Chin-Up Check-In Wed 5.3


Good morning! No chins again for me. I'm going to do some power yoga this afternoon (Bryan Kest - Briee's favorite) with my friend who can do a pull-up and to whom I'm not speaking. You're not supposed to talk during yoga anyway. It will be another good sign if the sun salutations don't hurt my rhomboid.

I've got to make a presentation to the Rotary Club about the Y's scholarship program and am not looking forward to it. I hate public speaking. I was thinking of starting off by telling them that I get nervous when I speak in public so I'm picturing them all in their underwear. I guess I better not.

Have a great day and good luck to anyone doing chins!:)
Soooooosan-I hate public speaking too. In fact, I don't do it so I give you a lot of credit. I still turn beat red (and I am 47-I thought that is suppose to end) if I have to talk at my Council meetings. Good luck with your speech-you'll do fine. With tennis-I play ok. How about you-are you really good?

I'm going downstairs now to work on those chinny's then I am off on my bike. I have Wednesdays and Fridays off so I am so glad the weather is nice today.

That's really a good opener for your speech - start it off with humor! You'll love it when they laugh, and it'll help you settle your nerves.

Chin-up day for me - haven't done any yet - hope to do lots of sets of 5's after my initial big opening set. Had a good push-up day yesterday!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Sooooooooooooosan...I'd recommend asking how many people can do chinups and then maybe you'll be able to eliminate some of the crowd that you'll be speaking to right off the bat. :7

To Kathryn from previous thread. Let me know what system you are using. We initially started this thread by recommending eccentric chinups so that you will strengthen your back enough to eventually do the first one. lots of eccentrics as slow as humanly possible. We are working on chinups (yes easier), but I am also working on pullups - wide front to be specific - as I have heard from reliable sources that wide fronts help one to do regular chins. (from that guy on the other thread - Rogue:p :p ).

Today I did KM Cardio (52 min), then MM lower body only, then chins. I was planning to do regular wide front pulls, but after doing about 5 sets of these with as slow descent as possible I just couldn't help myself and did a set of 10 chins. Then I did more negatives. I am now working on our addition and trying to do wide front negatives (pulls) as I walk through the doorway. So far I've done 7, but the day is young!!! I'm hoping these negatives help my reps for future days!

Hey there!

I am running between boys with homeschool right now but wanted to wave.

I'll be doing GS C/T later but before weights I'll do chinup negatives and try some inverted rows with different grips on the smith machine as suggested in previous posts.

Check back later to see what's going on and report.
HB, what's a good pushup day for you, like 200;) I don't think Soooooooooooosan will ever be "speaking" to you LOL.

OK, I promise I will do something later today. Must workout, must workout,.... (mumbles to self repeatedly)

Oh new challenge. While doing negatives insert periodic holds. Like at the top hold 3-5 secs, lower some hold 3-5 secs,... This is a burner. The book I am reading talks about using these as a transition from negatives to actual chinups.

Briee, I do need to try pullups. I am so fascinated that I can do chinups I have totally focused on them and have neglected doing them. From everything I read they are a good way to increase strength.

I will report back later.

Catherine...this is a great idea. The pauses, sometimes I take little pauses on the "sticky" points and lift lower, lift lower, about 1/2 inch or so and then go a little lower and do the same. Just fun variations and I think they all add strength.

I just counted how many pushups on one of my P90X days, never done this before. They totaled 276, from toes (I had NO idea this was the case-didn't seem like that many while doing them in sets). I love all the variations, but my favs are tricep related pushups. BUT...this is NOT a pushup thread so we won't have any further discussion on this matter }( }( }( .

Wanna talk about donuts???

Catherine & Briee

Push ups, pull ups, chin ups...I'm with Sooooooooooooosan...I'm just not talking to you guys anymore. Well, not until it's your day to bring the donuts.
300 is a good push-up day, 400 is even better. I did Hindu (or Cobra) push-ups for the first time yesterday, and Jack LaLanne push-ups, which are push-ups with your arms extended in front of you. Except Jack does his on his fingertips! Forget that - for now!

Now THAT'S a true tank-top rotation - push-ups and chin-ups.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
What ever happened to the ecto chicks? Did they all start doing chin-ups like Briee and abandon ship?
My presentation went fine. It was so nice to come back from it and read all your encouraging remarks! The presentation was pretty short and I hyper-prepared for it by memorizing every word. If I have to speak off the cuff, I'm a goner. I didn't say the underwear comment because my boss is a former Baptist preacher and, although very nice, would not have appreciated me saying that in public. (I do think they would have laughed though. Not sure if they would have understood the chin-up reference. Some people are so out of touch.)
WOW, I have some work to do. HB and Briee, I counted my last P90X chinups and did 179 on my toes. But hey that was a huge progress for me, so I ain't complainin' I agree HB pushups and chinups seem to have done more for my upper body than lifting wts ever did.

On to today and my workout. Well,.... I went to the Eye Dr this afternoon and got my eyes dialated. So when I came home I could hardly see. I did KPC and thought I'd try some chinups but decided to wait till tomorrow. I know, I know procrastination. But I DID workout and for that I am thankful. I was so feeling like a slug. I do have a plan though. I am gonna start S&H for a week or two and then maybe do some Gym Styles and then probably go back to P90X.

Sooooooooooosan, glad your presentation went well.

Melody, so how many pushups did you say you could do??? LOL, not talking to us, hmmmmmmm how bout some derby pie???? Does that help. DH is making one right now.

Is screaming for Sooooooooooooosan...HERE'S YOUR ECTO CHICK!!!!!

Are we now a pushup/chinup checkin, that's ok but jeez a girl's gotta know what she's up against. As though it really matters in my case.:p

Ecto whimpie chick warmed up, did the inverted rows 1 set of 10 wide overhand grip and 1 set of 10 narrow underhand grip --- hey, I could do these with relative ease, why? That's all - as I needed to save some of me for the chinup negatives and GS CT. Well, chinup negatives, 1 set of 10 down count, 2 sets of 8 down count and in the last 8 ct sets I did the hold/pause 3-5 seconds thing. I've stopped working to failure.

I surprised myself because I liked the inverted rows.

Ecto checking out.

ETA What's derby pie?
What's derby pie?!!!!! Oh man, I guess it's a Kentucky thing. Y'all do know 'bout the KY derby, right? Well it's this Saturday- a big deal round here. Derby pie is like pecan pie only better. It has bourbon and chocolate!!! Yum, Yum. :p :p

Honest...I think I was an ecto until the donuts arrived!!!

Melody, the reason you can do inverts so well is that there is NO WEIGHT TO LIFT. (we all wish we had your problem!! - great job on those inverts - you may have to hang some weights from your neck to get some resistance!)

I did 10 negatives throughout the day whenever I passed the chinup bar and felt led, so there were hour breaks in between. They were all wide front pullups and down REALLY slow. I'm going to keep at these as often as I can.

Soosan...glad your speech went well! I'd sooner die than do this as well (I'm with you Joanne). I'm very proud of you!! You can be our chinup representative and handle all the major events. I think the Baptist preacher could have handled the underwear remark - I used to work with 80 of them when I worked at the Baptist General Conference years ago. They really were a fun crowd, but they couldn't do chinups to my knowledge. AND you're right...the crowd may not have understood the chinup references. When I stop my car in traffic to run to the playground and do chins while passing by a bar....they don't understand either. What's wrong with them anyway???

HB...Man you can crank out the pushups. If I wasn't being pushed by the P90X workout...I don't know if I could keep doing set after set. I used to do Aquajock's weight workouts, but I found that I needed someone to keep it moving at times. It's outstanding...but I needed the video to keep me on track. Other times, I can stay on task and do a great freestyle weight workout. This morning...I fought to keep going x( x( x( x(

Catherine...I know what you mean about just NOT being able to do them somedays! I've had too many of those days in the past few months!!

>Is screaming for Sooooooooooooosan...HERE'S YOUR ECTO
>Are we now a pushup/chinup checkin, that's ok but jeez a
>girl's gotta know what she's up against. As though it really
>matters in my case.:p
>Ecto whimpie chick warmed up, did the inverted rows 1 set of
>10 wide overhand grip and 1 set of 10 narrow underhand grip
>--- hey, I could do these with relative ease, why? That's all
>- as I needed to save some of me for the chinup negatives and
>GS CT. Well, chinup negatives, 1 set of 10 down count, 2 sets
>of 8 down count and in the last 8 ct sets I did the hold/pause
>3-5 seconds thing. I've stopped working to failure.
>I surprised myself because I liked the inverted rows.
>Ecto checking out.
Melody, I think Joanne's an ecto chick too. I met her at the Road Trip. And Kathryn said she's an ecto on top, so maybe we're not in the wrong check-in after all. But I agree it's not fair to turn this into a push-up check-in too. That's just too long a list of people I wouldn't be speaking to.

So the inverted rows were easy, huh? I think I'll start w/those next week and then do eccentrics the week after if everything's okay. I think you're wise not going to failure on these. I really wonder if we'll make any progress that way. But I'd rather make progress at a snail's pace than injure myself again and have to stop.

Catherine, it's just one party after another with you, isn't it?:p }(

Briee and HB, you two are amazingly strong! Have athletic endeavors always come easily to you or is it just all the donuts?
My progress so far (ha!):
Wednesday, I did 1 set of 2, 1/2 chin-ups and 3, 1/3 pull-ups. I think I'll stick to chin-ups from now on (since they're 'easier' and I don't think there's anyway in H-E-double toothpicks that I'll be able to do 5 pull-ups by summer end.)

I'm trying to figure out where my sticking point is (obviously somewhere around 1/2 way up!) There is also some shoulder mechanics that I have to work through. Maybe some weakness in the rotator cuff somewhere? I'll figure it out maybe!

I'll keep doing (trying!) one set of these every other day (my weight workout days)and see what happens.

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