--------> clean & tidy FINALLY FRIDAY <--------

I finished 30 minutes of KCM's Ready Step Go and then had my greek yogurt snack. I could snarf such large quantities of it. Yum. I made the kettle corn (you dry it out in the oven) so it is ready for our feast tonight. It smells good! I think I'm going to make J watch He's Just Not That Into You. Ha, he'll be thrilled!

Kate: Look at that happy sweet girl! ITA on the political stuff- I don't like getting into heated conversations like that. I've noticed OD really isn't very fitness focused lately...weird. I don't find that I have much to comment on, really. But I am going to try to read Frankenstein. :cool:

Klaudia: No clothing stress permitted! Go to Forever 21 and tell them to suit you up! :p Actually my best friend (who is my age) swears by that place. It overwhelms me.

Anne: Enjoy the shoes and the run!

I am going to get out of this kitchen b/f I eat something I regret. I need to grab a shower and order a pizza. :)
Home alone! Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I always stress out beforehand and then once I'm there I realize I'm relatively au courant:)

Patti, I love Forever 21-the skinny black jeans I think I'm going to wear are from there:) I just wish I had a personal shopper-I get overwhelmed too!

Anne, have a great run in your new shoes!

Here's the top I want to wear tonight-it's open in the back:) http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6E.as...ND=12&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=50434|50452|67434
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Hey ladies, quick drive-by, I did a 3.5 mile jog this afternoon and it felt awesome! Hoping for CS tonight (arms/waist/abs).

Fam wants to go out to eat, and that is fine by me cause I don't feel like cooking! I'm sick! I'm also pi$$ed that I look so fluffy even though I've had 4 clean days in a row, so I don't really care. I'm going out to eat and I'm gonna have whatever I want. And maybe dessert. SO THERE!
Klaudia: You'll look beautiful- love that top. It's perfect for a chick that does unassisted pullups. ;)

Katie: Oh I feel ya! I think I'm due for one of those kind of evenings very soon. Glad you got a run in and you feel better.

Family had pizza. I had eggs and veggies with a nectarine and almonds. I'm HUNGRY. I'm annoyed that all I've done today is think about food. It's making me crazy!
Whoops. I was starving by the time I went to get my shoes, so I accidentally picked up Mexican food on the way home. Jim called while I was gone, but left a cryptic message and now he's not answering his cell. Annoying. Oh, well. I might try to run at 8, if my dinner is settled. Plus it will be cooler. It's so humid here! I hate that. My feet and ankles are definitely swollen.

Have a good night, everyone! See you in the morning.

we went out for dinner. meal was clean - gr chick salad, had them keep their cheese & croutons. and i had 2 slices of bruschetta and it was soooo good!:D:D:D:D

poor anne! first i ditch ya, and now again!:p j/k - you know you're loved! mwah!:D:D:D \
have fun breakin in the new sneaks!:D

patti, pizza resistance success!! wtg!
enjoy your popcorn & flick!
i detest those days where you think abt food all day....so hard.

katie, enjoy your dinner & dessert! if i didnt have the 5k tmrw we wouldve got ic tonight for sure!
glad you like cs so much!

klaudia, hope youre having a fab time!
anne, sorry abt jim. poo. nuthin a little famous taco cant cure!:p:p
it is sticky, isnt it? we ate outside tonight.... mike got the sunny seat.:p have you ever been to cugino's in gl? italian....mmmmm. sooooo good!
chatty group here!

katie, enjoy dinner out. glad you are feeling better.

kate, good luck tomorrow, though you won't need it. i am glad you can go do that around j's nurse schedule.

patti, enjoy your movie night.

klaudia, i applaud anyone who can wear skinny jeans. hope tonight is fun.

anne, what are your sneaks?

i am off to bed. clean dinner of chicken and veggies and tiny bit of ww pasta with spinach pesto (leftover) on it. cannot wait to close my eyes. see you all in the am.
oh, and the cookies were choclate chip and i swear i could easily eat 3 right now if i thought i'd still be able to sleep. none for me!
Wow what a chatty Friday!!

Katie - Glad you got a run in despite feeling crummy and have an enjoyable dinner out.

Kate - Your girls are adorable! I took some pics of P at the beach but how do you post it like you did? I of course have to upload them first. Did you find any tanks to show off those arms??

Morris - Sorry about the situation with DH. It's been a dry spell over here so I have no advice to give, lol. Maybe those VS bras will help you even though I know you didn't get it for that reason. Happy bday Aidan!

Collen - How are you liking the iphones?

Robin - Feel better!

Klaudia - What did you end up deciding to get?

Patti - I feel your pain re: body issues at 35. I just turned 36 so I am really noticing things, yikes!

Anne - Hope you figure out what to do with the house. Those kinds of decisions can be so tough.

Hi Angie!

I am taking a little mental break for myself. Family is still here but they are taking my two older kids to the beach while I work from home and just do nothing. I am so wiped and tired. I ate soooo crappy last night that I'm ashamed! My run was in vain. I am sure I ate more in calories than I burned. Anyway, today is squeaky clean. I had cheerios and banana for bfast, grilled chix salad for lunch, fiber one bar for snack and thinking of my afternoon snack will be string cheese or some pb and banana. We'll see. Dinner will be another salad I'm thinking. Or grilled chix with asparagus. Yeah, I think that's what I'll do. Also planning another 3.2 mile run this afternoon. I am tempted to go more, but don't want to bust the ankle more. I can still feel it in my ankle when I go up or down the hills so still trying to take it easy. Planning on doing some ub weights after that. I feel like a fat, fat pig. Eugh. Sorry for being a downer. Anyway, Sunday things should be semi-normal. Nephew is here, but that's nothing. Just waiting for the rest of the family to go back home so the house can be mellow again. Oh and I'm thinking of checking out yoga and kb classes near my home next week. I'm kind of excited. Hope it's good and not some lame class. I love classes that make you sweat and work hard.


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