Coming up on 50

Hi fiftyisnifty - Here is the link -

It's over on the DVD Rotations thread on the first page. There are plenty of leg workouts in that rotation. I have Legs & Glutes, Gym Style Legs, Leaner Legs. But Low Max is tough on the legs also, as well as some of the CTX DVDs.

Another problem I was having was improper form doing leg presses. That will really hurt your knees if you're not careful.

Hey bubbles - thanks! I do have Lo Max and I noticed that my knees were aching with that one but maybe its time to invest in some of the ones you mentioned above. Thanks again.....
Yes I saw the Seahawks send off! That was great!

Part of the reason I got into spinning was because I wanted to make sure I had a cardio option that is easier on my knees. As I said, I haven't had problems but wanted to be careful. (I LOVE hi-impact.) Also, spinning is like a good run for me. With that said, I do workout 6 days and I hope that will help me through those menopausal years whenever they decide to show up!

Welcome to the forum! :)

Hello to all you nift 50's, those over and those under. I turned 50 last June. The biggest problem I had with it was that no one made a big deal out of it. My friends at work promised to take me out to dinner, which never materialized, and all my DH gave me was a card! Made me feel a little unloved, as well as old. But other then feeling a little sorry for myself, it hasn't been too hard. I work out 5 or 6 days a week. I try to do 50 min or more of cardio daily and lift for at least one body part a day. Weight has always been an issue for me, and although I consider myself very fit, I'm at least 20 pounds overweight. Fortunately, I have never had an injury that sidelined me for any extented period of time. My lower back twinges sometimes, and I can't run anymore, but that's about all. Menopause is giving me a bit of fits though. The hot flashes come and go. Weight seems to come on even easier than it used to. The biggest problem for me, though, has been the unpredictable periods. I can go for anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 weeks between. It's driving me crazy. It's nice to see so many other of "our generation" here.
Robin, how could you allow your DH not to make a big deal over your 50th birthday? Mine is in March, and DH and I decided last year that we would take a barge cruise in France, in part because they were offering a 50% discount to anyone who was turning 50 that year. Then my teeth started acting up, and we now have three extractions, bone grafts and implants to pay for, so I decided against the trip. I told my DH we are going to the finest French restaurant in NYC the night of my birthday, and just to make sure we go, I am going to make reservations this week. I mean, DH would do it, but I'm much better at it. Sometimes you just need to take the initiative with these things! }(

Nancy, a barge trip in France!!How I would love that. I hope you get to do it another time. My DH and his family has never been very big on birthdays. He did get me a gift a few weeks later, but in all honesty, I don't even remember what it was. At least I didn't feel I had to do anything big about his 50th a month after mine. I think it bothered me more that no one at work fussed. I had arranged a big, fancy dinner out for a friend who turned 60 a couple of years ago, and I always remember to make a nice treat for others on their special day. The 60+ friend told me she wanted to take me to a new Mexican place in town, then never mentioned it again. Doesn't inspire me to do anything exciting for her upcoming retirement, but I'll probably feel guilty and arrange something. If your birthday is in the first week of March, I will miss is, because we will be in the Virgin Islands, so let me wish you an early, very Happy 50th Birthday!
Yes, Robin, the barge trip sounds absolutely awesome. 18 people floating down the river enjoying gourmet meals and wines. Stopping off for historical and cultural tours of cities. And they give discounts for anything have a "5" in it, so we would have had a discount for my 50th birthday, and our 5th anniversary. Very enticing.

Actually, my birthday is March 24 (as in Nancy324), but thank you so much for the good wishes. The Virgin Islands sound wonderful! I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time. :D

Someday I hope to get to France. And Tuscany. And the Baja pennisula of Mexico. And...the list goes on and on. But we will have a great time snorkeling and sleeping on the beach. By your birthday, I will be in my post-vacation-my-tan-is-fading depression!
Robin, forgive me for my obsessive-ccmpulsive editing weirdness, but I don't understand your signature. Is there a word missing?

-Nancy the perpetual editor
I will be 51 in a couple of weeks and am in the best health and shape of my life. I exercise 7 days a week and eat about 80% clean. No injuries, knee problems, cholesterol or blood pressure issues yet. Can't remember the last time I was sick with a cold.

Although I have endured a long battle with peri-menopause that started when I was 42. Weight is a bit difficult to manage but I stay on top of it. I am taking low dose BC pills to control mood swings and ensure I get a good night's sleep. I also take a bit of testosterone to help with low libido and dry vagina I was
experiencing. These are the things I have found to work for my symptoms.
Nancy, it's a quote from a Jimmy Buffet song, Holiday. He pretty much expounds on the idea that life is fun, enjoy it, be a comedian. I agree with the philosophy. Making other people laugh makes me laugh.

Find a far off wonderland
Where you might regain command of your life today.
Take a holiday, you need a holiday.
Grab a pack and hit the trail,
Take a sail and wind up in some moonlit bay. is a sort of holiday for me.
But Robin, isn't there at least one word missing? I'm talking about a typo. Look closely at your signature.
Oops! Yes, thank you Nancy. I rea it over and over before I saw it. When I (finally) become a writer, will you be my editor?
Wow, so many interesting stories about women turning 50!!!
I am 47, a fitness enthusist for 25 years, done everything. Jogging, steps, high/low aerobics(even with the 80's leg warmers)
I have been sticking mostly with Cathe for the last 2 years, doing
rotations, intervals, weights, steps...
But sometimes I feel it is getting to be too hard on my body. Recently I had to take a week off so my lower back wouldn't hurt so much. So maybe I can't do 6 days of the same intensity, maybe 2, a break or pilates or yoga.
But the weight gain is real, the night sweats are real, the sleepless hours are real. But as somebody mentioned, I am still so fit, more than my kids and more than almost anybody I know of my age.
God Bless you all!!!!
I love all of CAthe's step routines!!!
Hi everyone!

I turn 50 in FIVE DAYS!!! I have been doing Cathe for 14 years and the only adjustment I've made so far is from a 10 inch to an 8 inch step. I occasionally have knee problems but they don't seem to last long fortunately.

I am a light sleeper & the closer I get to menopause (no symptoms yet) the worse it seems to get.

I am muscular by nature and the muscles seem to help me keep my weight in line. I eat pretty well without feeling deprived (at least most of the time)

Oh, and one more thing, I grew up in Pittsburgh, so GO STEELERS!!!!!!!

Leslie, Let me be the first to say Happy (early) Birthday and welcome to the club. My DH grew up in Greensburg, so we are Steeler fans. And Pirate fans. And Penguin fans.
Nancy- you poor thing - I just read on another thread that you had an emergency root canal- make sure you have good pain meds - and if you start to swell after the tooth has been worked on, make sure you call your dentist! ( yes, I am in dentistry)Plus 3 extractions, a bone graft and an implant! OWWWWW! I hope you aren't planning something similar for your 60th! But seriously, sorry you have to miss your barge trip to France. That sounds very fun!

Hi Robin - that's So WRONG that your friends and DH did not honor your 50th birthday. That IS a big deal and they should treat it as such. My 50th is coming up in May and my friends and I are headed to Napa for a weekend of wine tasting, spa-ing, shopping and of course, eating. Did you find a place for your 21 year old?

I was reading another thread that looks like its been going on for some time - can you tell me what's with the thread that starts with
<--------- - seems like everybody on that one seems to know whats going on there - I take it allwildgirl has been on the forum for a while.

Well gotta go work - have a good tuesday everyone

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