Chest Exercises


Hi Cathe

I am looking for some pointers on a couple chest exercises. In 4DS you mention that usually we can go heavier on a chest press versus a chest fly. For me, I find that I can go heavier on flies than presses. Also I find I do better with wide pushups than regular pushups. Can you share some insight as to why that might be and what I should be doing to improve my strength for presses and regular pushups?

Thanks so much and I can't wait for STS to whip me into shape! :7

Thanks Susan, you're sweet. It took a while to learn to deal with them but I'm starting to appreciate what I have ;)
A lady at the grocery store asked me if I had to do anything to my hair to make it look the way it did and I said, "Have you ever owned a long-haired cat? Yeah, it's like having another pet."

But ain't it the truth? The minute you turn your back on it, it takes it's revenge...

Anyway, enough of my taking up Cathe's space on her own forum...oops.

Susan L.G.

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