.

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Suzanne** I don't own any of Cathes beginner workouts. I probably would have if she had made them when I first started my addiction:eek::p I saw an review on Body Max in a mag and my sister ordered it for me for my b-day, that was probably back in "98 or '99. 10 yrs later...she is still in my life:) After having DS, 2 yrs ago, I started back slowly but with the GS Series and low impact step. Before I knew it,i was back doing the same things i always did.
I run in the summer time with Ds in the stroller. I am wondering how long I will be able to do that for.Hopefully he won't get to big this year, then I can still take him next summer.

So, I put DS down for his nap, that he didn't take:mad: I still did my workout though:) He learned to keep himself occupied for an hour..nothing wrong with that:rolleyes: I did PS and PUB tris and a 4.5 mile run. I was aiming for atleast 3 miles but I peeked in at him and he was o.k so I stayed on a little longer. Im thinking that my workouts will soon be switched to all a.m ones or evening:( Not looking forward to the change!

Howdy girls!

It's been a busy week at work so I didn't have much time for checking in although I stole a peek or two to see what you guys have been up to:D (Belinda, my fingers were crossed every day that I would read "I got it, I got it!!"). To recap, on Monday I did an iStretch Yoga session (really enjoyed that), that night DH decided he wanted to have a chat @ 3AM so no wo on Tuesday and today I did more 1RMs. I think I have them complete through Disc 26??? I am planning to start on Sunday so I'm getting psyched. I actually bought a tape measure and will be taking measurements for the first time :)

Belinda - Ok, so now that you've got the goods, when are you getting started?? You and I had the same first reaction....Holy Crap:confused: I think there are something like 120 push ups on the first chest will be on fire for a week!

Lori - Nice wo today! Glad DS stayed out of your way:eek: When the girls are awake when I workout, they want to exercise with me or be my little cheerleaders. They always scream "Work it!" at me. It's so hilarious!

Amelia - Aren't hubbies funny that way? My DH doesn't think anything of watching a movie/show without me (he will usually sit and watch it a second time with me) but if I watch without him, he gets all disappointed:confused: Hope your cardio was fun;)

Debbie - When do you think you will wrap up your 1RMs and get started on STS? Do you do any yoga? I usually only stretch a little before and after working out and occasionally will throw in stretch max. Monday's yoga felt so good. I really was able to get alot of tension out of my muscles. Hopefully I can work it in once a week.

Hi Suzanne! Welcome to the check-in and back to working out! Hhhhmmm...the first wo I started to do after DD was born (just a few days before Lori's DS as a matter of fact:p) was Low Max. I modified when necessary, but it was good to start back with because it was high intensity but low impact. Also, Low Impact Circuit is really good for the same reasons. With the weight DVDs you can set your own pace.

Allright girls, hope to check in later.
Welcome Suzanne! Glad you joined us! Now lets see.....beginner workouts....I would recommend Basic step, Low impact circuit, Low impact Step and there is also Body Fusion. As far as weight workouts go i would recommend power hour...thats the one I started,fun,fun! Those will definetly get you ready for some more intense cathe stuff. I love walking,thats how I started out too..its a great stress reliever. Nice to meet you!:)

Ive got some good DH finally got a job:D Its third shift,not crazy about that but its a job. He starts tonight. Its warehouse work...what he likes to do.

I got my workout in,decided to do 40 mins of Imax pooped:confused: Really need to get in the shower...i will bbl for personals!

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