
Nina, good luck at your drs appt today! Tell me about MMA boxing...?
Kate, glad you had fun with your sister last night!
Anne, did you get up this morning to workout? Are we doing this rotation together? I will call you and wake you up if I must!
Robin, where are you? Crazy day yesterday?
Angie, did you get up with the alarm this morning? I hope you have a more productive day today.

I can't remember what else I read yesterday!

I did have a *SMALL* slice of cake yesterday and it was soooooooo worth it - YUM! Eats were otherwise squeaky - it gets easier to eat clean when I start feeling lean like this!

The rotation calls for the 2nd ub workout for the week, but I like to do legs in the middle so I'm going to do legs today. BBIAB!
Good Morning Girls !

Yay Katie at your small slice of cake. It sounds heavenly. (Love the chocolate /pb combo!!)


Back & Tri's today.
Thanks everyone - for comments yesterday. I never figured out what the problem was. Felt blah all day, but not sick, so hopefully it was just "one of those days!"

Cute title, Katie! I'm glad you enjoyed your cake!:D

Yesterday was great - CS in the AM, weights at nap time and cardio/abs at night!
I even resisted cake & ic @ the inlaws @ dinner! yay me!!!!

today will be some light cardio - not sure what.

I'm off to make soup for Teacher Appreciation Day lunch.

Hope everyone has a great day!
becky, i hope todays wo is better!
hi robin!

i am so sore everywhere! and i love it! ive hit the weights hard the last cpl days & its paying off!:D:D
happy birthday klaudia!!

good morning everyone. i am so ready for this dr appt. 1:10pm.... wo will be ub weights and some sort of cardio.

katie, mma boxing is really fun. a great ub and core wo for sure. i added on mma kb b/c it was kind of short.

kate, hi 5 to you for the clean day.

becky, enjoy your wo today.

anne, did you wake up?

hi angie - hope your jet lag is imporving.

another clean day here, i promise. i totally avoided what could have been a monster of a bad food time.:cool: bbl
we're all on a roll! yay us!
nina, i hope th drs appt goes well! id be a nervous wreck!!

....done w/ j....off to finsh the soup
Morning girls,


I fell asleep around 1 last night and had my alarm set for 8:30. When Ryan left for work at 7ish he said it was snowing and I shouldn't go out. I changed my alarm for 9 but the girls still wanted to go to their dance class so we quickly got ready and walked (it's only about a 10 min walk). I'm still not feeling well. I'm sure it's the jet lag just messing with me. But I also feel like I'm fighting something. Ryan suggested waiting until next week to work out and I might do that. I'm just all around exhausted.

Katie, glad you enjoyed your cake y'day. You sound so positive and upbeat. Enjoy that leg wo!

Kate, all your WOs yday sound awesome. You are kicking some tail and I'm so proud.

Becky, glad you're feeling better today. Hope your WO goes well.

Hi Robin! Are you still sore?

Nina, let us know how your appt goes! I'm anxious to try the MMA workouts.

Anne, I heard that people had made a rotation with non STS WOs. I couldn't find it. Do you remember what it was called? I tried to search STS substitutes but couldn't find anything... I'd love to see it! Did you get up this AM?

Someone asked y'day if I'll be in the US in the summer. We are not planning any trips to the US until Christmas. I will go for a long weekend in July to see my sister's baby but just by myself. So, we'll be in France for the year. I'm glad because I just am so exhausted from the travel and jet lag. I don't know how business people travel overseas regularly.

Off to make my girls some lunch. BBL.
Katie good for you. You only had one small piece of cake.

Becky I'm glad you are feeling better today.

Kate good going with the DOMS. What type of soup?

Nina good eats yday. Let us know how the appt went.

Angie I think it's a great idea to wait until next week to workout.
I remember seeing the subst sts before.

Meso 1-Cross train express, ME, MIS
Meso2- PUB/PLB,
Meso3- superset, 4ds, gym styles, slow and heavy

you can also do a series for each month like:

meso 1-Body Blast Series
Meso 2-Intensity Series
Meso 3-Hardcore Series
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klaudia, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

angie, sorry you are not feeling well still =( how long has it taken in the past? how come your girls dont have school right now?

kate, yay DOMS! what kind of soup are you making?

nina, good luck at the doc. do you have to deal with tricare as i do?

katie, that cake sounds totally worth it! my dh loves choc/pb combo and i usually avoid making it because i love it, too =)

becky, hope you feel better today!

hi robin!

b - oatmeal and banana
l - my mom left a thai salad here when we did takeout yesterday but i think i need to not use that peanut dressing... hat will just kill it.
d - theres a moms night out tonight, its a korean/japanese bbq place... any suggestions for what i should order? i already made sloppy joes for the fam, just pulled it out of the freezer for later.

groove class on tap for today and im looking forward to it!
Happy Birthday, Klaudia!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day! You know we all love you. :D

Hi, Clintonya, how are you today?

Wendy, thinking about your groove class makes me smile. Can yo cut the peanut dressing with chicken broth so it's a little thinner and therefore not so calorie-laden? Altho, I believe nuts are good for you, so I'd probably just eat it as is. But you shouldn't listen to me about eats--I'm awful!

Robin, what a great suggestion for a rotation, you're so smart. ;) Do you have to work today?

Angie, sorry you're so tired. I'm dragging today, too. I tried to find that rotation, but couldn't. I might try again, but Robin's suggestions are great.

Kate, tell me what kind of soup you're making. I love soup, unless it has fish in it.

Nina, good luck at the doctor today, I hope it goes well.

Becky, are you feeling better? Everybody has an off day sometimes, it just happens.

Katie, let's do it! I did get up this morning and do MMA Boxing. I really liked it, but it was not super hard, cardio-wise. Great core work, tho. I'm going to do Legs tomorrow.

In fact, I was surprised that I could do most of the core work this morning. I did the ab section from Travel Fit last week and it made me kinda sore, then I did it again on Monday and had no soreness whatsoever. Maybe my ab muscle conditioning will come back quickly.

Hi, Colleen and Lisa! Who else did I miss?

Gotta get some work done, I have a lot to do today. Yesterday I had a meeting from 2 to 5! :eek: That kinda blows productivity out of the water for the afternoon.


Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! Nothing special on tap for today-Darrin has to paint and Danica has dance. Not sure if my parents are coming over. If not, I think the girls and I will go out to eat-kids eat free on Wednesdays;) Workout is Disc 3-Legs. I like to break up my ub workouts too like Katie.

Katie, I bet that cake was delish! Are you on week 1 or 2 of the rotation?

Becky, glad you're feeling like yourself again. We all have blah days every so often. Have a great workout!

Kate, great job yesterday! I think I'm going to add some short cardios to my ub days til I get back to where I want-probably tm incline walks. What kind of soup you making?

Nina, fingers crossed for your doc appt. Great job on the clean eats and willpower! I had some Hershey kisses last night:( Ah, well.

Angie, resting is a good idea. Bummed you won't be coming this summer if we DO have a get together, but I totally understand about all the travel.

Robin, those substitutions look good. What are you doing today?

Hi Clintonya!

This morning my sinuses are really bothering me so I stayed in bed. I WILL leave work early and do STS Disc 5 tonight. I think there is a cold going around - my boss and DH both are having sinus issues too. Tonight is supposed to be date night if DH doesn't get trapped at work. We are going out pillow shopping and then to dinner.

Anne, ^5 on getting up to workout again. I had to cancel my cc which is also my atm card so if I need cash I have to go to the bank until the new one arrives.
Angie, sorry you are not feeling well. I have a really hard time recovering from jet lag too. I hope you are not coming down with something.
Wendy, I don't think I have ever been to a korean bbq so no suggestions. Sorry.
Katie, a lot of people are switching legs to mid-week for Meso 1 to give their ub a break.
Nina, hope the dr. appt goes well.
Kate, yeah on the awesome workout last night and the DOMS!
Becky, glad you are doing better today. I guess it was just one of those days yesterday.
Robin, ^5 on the weight loss. Looks like you are on track to lose your 5 pounds this month.

Wendy, I forgot, I LOVE Korean BBQ. We used to have an awesome place here, but alas, it closed. They had this fantastic spicy pork dish on the menu. When I'd try to order it the waiter would say, "Wait, that's really spicy." And I 'd say, "I know, I like spicy food, that's what I want." "But, it's really, really spicy." "I know, that's what I want. I love that dish." "It's really, really, really spicy." "I know, that's what I want." It would take several tries to convince them I could handle it, ha!

Klaudia, I forgot to ask--where is your MIL's cottage on Lake Huron? I would love a summer get together.

Becky, glad today is better!

Colleen, sorry about your sinuses.

Okay, seriously, people, I have work to do!

Wendy, we were posting at the same time:) No suggestions on what to order, but I am jealous of your girls night out! Have a great time!

Colleen, your date night sounds just like ours-last time we went to dinner and towel shopping:) Hope your sinuses clear up and you can get your workout in.

Anne, the cottage (house actually-it's 1300 sq ft and has 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths:)) is near Lexington in the Blue Water Beach neighborhood-45 minutes from Emmett:) We will defintiely be having a get together-can you say beer margaritas and chips on the beach?!
OMG just did combo 1 and 2 of Step Moves:D It was so much fun but I need to practice that one. I couldn't clap and step at the same time:eek:
This one reminds me of Rhythm step.

Now I'm off to do plates and weights

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