
Back from our playdate. It was fun-he has a huge Little Tykes bouncer-in his basement! The girls had a blast. We had pasta with sauce-and a lot of garlic(!) for lunch. And yes, Kate, it was awesome to go out instead of hosting:) Nevena's down for a late nap and I"m about to make some coffee.

Kate, who knew I could stir so much controversy?!

Morris, glad you got to enjoy a walk outside! I'm thinking I might try to run outside again when Darrin gets home-it's nice out today and it goes by so much faster than the TM! We're going to stay home and watch the game, although I hope I don't wake up the girls with my screams! It's not on til 9;37! Clean eating vibes coming your way:)

Arrgh! I HATE solicitors!! Just had one knock on my door offering carpet cleaning and referring me to my neighbors-like the lady next door! Yeah, since you talked to her...
Aww, Anne. I hope things work out with you and the dog. She deserves to be in a warm loving home like yours! The ladies play Iowa State I think.
2.5 hr nap for j! ive gotten so much done! i love it!
super squeaky eats too!

klaudia, we have a big bounce thing too, but we dont inflate it too often....dds love that thing. i have a bunch of gift cards to toysrus - i think we're getting a bigtrampoline over spr break....something to keep us busy!:D
speaking of solicitors - schwan man showed up at 9pm lat night!!!!!! i told m not to answer the door - how freaking rude to show up that late!:mad: i didnt buy anything. i actually wanted a couple things but if hes going to be that rude he just lost his sale!

anne, i bet you guys are getting so excited abt the pup!!
have fun at tap!

morris, nice walk! no anxiety eating!!!!
the hr nursing is a lot of cuddling and just our nightly quiet time together - i love it.
lol at the cereal! j's squealing at me if i dont get her barley to her fast enough - and shes only had it 3x! lol!

angie glad you guys had fun!
Klaudia, you're right, it's Iowa State. It's on ESPN, though, so I'll have to settle for the highlights at 11.

Kate, aren't you making roast chicken for dinner? That sounds heavenly, I'm very hungry right now. I'll be starving by the time I get home...

Angie, have a good night!

I'm leaving soon and when I get home tonight we're going to come up with a schedule. DH is going to tell his sisters which weekends he can be there, and it will be something like every 3rd weekend. I'm so relieved. We just need to take some control back in our lives. We're both wiped out and unhappy. It's not that we don't want to help, but it's just so draining. And exhausting. This will be a very good thing.

Hi to everybody else! I'll be back tomorrow.

anne, lol!!! had to change the chicken to tmrw...but youre welcome to come!:D you can play w/ mufasa to see what your dog will be like!:D

im so glad for you guys setting up a schedule like that! you must feel awesome!

nursemax then im off to the party. they always make fun of me for eating veggies!:( funny, but that strengthens my resolve to not eat junk:confused:.

i'll get home hopefully no later than 9 and m will be conked out, what an exciting bedroom scene we have!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:
Wow, busy day in here. Hard to catch up. I am exhausted, and I still need to do my 'lesson plans' for soccer tomorrow:p

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