Pain is your body's way of saying "OUCH QUIT THAT!!!"

I did some of my 1RM today. At least I did something. My eating has been like CRAP and lack of workouts too :(:(

I am gonna try a session with Katie tomorrow. We'll see how that goes :eek:
Hey ladies!!! My chest is sore from doing those 1 RM exercises yesterday :eek: I had a light session with Katie today. She knew about my foot issues and we stuck with stuff that did seem to aggravate it. It was a bit bothersome afterwards but not bad. I did swings with a 20 kg bell :eek::eek: I also DL'd with a 32 kg bell. Felt good to do something. I've been previewing the STS videos and I am actually suprised at how much reused footage there is.

Judi, I hope your hip is ok!!

Linda, I hope your shoulder is ok!!
Catherine - WoW! On the heavy KB work! What do you mean by reused footage in STS?

Anyway, The main reason I came on today is to tell ya ...my shoulder feels great! I can hardly believe that there is no pain. I did LIC cardio premix today and had no trouble with the arm movements. Woo Hoo!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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Linda, I am so glad to hear that your shoulder is ok!! I was a bit worried.

As far as reused footage in STS. What I mean is they used the same footage for some exercises within each mesocycle. For instance the chinups in meso 2 week 1 are the exact same footage as the chinups in week 2 of meso cycle 2. There were several other exercises that I would think, I've seen that before. And the reason you would know it was previous footage would be a comment Cathe would make. It was like deja vu. Don't get me wrong. The program looks good, but I wasn't expecting that for some reason.
I was going to take a rest day because my arse and hammies were sore from KPC but I couldn't resist Disc3 legs. It wasn't too bad but I went lighter than usual to get used to some of the new moves. The rear and side lunges with the plates were really tough and I dropped all weight until I felt more stable. The wall squats with the stability ball & weights went better than expected. I think the deep squats in our kb w/o helped here because you have to squat all the way down to pick the weights up off the floor. I also liked the conditioning drills at the end.

Catherine, whoa.....you used a 32kg bell?:eek: That is awesome! I seriously gotta pick up a 16kg for swings, DL, and rows. I ordered a medium and light band from that website I showed you for my chins/pulls. I hope they get here before the next back w/o. My hip is recovering much faster this time...thanks for asking;)

Linda, I'm glad your shoulder is better. Maybe something got pinched yesterday and worked itself out.:)

Tonight is a semi-formal dance for the HS. DD is going so I had manicure duty and she is getting dressed now. Her date is the captain of the HS hockey team and they had a scheduled game which just ended. He'll be here soon so I better get going so I can get some pics.

Judi, I did deadlifts only with the 32kg bell. But I was happy to be swinging with the 20 kg bell!!

LOL at manicure duty. Hope the dance goes well!

Nice to hear about the leg w/o. I am still not sure I'll be able to do that stability ball move. Grace is NOT my middle name :eek:

I may try to do some more 1 RM testing tomorrow. I'll have to see how sore I am.

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