^^^^clean & tidy thursday^^^^

Anne, Mike can't maek it thru one meal without wearing it! LOL!

Ate my clean snack and I just finished SM2. !!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo hoo!! Workout is done-30 minutes of HIIT and 3 sets of pull ups-just for you, Morris:) My neighbor is coming by for coffee in a bit. Thanks for sending me the motivation ladies!

Morris, haven't scheduled yet. I was waiting for my mom to get all her appointments scheduled so I know when she'll be free to babysit. Sorry you had a crummy night. I'm lucky that Darrin's pretty good about helping. The few fights we've had are usually about his job or money. You're not alone. Marriage is a lot of work.

Colleen, have you tried making the steel cut oats in the crockpot? I found a recipe on OD that's 1cup oats, 5 cups water, and two apples, cooked on low overnight. I add a lot of cinnamon and some vanilla. It's awesome! Last week I did 1/2 oats and 1/2 quinoa and that was really good, too. Hope you resisted the cookies!

Anne, I've been putzin' around. I'm trying to find more people to come to the seminar so it can be cheaper:) And I'm thinking lunch after-either at the pub across the street or take out.

Kate, 5000!! You're a mad poster;)

I'll be back later...

b-english muffin w/pb and banana
l-string cheese, minestrone soup
s-granola bar, coffee
d-baked cod, sauteed zucchini, brown rice
Klaudia, Good job on the WO!!! I know I feel better after getting moving....even if its CHORES!:confused:
okay, okay.....when are you thinking of doign the kb seminar...... still trying to workit out in my head:confused:
have fun having coffee w/ the neighbor.
i have some scoats to use up - maybe i'll try that....what kind of apples do you use? I'd hate to use/waste my beloved(expensive) honeycrisps if I didnt like it.

I'm thinking Outback for dinner!
Kate, I would love it if you could come! We're looking at Saturday, February 21st, probably from 11-2 or so. Bring the girls-and Mike! I have a feeling he and Darrin would get along famously;) There's a bounce house right down the street where the dads can take the girls if they want:) It'd be so fun! For the scoats, I use fuji apples.

Outback sounds fab:)
klaudia, i'll check with him.... i know he has a code update class sometime in feb but im not sure when it is.

i would love to come....i hope it works out......
Kate, congratulations on the 5,000 posts! That's awesome!

Robin, have you tried other instructors' core work? I really like Keli Roberts and Kari Anderson.

Morris, sorry about the fight with DH. Glad you guys are doing all right today. I went to that restaurant I told you about today and I tried Pho for the first time. It was really good, but I managed to spill a bunch of it down my shirt! The bowl was too full and it slopped over the top. Now I smell like lunch....

Klaudia, what are you up to this afternoon?

Angie, anything fun this evening?

Hi to Colleen and Katie!


Thanks I'll check their core DVDs.
Kate what's SM2?
dried fruit and nuts after lunch for me. at least i avoided cookies and granla bars and sweets. i feel full and satisfied now. also, i have a huge crockpot of bean soup for dinner - yeahhhhhh! love having something ready.

i need new ab work too. i did squeeze for 3 weeks, and that was a nice change but...

You go girl!!!
Well I ate a cookie. It was pretty good but not great. It actually helped me to resist them the rest of the day. I ended up going to Applebee's for lunch and had the weight watcher grilled chicken salad.

Klaudia, I haven't tried the crockpot method yet because I was looking for something a little easier. I am strange because I like my oatmeal as plain and bland.
Robin, 500 calories for S&H bi's tri's. I don't have that workout but I don't know how I could burn 500 calories doing bi's & tri's.
Kate, YEAH on the versaclimber. When do you think you will have it assembled?
Sorry I've been gone so long, I had a good day, very clean, very productive! I'm tired now, but need to make it thru Grey's!

The weekend is almost here!
robin, stretchmax segment2.

colleen, good job at lunch!
hopefully sat. on the vc

anne, that prob would help, thanks.

katie, enjoy a relaxing evening! im jealous!

dinner was outback. steak & grilled veggies. i wanted desert vut didnt want the girls to have it. so day is clean! 1rms await me!
dinner was outback. steak & grilled veggies. i wanted desert vut didnt want the girls to have it. so day is clean! 1rms await me!

Is Julia still craving steak these day...??;) Sounds yummy!

DH and DS ate ice cream after dinner but I had NONE!! I'm saving up for birthday cake this weekend!
whose b-day is it katie? i am dvr-ing grey's - will watch it sat am on my run:)

i am jealous of your kettle bell seminar - sounds awesome!!

kate, outback sounds good. i have not been to one since i lived in florida 6 years ago.

colleen, good job on the cookie!

i am off to bed, hopefully for a long time. see you all in the am!
Katie, When is the actual big day?!?!!? I'll hhave some cake in your honor!;)
I totally forgot I craved steak while prgnant! Thanks for reminding me!

Morris, I wanted a bloomin' onion bloomin' bad. But I resisted!

More 1rm's done and also did sb abs from B&G.

Off to the grocery store:mad:

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