////////// cLEAN & tidy monday \\\\\\\\\\


Just a quick check-in. I realized that I did not answer the question of the day - I need about 7.0 to 7.5 hours of sleep .

My day has been totally crazy and since I had so much to do, I decided to come home and finish it here. I don't like being the office all alone when it is late.

Katie, sorry about crying in court. I know it is frustrating when people get off easy.
Kate, glad you were able to have some quiet time.
Shirl and Steph, it sounds like Kate needs some company. You could all workout together.
Robin, glad you got Amy's DVD on presale. I am waiting to order from her this weekend.

Jenn, did you get the job?

Off to make dinner and finish working.

Katie, Sorry about court - ((((bid hug)))). You have a tough job, for sure. Your dinner sounds yummy. AND WHATEVER - glad you're gone? I think not!

Colleen, I'd be creeped out to work in an office at night by myself! Too many horror movies when I was in high school!

Jenn, You've got us all on pins and needles!
Steph!! I meant to tell you! Classical Stretch and Bar Method Fat Free came today! I can't wait to do them!

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