[[[[[ clean & tidy weekend ]]]]]

Hi CT ladies! Sorry I've been so MIA this past week. Dh's auntie passed away last week so it's been a little crazy. I miss you ladies and promise to be on more this upcoming week. I finished Week 7 of P90X and next week is a rest week. Eats have been cleaning up. I am so sick of sweets. Blech. Never thought I would say that, but I'm getting sick of all the sugar. Anyway, hope you are all doing good. I haven't been able to read posts, but promise to catch up and be back to post regularly this upcoming week.

Hi Melanie! Good to see you here! I'm still trying to eat clean since our TTC days. You would think I would have gotten the idea by now, but my weakness is the sugar!

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good morning everyone! i am excited, can you tell? i ran 9 miles this am and it was wonderful!!! i need it to face the rest of my day - major clean max, and lunch with my mom:(

kate, great wo last night for you!! you are on a roll.

lisa, lisa, you are missed. i really want to do p90x, but sigh, no more dvd purchases:(:( i wish i was more sick of sugar. i just started taking a higher dose of bcp, and the estrogen is making me want sweets.

hi mel! great to see you here, and welcome.

wendy, how did the rice turn out?

clintonya, great wo for you.

katie, when is your mom's party?

need more decaf - biab
Good Sunday Morning Girls !

I've been MIA and no workout yesterday ! I got a migraine Friday night . I got up Saturday feeling quite a bit better- good thing because I had that birthday cake to make. And I was making it no matter what. Brayden had a party at 1:00.
So I got it made, and got to bring it over to him. YAY! Because he was so excited, I'd have hated to miss his face when he saw it.
But then it was back home, into jammies and I hit the couch. The rest of the day I just laid around.
Happily , this morning, it seems to be gone.
Hopefully later today , I can catch up with yesterday's workout (MMA kicking boxing) . Tomorrow DH is home from work, so again, it's hard to fit in a workout, but I'm planning on making it a priority !!!!
Eats have been good.

Melanie !- WELCOME !!!! You are rocking your workouts !!!! I believe your nickname should be Superwoman !

Nina, I'm so excited for YOUR excitement !!!:p Glad you're feeling so much better !

Waving to everyone.......and going to get breakfast !!
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YIKES! i am out of oatmeal!! lol. ods or dh must have made some last night. a bowl of corn flakes it is. sigh. bbiab for personals, the boy is running wild since 5:30.
Hey guys, I'm here. Just a super busy weekend - not a whole lot of computer time. Yesterday we had to go major grocery shopping (320€ later...) and I went to visit my friend Rebekah (who had the preemie... he's finally home and doing great!). Today I slept in because we were up half the night with Annabel. We are starting her on a bed wetting alarm and it's like having a newborn. Geesh. I'm so hopeful that it will work though!

The rest of the day has been spent cleaning up Christmas decorations and hanging new family pics (posted on FB) and just spending time with the fam.

Tomorrow will start my new rotation. I'm anxious to see what it does. I'm at my goal weight but not goal figure. I think all my working out days, I've worked on trying to figure out how to get from skinny to in shape. I'm not really sure how to do it. How do I get defined muscle and lower my body fat?

Kate, sounds like a nice quiet weekend. Sorry for your eating sabotage last night. At least you ended the night on a high note with a good sweat! Don't be so hard on yourself. One day at a time.

Katie, I think the others had good suggestions for your party. Sams club or Costco are always good ways to go for party platters. Good luck!

Nina, yay for the long run and feeling great! Hope lunch goes well with your mom. What's she so upset about?

Klaudia, how was the basketball game? I'm so jealous! I love sporting events!

Wendy, sorry about early riser JJ! Great job getting your WOs in!

Colleen, I always look forward to relaxing weekends and then they end up crazy. At least you were productive!

Robin, glad you got to "sleep in" yesterday and hooray for insurance saving you money!!

Melanie, welcome to the group! Adorable little ones! I am almost 30 (next Sunday, gulp), mom to Annabel (5) and Ellie (3.5) and married to my hs sweetheart, Ryan for almost 8 years. We live in northern France with Caterpillar. Been her for 1 year and have 1.5 left...

Clintoya, we take each day one at a time. If you had a bad day, the next one can be better!

Lisa, so sorry about DH's auntie. What a bummer. Take your time with your fam and check in when you can.

Becky, YUCK on the migraine! Do you get them a lot? Hope your day today is better!

Off to make dinner...
Hi all!

Haven't been able to get on the computer til now-the girls were playing games all morning. Last night was fun-Pistons won their 3rd game in a row after losing 13 straight! And my Spartans won too!:) Eats were good til the game-can you say jumbo pretzel with cheese?!:eek: All this having fun has my weight higher than it's been in a long time-yuck. I need to lose 4-5#s. Ugh. Ok, so today is cardio and abs-I think I may try Athletic Step. For those of you who've done it, does it need previewing? Nothing else planned for today besides some cleaning and the Golden Globes tonight-I love watching the preshow with all the fashions:)

Welcome Melanie! This is the place to come for accountability and support:)

Wendy, I'm with ya-I fell off the wagon big time! Need to tighten up my eating now that the workouts are back on. Gotta stop the mindless snacking and late night bowls of cereal and popcorn!

Kate, good job getting the workout in last night! Hope the company is going well and the eats are clean!

Clintonya, I have been sore ALL week! Gotta love STS!

Lisa, sorry about your family's loss. I'm sick of the sugar too-need to cut it out of my diet-the desserts I can manage, it's my coffee I can't have sugar free:( Great job on sticking out P90X! I get bored around week 6 and can never get back into it.

Nina, yay for being excited! Hope lunch goes well-be strong!

Becky, glad you're feeling better today. The cake was adorable!

Angie, I love going to sporting events too-any kind! How much is 320 euros? Something like $500? I spent around $400 last trip out and need to go tomorrow. I can't seem to be a frugal shopper:( Cute pics!
Good day, clean eats! Wanted brownies so I ate a bunch of prunes & nuts. Guzzling the water. Cravings be gone!

Will WO tonight - not sure what tho.

Lisa! Good to see you! So sorry abt the death in the family. Hoe everyone is doing ok.
GOod for you w/ your WOs! Why can't we learn abt the cheats?!:rolleyes:

NIna, Glad you enjoyed your run!
Hope the lunch w/ Mom is relatively painless!

Becky, THe cake was too cute!

Melanie, Your cake was great too!!! I have a pan mold somewhat like that one - teh kids love it!

Wendy, Sorry for your early mornings! And no oatmeal - talk abt adding insult to injury!:p:eek:

Angie, Your pics are beautiful!
Good luck w/ the bed alarm! Thankfully we've had easy trainers! Hope J follows suit!
Defined muscle & lower fat - when I figure it out I'll let ya know! But seriously girl, you look fantastic.

Klaudia, Glad you're having a fun weekend! I wouldn't sweat the pretzel!
hi everyone - well, i survived lunch. it was just really sad. seeing my mom in pain is sad, and i think that is why she lashes out at me sometimes. anyways, i am glad it is over, and i hope we can get better. came home and banged out pub heavy and some floor work. it was better than eating cookies i guess.

wendy, hope you got to the store.

becky, great job with the cake!!

klaudia, why does p90x bore you? what wo did you end up doing?

angie, glad you are feeling better. what don't you like about your shape? if your goals are muscle definition and fat loss, i highly recommend ff's dec 08 rotation. it is a lot of lifting, but it will totally change your body i think, esp if you have not done lifting like that before.

family time - bbl
Hi Everyone!

Yesterday I crashed after posting and did not feel better the rest of the day. I did sleep well last night and I feel much better today. I did Core Cardio Circuit this morning and grocerymax. Still helping DH with his closet cleanup but he is almost done!!!! Yeah!!

Angie, heavy lifting and good diet helped me with the muscle definition but I need extra cardio to burn fat.
Nina, sorry about the sad lunch. Good job working out instead of diving into the cookies.
Katie, if I go to a party that's in the afternoon, I don't expect dinner so don't worry about that. Just serve your finger food and plan to cut the cake by 5 so people get the hint it is almost over.
Klaudia, glad your teams won last night! If you are good at step then you shouldn't need to preview athletic step.
Melanie, welcome to the group!
Lisa, so sorry about DH's aunt. Isn't it funny that you can get tired of sugar?
Becky, I am glad Braydon loved the cake. It turned out great.
Clintonya, my legs are sore today after yesterday's leg workout. I hope yours are feeling better.
Kate, thanks for the info on CKBC. Good job managing the cravings today. Keep up the good work.
Robin, thanks for giving me the rest of yesterday off. Glad you were able to save at the eye dr. yesterday. It can get really $$$.
Wendy, how did your rice turn out?
Thanks for the welcome, ladies. It's going to take a while for me to get to know all of you....it's a large group. There's comfort in recognizing a few people though (from pg forum). Hi Nina, Kate & Lisa!!!

Today I did CC7, 5.5 miles.....I'll try to do a 4 mi walk later with one of the babies.

I have not been hungry at all today, not sure why? It's been a busy day with my 6 year old's bday.

B: chocolate chip bday cake
S: coffee
L: diet orange pop
S: will have 1/3 cup mixed nuts, glass of milk
D: beef sandwich & veggies
S: protein smoothie & beef jerky

Waves to all!
I'm gonna slack on personals right now, but I want to report I made myself do Step Moves and Yoga-based Abs after I got home from my parents house yesterday (at 6:30). I swear, that's a first. Of course I love my parents, but the days I spend with them are exhausting. Luckily, my mom was having a really good day and my dad was much happier and more relaxed than last time I saw him. All in all, a good day. :D

And I did Disc 4 of STS today. Yay me!
Hi Melanie! I live in Va with my dh and mom. We have 2 daughters, age 10 and 16. I work full time and am always trying to get better with eating and working out (mainly eating):) I saw the pics of your girls; they are precious!!

Lisa, sorry things were so hectic for you and I hope you and your dh and his family are doing ok. Great job with being of Week 7 of p90x.

Kate, good job on resisting the brownies :) What workout did you choose?

Colleen, glad you were finally able to get some rest in and are feeling better. After kickbox today, the legs are no better :)

Becky, I also get migraines. You did great making the cake and getting through the party with one. Your cakes are great!

Katie, the party plans sound like they are coming along well. That is such a wonderful thing to do for your mom!

Klaudia, yea for the good sports night! How did Athletic Step go?

Robin, that is a good savings on the cost. I need to take my oldest for contacts and now my youngest's vision is starting to get worse. Was hoping she would keep the great vision, she could see so well, but right about this age it seems everyone in my family needs glasses.

Wendy, I sometimes don’t think I even know what the wagon looks like anymore, BUT today I was good. Now I just need to keep it up for the rest of the week.

Angie, I had the same problem with shopping yesterday, don’t know where the money went! Good luck with the bed wetting, I hope you are getting more sleep tonight :)

Nina, I am glad your lunch with your mom went well. Does she have a chronic condition or is the pain from something new? My mom has so many chronic conditions, it seems like there is always something hurting her.

Anne, that is great that you got your workouts in on both days!! And, glad your visit went better than last time.

Busy day yesterday with dance and the store and today trying to get some cleaning/organizing done since I have the long weekend. Mma kickbox is done and I’ve done much better with the eating today. It’s been clean and the right amount. Have a good night!

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Clintonya, WTG w/ good eating! me too!

Anne, You are doing so good getting back into Wos!
Glad your parents went well overall

Melanie, Awesome WOs! When it was nice I would put Julia in the Beco and take a long walk while the big girls were at school. I've thought abt putting her in it while I'm on the ellip but I think she's too big anymore for that to fly!
I have to measure my nuts out too - so easy to go overboard! I measure out 1 oz of cashews for the day and don't allow myself to eat any more.

Colleen, Love getting thigs organized! Good for you guys!

Nina, Glad it went ok w/ your mom. PUB is way better than cookies!


Laura came over tonight and we did 40/20 and some yoga and abs. I love having a WO partner for cardio! It makes me push so much harder!

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