+++@@@Clean & Tidy Tuesday@@@+++


Hello ladies! Thought I would start Tuesday's thread.

Kate - OMG, lol about being in bed and *ahem* not sleeping when your dd walked in. That hasn't happened to us in a loooong time. Have fun with your houseguests! Are you doing before Insanity pics?

Katie - WTG on upping your mileage. Sounds like you'll be ready for that hm in no time.

Wendy - How fun, a new bathroom! I would love to redo ours also.

Robin - How is the Jillian Michael's book?

Nina - Yay you got Insanity! Did you find it on ebay?

Angie - I'm loving Insanity! It really goes by fast. Did you guys do before and after pics? I should take a before pic just for fun. Your rave reviews were really right on target! Glad you're feeling better.

Colleen - How many more weeks left of Insanity for you? I figured month 2 would really step it up.

I did Insanity this afternoon before the kids' picture taking for football and cheerleading. I'm really loving the workouts! They go by really quickly and yet they are intense as long as you don't cheat. I'm going to do some biceps tonight though. Still trying one body part per day. Eugh, I am having a difficult time keeping my eats in check. I'm taking in the right amount of calories, but probably not the best. It's so hard when I'm working, but I really need to get a hold of it. Menu for Tuesday is as follows:

Breakfast - boiled egg, banana, multi grain toast
Lunch - Salad w/ bbq shrimp
Snack - yogurt; raw almonds
Dinner - not sure

Okay now I have to just figure out dinner. Good morning to you all and it's bed time soon for me! Chat with you later!

Morning all! Good night Lisa!

So, I decided to weigh myself this morning because Ryan kept saying, "I'm SURE you've lost weight!" So, I get on the scale and I'm UP a pound from when I started. Are you kidding me?!?!?:mad::mad::mad::mad:

OK, before you all start telling me to throw away my scale, I'm not putting a TON of stock in it but I am disappointed. When I started Insanity, my jeans were tight and I was fluffy. Now I feel tight (especially my legs and back and chest) and I'm down a size in jeans and even those are a bit loose. SO, YES, I understand that these are good things.

But here's my beef. When Ellie was 6 months old, I started P90X. I did not really follow it faithfully (was bored with it) and my diet was not as good as it is now. After the first 30 days, I weighed 119 pounds. I was pleased with my weight and fitting marvelously into my clothes. I didn't have as much muscle as I would have liked but was still happy.

Fast forward now 2.5 years later. When I started Insanity, I was 125.5 pounds. My goal was to lose 5 pounds. I really thought Insanity would be the ticket. I've stuck pretty well to the diet (definitely better than I did during P90X) and now I'm UP to 126.6. Seriously! What the HECK! I can't imagine that I have 7 pounds MORE muscle mass than I did then so what gives? Shaun T keeps telling people who aren't losing weight to drop their cals. I've been at about 1800 - he says to drop 3-400?! I just don't know what to do. My cruise is in 89 days and I can't tell you how much I want to lose this weight. I'll be SO disappointed if I don't. I just feel like I'm truly giving it my ALL.

OK... enough ranting.

Not much action in yesterday's thread.

Katie, hope your day at work yesterday wasn't too crazy!

Kate, did Gina enjoy sleeping in? Have you prepared for you guests to come?

Robin, nice to see that your scale is down. Hope it continues for you. Any suggestions for me?

Colleen, how does Xerox acquiring your company directly affect you? ONLY a few more days and you are DONE! What will you do next?

Wendy, you asked about football. Some of our friends have SKY satellite which is British and there is now an ESPN channel for that but we don't have any TV. We download shows (usually via itunes) but football is hard to find - especially since night games are about 3 in the morning for us! UGH. There's something about watching football during the fall.

Klaudia, get your booty over here. Saw you were dealing with hypo on FB. What's up?

Nina, glad to hear things are working out with dh's paperwork. I was looking at cruises yesterday and think you and dh should take a short one out of J'ville! Oh how I would love to live in FL - I'd cruise constantly! :)

Lisa, I'm so glad you're enjoying insanity. It's pretty darn cool! I will definitely be doing it again in the future!

OK, need to take my vitamins and fold some laundry.

good morning angie, good night lisa!

angie, i am not sure what to say, but i would cautiosly and in the nicest way possible tell you to reevaluate your goals. just look at it in reverse: what if you were down 4 or 5 lbs right now but your jeans were still tight? that would be awful. if dh says you look great and your clothes fit different, i'd say you are just not meant to weigh that much less. our bodies change, i think especialy in late 20's, and thirties. your weight redistributes. anyways, just a few thoughts. as for cutting cals, maybe drop a few on some days but not others? hmmm

lisa, good morning. glad you like insnaity so much. i am looking forward to adding it to my running for a few weeks. i did get it off e bay. hope it comes soon.

wendy, how exciting for your new bath!

klaud, where are you? what is going on? please check in. if you are having a hypo episode, vent it out here! we are here for you!

run done, ub later. aidan is crying gotta jump!
Morning ladies

(((Angie))) I know the feeling. First congrats on your muscle tone increase. you know It's more your diet than your workout. How many times per day do you eat carbs? I find that carb good or bad is my enemy. I can eat carbs for breakfast, lunch but not for dinner or I'll gain weight. Losing those last 5# is the hardest to do. Do you post online what you eat? I'm on sparkpeople.com
it's a easy way to track what I eat. Also do you eat any processed food?

Nite Lisa. So far the book is ok. she wrote that metabolism is hormonal. When I read that I thought great women have enough issues with hormones.:rolleyes:

Work until 2 today so I'll check in later on today.
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Hi Nina any new leads on a job?

One more thing. Julllian Michaels said that she maintain her weight eating 2,000 cal per week and she only w/o 2-3 hours per week. Maybe she burns cals running her mouth. Ops be good Robin.
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Morning ladies! I (barely) survived yesterday!

Angie, I totally agree with what Nina said. Please pay attention to how your clothes fit - it is the BEST indicator! My cheat on Sunday was a cheeseburger and fries!
Nina, sorry I missed your question, the energy gel I used (Clif) tasted nasty but worked awesome. It really gave me a burst of energy and carried me thru the second half of my run. There was some chatter on my FB page about alternatives to gels if you are interested.
Wendy, I live in a college town (www.jmu.edu) so there is a lot of underage drinking going on.

That's all I can remember from yesterda - sorry I am a bad checker-iner:eek:

Training schedule called for 4.5 miles today - I quit after 3.75. Partly because I was bored, partly because my legs are fried. Fridays are my scheduled rest days, but for the last few weeks I've been going to PT on Fridays which is not really rest. I think I'm taking a rest day tomorrow - my body is asking (begging) for it.
I'm here! I have a crazy busy morning-picture day for the big girls, drop off Nevena, dentist appointment, hair cut for Nevena, errands after! I'll be back this afternoon to tell you all about my hypo incindent.

Have a great morning!
morning, robin! ikwym about carbs - such a tough thing! interesting about jilian michaels comment.

hi katie. good for you for listening to your body!

hey klaudia. let us know how things ae soon. take care.

taking older ds to the doc again today:( 1.5 wks ago he had a small rectal prolapse - sorry if tmi. well, doc said nothing to worry about, just soften his stool. well, it happened again last night. i am quite worried, but he also has been straining a lot lately. we will see what the doc says. i am guessing he will refer us to a specialist for some testing. not sure if i will get my weight work in. no leads on job stuff. but, today i am keeping it clean AND tidy. cals will be lower, and that will feel great.
Oh, Nina, I hope he's okay! Please keep us posted.

Klaudia, catch us up when you can, you know we're always here for you. What did the girls wear for picture day?

Katie, definitely take a rest day, your body will thank you. I'm glad you survived yesterday!

Robin, don't be good on my account, you know I love a smart aleck! I made some comment at tap the other night and I said, "Oops, I was going to be good this year." My teacher responded, "You can't do it. You're our sassy, naughty girl and we wouldn't want you any other way." Isn't that funny? I love her.

Angie, {{{HUGS}}}. I know it's hard, but can you ignore the scale? I didn't take mine in the move and it's somehow very freeing. I told the movers he needed it more than I did.

Lisa, it sounds you're liking Insanity. You guys are going to enable me right into buying it!

Wendy, I loved the pics in y'day's thread. I used to have a bathroom just like that in my first house. I had the sink and toilet replaced because they were blue and I wanted ivory. One of the plumbers said why are you getting rid of a perfectly good toilet? I told him I didn't like the color and he just looked at me. I said it's a female thing, you wouldn't understand. Then he laughed.

Who did I miss? Hi Kate and Colleen!

I got back to work yesterday and someone had stolen my computer. I swear, karma hates me. Oh, well, I'll get another one in a week or so.

Gotta scoot, see you all soon!

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick hello - I have meeting after meeting today. This morning was Max Cardio Conditioning followed by Cardio Abs. I didn't do Insane abs because I didn't have time. I'll try to be back later for personals.
Angie - I agree with Nina that your weight really changes along with your body as you get older and not nec. in a bad way. Have you been eating a lot of high sodium/salty foods? I know that does me in big time. I retain water like crazy and my weight shoots up a couple pounds at least. If your clothes fit good and you're down one size, that is awesome. I seriously would take that over the poundage. I can understand your frustration though. I can be a scale addict.

Nina - I hope Finn is okay. Poor thing!

Anne - I will be an enabler and say get it! It's intense enough to be your workout for the day if you're short on time, but also short enough to also be an add-on to your daily workout routine kwim? I was thinking of getting Vietnamese for lunch and of course I thought of you!

Robin - Jillian Michaels eats 2000 calories per day? Seems like she works out more than 2-3 hrs/week if she is a personal trainer. LOL about her mouth. Really? I don't know how much I believe of that. I do have her 30min fat blast where she swears if you workout "right" you only need 30 min.

Katie - Enjoy your rest day!

Colleen - Gotta love those work meetings. Hope work is treating you well.

Kate - Enjoy your company and hope you're having a good time.

Finished my Insanity this am. I got up early at 5am to make dd's lunch for her field trip so I just did Insanity since I was up and the baby was still asleep. I'm planning on doing ub later today. Maybe chests and back. Or just one body part depending on time. Anyway, heading out to work then practice for the kids this afternoon. Have a great Tuesday ladies!!

Ok, back from my running around. Just had lunch-a can of Select Harvest Minestrone with parmesan. Need to work out-chest and back, not sure what dvd yet. So I suffered a major hypo attack last week-the weekend was the worst. Got in to see my doctor yesterday who told me it was time to get on meds so I agreed to the smallest dose of Zoloft. My friend just started taking it for OCD and hypochondria is a form of that so I'm hoping it'll help. I just want to be able to cope and not have this take over my life.

Lisa, great job on getting Insanity done! I'm getting antsy for Shock Cardio myself!

Angie, why are we such scale wh*&%@? Go by how you look which I know is smokin'! You will rock your bikini on your cruise. Keep doing what you're doing-it's working!

Nina, good advice! How's Finn? Poor baby. Nevena had issues when she was a baby-small sphincter-tmi, I know. Hope he feels better.

Kate, hope you're having fun! 2 of my best girlfriends are coming into town next weekend for the girls b-day party and one of them is staying here. I can't wait!

Anne, sorry about the computer! Look at it as an opportunity to upgrade:) Milla wore a cute tunic with tiny rhinestones at the collar and Danica had on a white button down with a ruffled front. Hopefully their hair looked good-it's crazy windy out! If nothing else, it'll be fodder for when they bring boyfriends home!;)

Colleen, hope your day goes by quick!
klaudia, that sounds like a good plan. did you see a general practitioner? do you still have a therapist? it seems like your episodes come in spurts. i wonder if there is a medication you coukd take when they come on?

anne, lol at your tap teacher's comments.

kate, hope you are having fun with your frined

lisa, i love hearing all the feedback on insanity.

finn had a good appt at the dr. he basocally said to keep doing miralax. if it happens again, we will go to a specialist:( got arms done - bm2 ubx2. good burn when i went really heavy. eats are on target. bbq pork tenderloin in slow cooker and veggies for dinner!
Katie good idea take a rest day.You don't want to burn out.

Klaudia I hope it take the edge off and you can be happy. Sometime people have to take meds.

Colleen how was work?

Lisa good going with the early bird workout.

Nina sorry about DS. That must hurt. I hope it get better on it's own.

Anne I would love to hear you talk junk during tap. :D:D
Home from work and we had a funny day. Well I had a fun day. The suprv of accessories was so mad because we brought over about 200 Christmas items for her section like perfume, teddy bears, slippers. The only problem was she did not have any room for the stuff. She was so stressed out. While she was running back and forth, I was thinking..maybe we should bring this junk back into the stock room. Well 15 mins later she said (sweaty) ,just put it into the stock room :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.
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hi ladies, super busy with the reno here... got to gym again briefly and planning a good stretch tonight.

b - granola, banana, milk, coffee
l - turkey, ham and prov on wheat w/light mayo (maybe not so clean??), lett, tom, pickles
d - pork tenderloin, not sure with what but i need to start now!

so sorry for lack of personals, will try to bbl!
nina, i just noticed youre making prok tenderloin, too! ive never done it in the slowcooker (and no time for that now) but id love to know the recipe!
Klaudia - I hope the meds help out. I know sometimes we just don't want to turn to it, but if it's going to help you get through then more power to you. Do you have to take it daily?
Robin - That must have been a good workout at work, lol!
Nina - Hope it resolves on its own for Finn. I did pork tendorloin last week on the slow cooker. Meat came out so soft unlike if it were baked.
Wendy - How's the bathroom coming along?

Off to do my ub. P is all over the place! Ack, better get going.

Managed to get backs and chests done. Started on shoulders, but had to put Pomai down for a nap. Thinking of finishing up my shoulders later tonight. Anyway, working from home. Dinner is beef stew. Greek hummus and pita chips were my snack. So yummy. I know pita chips is carbs, but better than chocolate right? I haven't had chocolate in forever. Eats have been good!


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