*-*-* cLeAn & tIdY fRiDaY eVe *-*-*

Oh, and Kate, you have *never* been to Ann Arbor? Explanation, please. I know it's a bastion of hippie liberalism, but there are great restaurants, great book stores, a nice campus (altho not as pretty as MSU), and all kinds of cultural stuff. I'm just intrigued, please don't be offended.


not sure why, i guess!!!:p just never got over to that part of the state!

sorry your day didnt go as planned! frustrating.
yay for working at home tmrw tho!
i sure wish i didnt have the baking gene! maybe lisa & i can each give you part of ours! katie has some too! and morris.... see, threes plenty to share!:D
Kate - I know you posted that donut recipe somewhere, but can you tell me where? Yay for discounts on shopping!

Anne - I'm more of a cooking person than baking. Thankfully my baking kind of stinks so it helps my waistline, lol. Sorry for the day at work.

I got an UTI and am feeling nasty uncomfortable. Bearable, but annoying. My ob/gyn thankfully prescribed me antibiotics over the phone. I was hoping not to have to take anything, but this is day 3 and it seems to be getting worst not better, eugh. Lesson learned - no matter how busy you are, go to the bathroom. Hoping to wo depending on how I feel. I hate this feeling.

Oh, Lisa, you poor thing! Those are the worst! Drink lots of cranberry juice, it really does help.

Kate, Ann Arbor will be there when you're ready to visit. Thanks for sharing the baking gene, but no thanks! I'll stick to cooking where I don't have to be exact. It's funny, I'm extremely rigid about so many things, but when it comes to making food don't you dare make me measure anything! That's why baking doesn't appeal to me. Plus, I'm just not that much of a sweets person. I'll take my calories in grease and fat any day. Pass the cheese, please!

Gotta go soon. I hope everyone has a good evening. We have therapy tonight. Whooppee.

ouch, lisa! making mental note to pee more often! seems like i have to wait til im walking cross-legged to the toilet before i make time to go!
will post several donut recipes in a bit....

anne, hope tonights productive
mikes like you w/ his cheats.

speaking of cheats....the cake was yum....oreo. small slice & i didnt eat any of isabels. huge victory right there!

cardio aftere nursemax....but what????

katie, is c still ok?
morris, you hangin in there?
I feel better now that I drank lots of fluids. DH is picking up my meds for me. Anyway, it is so hot. Will wait a little while more before wo. Eats are good so far today. Hoping I can make it through dinner. Not sure what to make for dinner.

Anne - Be glad you're not a sweets person. So much easier to resist temptation, IMO. I am a sweet junkie.

Kate - Thanks for the donut recipes in advanced! I was looking for some yesterday, but didn't know which ones would turn out good. For my kids, btw, not me - ;) Did you decide on a cardio?

lisa, glad the fluids are helping!
donuts.... i made a buttermilk donut recipe that was, to be honest, poorly written and i had to improvise. looks like i threw the recipe away. i have a few recipe for yeast donuts in the lineup but ive never made them so i cnt comment on them. here they are....

good luck!:D

may do ccv3....and abs ...dreaded abs. i used to love ab night.:confused:
Went on a 35 minute walk pulling 70 pounds of sweetness:) Went almost 2 miles and was sweating like crazy. Stopped to see a neighbor and had a few malted milk balls:eek: Dinner was a pizza pretzel and some carrots. Snack was a banana, coffee with skim, and a few ww pretzels. Not bad, but not great.

Lisa, we've had a formal 10 year reunion. This one is informal-a bunch of friends who've reconnected on Facebook are getting together for an 18 year reunion:) Sorry about the UTI:( I'm surprised my 6 year old hasn't had one-she's always doing the potty dance! I'm not a good baker either, but my mom and grandma are and my aunt owns a bakery!

Kate, way to shop! I need to do abs too. I think I may just do planks and bicycles during commercials tonight:)

Anne, I love cheese and grease too! Never met a cheese stick I didn't like or a fried onion, mushroom, zucchini, or pickle!! With restaurant ranch! Hope therapy went well.

Gotta give the ladies a bath...
my tummy hurts just reading this, lol!

klaud, i hate fried anything - bleech! but a family member who bakes, well....great wo. what are you wearing to the reunion./

lisa, is the weather more tolerable?

anne, hope therapy goes well. you do not sound too, um, excited about it.

day ended up good. i ate too much at lunch, but i was so hungry. anyways, it was not junk, so that is good. dinner was broc, tuna and mushrooms - all steamed. yum! see you all in the am. thanks for the supportive words. i get angry just thinking about my dad:mad:
ohhhhhh, greasy food I just cannot do! I will belch for 2 days!

Nice walk, Klaudia! I love to sneak WO time in w/ mommy time!

Morris, Hope you have a great day tomorrow. Hopefully a good night's sleep tonight!

Did CCv3 for the first time. LOVED IT!
Klaudia - That's a great wo pushing 70lbs!! I sweat when I push my little less than 20!

Morris - This weather is awful. Thank God for a/c is all I have to say.

Kate - Yay on finishing your wo! I'm not a greasy food person either. My stomach gets really sick.

Okay, I need to do MM or some strength wo. I'm so tempted to just do some cardio instead. Got my meds and hoping I'll feel better in a few hrs.

Lisa, What about doing a MM UB or LB premix and then tack on some cardio?
a/c is a beautiful thing!:cool: I resist like crazy to initially turn it on then aaahhhh it feels so good!:D

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