^^**^^Clean & Tidy Wed^^**^^


Hello ladies! Just got through eating my salad, and it was yummy! Even have leftovers for tomorrow. It also came with some pita bread. Good thing I had some hummus at home to go with it! Anyway, Pomai just went down so will probably workout in about 30min. Planning on GS backs and biceps then more abs. I'm determined to try to do abs at least 4x/week. My belly is looking better when I do, and my belly needs all the help it can get!

See you ladies in a few hrs!!

Good morning Angie and Katie!!

Good morning,

Well, I was able to have my salad for dinner so overall it wasn't a horrible day. I avoided ice cream and other such snacks that the girls had. I'm discouraged because my scale still continues to sit right where it is. I don't know what the deal is. Of course I have 2 vacations coming up so it's probably not going to do much in the next 2 weeks either... ugh.

Off to do my WO for today - The Gauntlet. We'll see how it goes. I'll check in when I'm done. A quiet day planned around here. I'm just exhausted from yesterday...

Good night Lisa - hope your salad was good - it sounded yummy! Hope your WO goes well.
Just finished the gauntlet. I really liked that! I have to admit that there was no real dread factor to it whatsoever. I love C&W, Imax 2 and BC so putting them all together is lovely! I have to say I was thankful not to see that one Imax blast where you squat hop down the board and then do the plyo deals. Geesh.

So, going to find something healthy to eat and shower. My kids set up camp outside my WO room during most of my WO. I took a short break to take a pic. I'll post it later. Pretty cute.

I know I owe personals and they will come... :)
Morning ladies. Sorry I have been a bit scarce the past couple days - I'm in a bit of a funk. Everything is getting to me - work, this pain in my leg is not going away, Chris is aggravating me lately, and on and on and on... I am feeling pretty good this morning, so hopefully I will have a better day...
Lisa, Glad your salad was good! DId you rock your WO?:D

Angie, It's so nice when the kids get along well!:D Glad you had a great WO!
Good job on the salad and treats avoidance!

Katie Hugs to you! Do something good for yourself! Take some time to head to Target alone or walk around the mall, go out to eat alone w/ a Cosmo mag or something. Hang in there!

No plans for today yet. It's the first day of the predicted rainy rest of the week. BOOO! Not on my vacation!!!!!!
hi everyone! sorry to be so lacking lately. dial up is annoying. but, only a few more days!

katie, ditto what kate says. how about going to that lovely tea place for some "me" time? your leg will get better, but it may take closer to 4-6 weeks. did the dr give any indication of a time frame?

angie, awesome wo! you will see results. cannot wait to see pic of the girls.

lisa, yummy salad.

well, i slept in b/c of a rough night and overall funk from yesterday. i did not stress eat, though! (and i came soooo close!). at nap time i will run and do gs c and t. eats will be clean! bbiab

oh, and a possible interest in our house! husband looked monday evening and loved it, but wife is in dc closing on their house and will be here next week to look. so, overall goo, i just wish it was faster! but, i will take something!
Hey Kate, sorry about the rainy forecast! Thanks for the advice, I will try to carve out some time for just myself today.

Now Collin is throwing a hellacious tantrum - kicking, screaming, crying, and throwing himself on the floor. Great:rolleyes:
Morris, what a great idea! I just may go to the tea room for lunch today - they make incredible chicken salad served on raisin bread! Sorry about your funk, but AWESOME lead on the house!

***YOU LADIES ARE WONDERFUL*** I feel teary eyed from all the support!
Katie, sorry you are having a rough time - I can totally relate. I agree with the others, try to take some time out of the day for yourself, think about positive things in life. You have so many blessings! Of course Collin's throwing a fit - they just somehow know, don't they?

Nina, what's your actual moving date? I can't believe how close it's getting. Dial up would be driving me crazy. What happened y'day? Everything OK today? And YAY on the house! Keep us posted!!! I agree about needing things to happen faster - I'm totally the same way!

Kate, sorry about the rain! Hope you guys are still able to have fun. Nice pic of Mike y'day! ;)

Here are my sweet little girls while I was working out:


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Morning! I did IMAX 2 and then followed it with one of Cathe's stretches from Total Body Stretching. I have to take Max to the derm this morning for cracking skin (ouch!) so I thought I would get everything done early.

Morris: Dial up would make me nuts! YAY for no stress eating- I think of you sometimes when I want to stress eat and think, Nina would say no! :D I hope this is it with the house, too.

Angie: Glad you liked the Gauntlet- was it all cardio or a weights circuit? I love the picture of the girls and chuckled at your step risers sitting there. M & M make a tower out of mine.

Kate: Boo on the rain! It's rainy here too. Board games?? I liked the pic of your boy yesterday, too. :D

Katie: It sucks how it all seems to pile on you at once, doesn't it? The tea room sounds lovely- kind of a nice little personal girl indulgence. Enjoy it and take care today. It will all come full circle back to a good place.

Lisa: Score on a good salad! I love it when I have good leftovers for the next day. How was the wo?

Gotta run, BBL!
Morning ladies

Lisa 4 days per week for core...good idea. My core is always the first thing to go south.

Angie The Gauntlet I have it now but haven't tried it. Sometime when I diet to hard and really cut back on cal my weight doesn't change. Try increasing your cal with good foods, for a few days then lower it back down again.

((Katie)) you will have a better day. Give yourself something to focus on maybe another weekend trip. When Mr. Collin throws himself on the floor (at home) you do the same....think of the cal you can burn.

Kate sorry about the rainmax.

Nina yay on almost selling. Do they tell you why they make not take it...like small kitchen, backyard??

Patti where is his skin cracking.
I have to get into the groove. I need to get a quick w/o done (CLX) and go to work. We train this afternoon until 5...not sure why.

Angie your girls are so special. That picture should be turned into Walt Disney...it looks like advertisement. Y-day I was watching a bit of the little girl pageant...with the makeup and such. I hate that but there are some pageant in which no makeup is allowed. You girls are very photogenic. have you ever think about trying out for modeling?
nina, yay for interest! hope sthing comes from it!
wtg on clean eats. glad you got to slee in! im jealous!:p

katie, sorry abt c. hope u get that lunch!

angie, dds are tooo cute!

patti, nice wo!
sorry abt max!! ow! we have some wonderful homeopathic ointment we use. let us know how it gooes!

robin, have a fun wo & gl w/ training!


No workout yesterday:( I'm not gonna stress about it though-have enough of that. My weight is down to where I want it and now of course I'm worried it's because I have some dire illness. I can never be happy. I'll do ME upper and abs today-no excuses since I have nothing else going on!

Lisa, hope you got the workout in! My abs aren't my favorite either-darn kids;) Sleep tight!

Angie, don't think about the scale! Just keep eating clean and varying your workouts and the weight will come off! It's like when people try too hard to get preggo and as soon as they stop-BAM! A baby! Cute pic of the girls! I need to post more pictures!

Katie, hugs to you! I know exactly how you feel. Make some time for yourself. We get so caught up in doing for others, that we neglect ourselves. And if mama ain't happy...

Kate, sorry about the weather:( At least it's not freezing cold rain.

Nina, hooray on the interest in the house! Have a good workout later!

Patti, nice job on IMAX 2! I need to get that on dvd. When will Max be 3? Is he showing any interest in the potty? Nevena's almost there-still having a few accidents cause she's not quick enough, but at least she's doing her "other" business in the potty, no problem. Hopefully by our vacation next month, she'll be done.

Robin, hope you get a workout in before work.

Hi Anne, Colleen, Kath, and Amanda!
Good Morning Everyone!

Quiet Wednesday at work for a change. I still have 4 3 hour training modules I need to finish by August 7th so I will work on one of them today. I wanted to have a date night with Chris tonight but he has an online game planned tonight. LOL. So date night will be tomorrow.

Katie, I agree with everyone and take time for yourself. Your lunch plans sound good.
Kate, sorry about the rain. Hopefully the weatherman is wrong and it will clear up quickly.
Angie, don't worry about the scale - just keep working out and keeping your eats clean.
Lisa, good plan - abs 4 days/week. Your salad sounds yummy - hope you enjoyed it.
Nina, good news about the interest in your house. ^5 on keeping it clean despite all the stress.
Patti, poor Max - I hope the dr has something for him.
Klaudia, ^5 on the weight. You're not the only one who can never be happy - I think we all have that problem.
Robin, training until 5 for a part-time job - yuck! Hope the day goes quickly.
Hi Anne, Kath and Amanda!

w/o was ACS3 NRG mix. Not sure on eats for the rest of the day since I didn't bring lunch. Dinner will probably be a burrito bowl since our local burrito place is giving free burrito coupons if you buy a burrito today.
back again

kate, i should qualify - my sleeping in was until 5:45am! ah well, it felt good. any rainy day plans? sounds like a good day to cook.

klaud, so are you down those 5lbs already??? you are a rock star! way to not stress about missing one wo and focusing on today. i definately get never being satisfied:confused:

katie, yummy lunch. i will live vicariously today.

patti, great wo. how is the knee?

robin, great job fitting it all in. i think the guy really liked the house monday, but since his wife has not seen it yet, i dn't want to get my hopes too high, kwim?

anne, when does tap start up again?

almost time for my run. ahhh, i can almost feel the endorphins....

Colleen, what will date night be tomorrow? hope work goes well.
Nina, I'm down to 115.2 from 118-119. This, of course, is freaking me out, cause with me the weight loss can't be from watching my diet and exercise, it's from something else entirely. On the plus side, I called to schedule an appointment with the therapist today. Hope she can get me in soon!

Colleen, yay to date night! Darrin and I need one-Friday I think:)
Hey everyone,

Patti, did you have fun with Imax 2? I don't have any of Cathe's stretching videos. I should get stretch max - I have it recorded from fit tv but it's just not the same. Hope Max is ok!

Robin, this job thing is really going to cramp your style isn't it? We'll miss you! I haven't considered modeling the girls - although many of people have asked. Just not something I really want to emphasize for them. I want them to recognize inner beauty and how God sees them. But thanks for the compliments, I know I'm their mom but I think they're pretty great! :)

Klaudia, I'm glad you are getting in touch with the therapist! I think it will be good for you! I'm sure the weight loss is not due to dire illness. It's due to your hard work! Way to go... what I wouldn't give to be 115 again!

Colleen, bummer about Chris and his online game... doesn't he know his priorities? Your burrito bowl sounds wonderful. I love Chipotle's bowls!

Nina, hope you have a great run and still crossing my fingers and praying for that house to sell!!!

Marinated chicken and salad for dinner. YAY.

Klaudia: I think it's great you are back down to where you want to be- you work hard, it's the ZOO I'm telling you! :p For the record, if I weighed 115 pounds I might be dead. :)

Thanks about Max- it is on the bottoms of his feet. I guess it's typical with dry skinned kids and boys with sweaty feet. Eww. Poor kid- at least I have industrial cream to help him out now.

Gotta run, check in later.
Somebody asked earlier if the gauntlet was all cardio or circuit. Here's the layout:

One Imax 2 interval + one Boot Camp lower body + one Cardio & Weights compound weights + one Boot Camp upper body + one Boot camp cardio..... Then repeat this pattern 6 times doing different exercises each time

The last two compound weight exercises are repeats of ones that have already been done but no big deal. Didn't bother me. I liked the WO a lot!

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