Cheetahs Tuesday

Hi again Cheetah YaYa’s,

It’s a little slow today (thankfully) so what a great idea to take lunch break and check-in…Thanks for the warm welcome back ya’ll.
I did BM2 upper body and abs (eek) today. So hard to pull myself out of bed so early before work but I just thought about how you cheetah babes will be posting all of your amazing workouts today and well…I got right up and made my way to the coffee! Our oldest DD moved out over the summer so DH and I have been fixing up her old room to be my “garage”. Yes, I have my desk in there now and all my workout gear is going in there after the painting and repairs are done; hopefully this weekend. Can’t wait to have more room to move around while working out. }( I also ordered Cathe's new calendar to go in my new "garage"

I didn’t do the presale this year since I was so busy running, but now I really want to get the 4-Day dvd’s(figures). How are ya’ll that have 4-Day split enjoying it? I think I may wait and buy after I drop the first 10 pounds (my first mini goal) as a reward……but I’ll take any enabling comments in the meantime….

Wendy –.I also agree with Cathy that you may want to explain to the BF and whatshername the situation and “gently” ask for a little consideration on their part. I’m still amazed with your running progress!

Cathy – Oh yay, you’ll have to give me enabling comments on the 4-Day workouts…

Shelly – Howdy! Thank you! And since ya’ll have given me the warmest welcome ever, I plan on checking in here for the awesomostest support and camaraderie a girl could want as one of my weight loss goal “tools” I am on day 2 of my new plan and holding steady….Very funny about the mule! And it proves even more that I am a cheetahmule cuz I may not be the fastest but I can just keep going and going….My son is faster when we run together but I can always out run him in the end….lol! Hope ya have fun in LV this weekend!

Lori – OMGoodness, I think I remember the thread a long while back when you announced your excitement of being pregnant and now it is hard to believe the lil’ guy is waiting at the window and cruising across the room to mum! Very, very cute!

Judy – Thanks for the kind words, and I have cut and pasted “Since you had the self discipline to accomplish that you will lose the weight with the same discipline!” and placed it at my desk and will post it in my new workout room to remind me that you are 100% on the money girl! Thanks again for the boost!

Kristi – Thank you and yes, I am determined! Nice to know I have a fellow cheetah out there with a weight loss goal like mine….We can do it!!!

Christine!!! - Don’t be mad, I know, I know , I thought about you actually when I went to the shopping mall and saw Santana Row across the street…..I was with my running buddy though and she was having a tough weekend (re:her ex, his gf he left her for and the divorce) anyway so I probably couldn’t have socialized much anyway…we were only in SJ for the night at the Marriott downtown…I’ll be sure to look you up though if we return next year to run it….k? By the way, your puppy is really cute and the pic of the prospective puppy is really cute too but I agree; that young they’re like babies!!!

Wendi – Hi there, yes I agree these cheetah yaya’s are amazing and someone hit me if I stray for so long again…look what happened? I got fatter and less motivated! Uh, your boss needs a lobotomy – or he’s just out of shape and jealous that he must make asinine comments instead of “Gee Wendi, I hope you’re feeling better soon”….I’m jealous you get to do Low Impact Circuit….I watch the clip on Cathe’s website and now I REALLY want to buy it!

Carole – Thanks and great workout clothes! I’m going to get me some cute stuff as well for weight loss rewards. As for the IT issue, I agree using the roller. Along with massage, I use a foam roller and I think it is what has saved my poor ol’ fat body from damage this past year…Good luck in Las Vegas!!

Jackie – hiya, all this talk of Amy Bento I guess I have to check her out…just what I need – to spend more money! Actually, I always come back to Cathe after trying others so they have to be really good for me to look.

Susan – hi there, good luck with the shopping and the kindergarten adventure. My last kindergarten day was in 1997 – my DS’s class and we all got messy decorating our own Christmas cookies! It was really fun and at that age the kids are cute still…

Ok, lunch is over - Thanks again cheetah ya ya's - I really missed chatting here!

Thomasina :7
Well, after eating waaay too many cookies I bagged the upper body idea and did cardio instead. Needed to burn all that darned sugar off you know!x(

I did BBC Shoulders and Back Cardio only and yes, I drooled over Joey the entire time!}( I followed that up with CTX Power Circuits cardio but omitted the weight portions from the circuit. I hadn't done that one in AGES! FUN!

I feel better about my cookie binge now but desperately need a shower so I'll be back a bit later! :)
i realize i am coming in way too late for personals. i did skim the posts and the thing that stands out is that i want wendi to know that we all have setbacks and they are not like a runaway train. we can get off and we can start over. also, never say never. when i do that, i always set myself up for failure and end up disappointing myself.

i have been in sort of a funk the past couple of days. mostly about the stuff with DF. now that the holiday is over, i have time to think and i have been doing that. while i understand his being upset by what happened with his mother, i think his reaction was more to "punish" me than anything else. i even said something to him like, "if that stuff hadn't happened with your mom we would be going to vegas this weekend wouldn't we?" and he actually said yes. so, it makes me feel like he is treating me like a child and punishing me for something that was absolutely not my fault. so, with that follows the question do i really want to be with someone who would do that? now, is he just covering up for nerves or something else? i don't know. i can only go by what he told me. i am just really having some serious questions about everything. while he has been wonderful for the most part, pulling this crap at such an important time for such an important thing makes me wonder about everything and question our relationship. then, there is the other side of me that has NO desire to start the dating process all over and rationalizes that i have a really good guy who did a really *insert appropriate word here* not-so-nice thing but is genreally a good person and partner. i don't know. i am just so confused. i have been avoiding talking to him since saturday because i don't want to be a b**ch to him but i really don't have any warm and fuzzy feelings right now.

anyway, sorry to write such a self-absorbed post, but like wendi, i feel like you guys are such a source of wisdom and strength. not to mention a wealth of support.

then, to top it off, i did MM today but was just not into it so i don't feel like i got the best w/o. it really may be time for a rest week, but being in the funk i am, exercise is one of the things that keeps me happy and sane. i did get my classical stretch in the mail today, so i did that this afternoon and really enjoyed it (miranda's a little kooky but that's okay). i feel very stretched out but it made me realize that i am not very flexible!

i did renew my drivers license today. i brought a book and was prepared to wait and the whole thing took maybe 15 minutes! and, for once, the photo wasn't bad!!! it's not a magazine cover or anything, but it's really not bad.

okay, no more self-centeredness. sorry, i just had to vent and i didn't want to vent to anyone but you guys.
If you belong to Amy's forums - she has a new kickbox workout coming out that sounds COOL!! And one even I can do!!

NRG Fitness is pleased to announce our newest workout titled, “IN THE RING.” This cardio kickboxing workout will have FIVE combos and FIVE intervals (the format will be one combo followed by one interval). The intervals will be LOW IMPACT, HIGH INTENSITY and done with a MEDICINE BALL. The med ball intervals are designed to compliment the kickboxing portion of the workout leaving you with a total body burn! The kickboxing combos are fun and intense and will be easy to follow. We will be breaking them down for you in a way that is NOT boring and redundant so get ready to work people! IN THE RING is bringing something new to the market and we know you will appreciate the format along with the results it will deliver.

Amy has responded to all of you who suggested lower impact but make no mistake!!! IN THE RING is not going to be easy (you didn’t think it was, did you?) just easier on your joints. I will be joining Amy, and modifying any moves that qualify as higher-impact, along with Angela and Uchenna.
Okay, I'm showered and have dinner underway so I can relax for a few with my java and get to some personals. Joey is happily watching "Kermit: the swamp years". It's one of those straight to dvd movies that no one has ever heard of. I just happened to see it in the store and thought it looked cute so I picked it up for him. He likes it. :)

DH called. He's been workin' O/T lately but is going to work even later then usual tonight. No worries about him for dinner tonight. That would normally mean I wouldn't cook but I need to go foodshopping. I know it's time when all of the "ready to eat" food is gone. LOL That being said, if I didn't cook, Joey and I wouldn't eat...well okay, we could eat cereal but that's about it! :7

Cathy: My goodness what DOMS you are getting lately! I'm jealous! LOL Keep up the good work! You are really diggin' the bosu and keith, ey? :) How was work today? Any word on the BOE meeting???

Shelly: I took glutamine post race and apparently it did it's duty as I only had sore joints y'day and today I was fine! YAY! :)

Lori: How cute that your DS was waiting for your return home. Isn't that the best feeling!? :)

Judy: You are doing your first race this weekend?? Good for you! Watch out, they can be addicting!}( Good luck! I know you'll do great!

Kristi: If you want to see the pic of me from my race on saturday I'll have to give you a link and direct you how to find it. I tried to do it the "easy way" but it wouldn't work so I gave up. If you are interested in seeing it still let me know and I'll be happy to direct you to it. So what kind of upper body work out did you do today? Inspire me...I have U/B on tap for tomorrow!}(

Christine: Oh the pup is ADORABLE!!!! I don't blame you for not wanting 2 pups at one time. Watch out once Jimmy gets a bit older though! It sounds like another puppy could sneak it's way in sooner then you think!:+ Did you enjoy the leg torture today? Hurts so good!}(

Wendi: Sorry you are having a rough time. Like Lorie said though, don't give up. It's never too late to take hold and get control again. Sh*t happens and we need to learn to move on. I know it can be hard not beat yourself up for it cause I do the same thing but that's what the Cheetahs are here for! We are "damage control" for you so that you don't beat yourself up too hard!

Carole: Nice new duds for the race! I know very littel about dressing for winter running. I see all kinds of clothing out there and it costs mucho bucks. I'd like to get a GOOD winter running outfit but don't know what to buy. Any pointers?

Jackie: Some folks don't want to exercise no matter what. My BF and her friend want to but they don't ENJOY it yet so I have to be careful.

Hi Susan!!!!

Thomasina: Great work out today! Nice that you are getting a new and improved work out space! That must be so exciting! Cathe's calender will be the perfect touch for it! Thanks re: my running. You know you are one of the people who kept me motivated when I first started running even though it was the toughest thing I'd ever done! THANK YOU!!!!:)

Lorie: This thing with DF has really been bothering you. (((HUGS))). After the holidays are COMPLETELY overwith I would sit down and maybe have a talk with him. You are far too bothered by this to let it go. On the other hand, I wouldn't break off the relationship without talking about it with him first.

Looks like I'm done here...back to making dinner now!:9
Evening, cheetahs!

A quick post for me. I read through all the posts but will save personals for the AM. I need to get showered up here.

My workout is done:
Amy's hi/lo dome - dome portion only (liked the ab work best on this)
iClimb #9 (20 min.) (Shelly, you were so right. :7)

Have a great night, everybody! Catch up in the mornin'. :) :) :)

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
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Good evening ladies!

Well, here I am...better late than never :p! Thanks for the kind words of encouragement really are the bestest :7!

Wendy - WOW, what a workout "day" you had...WTG!!! When will your DH be back to working normal hours...this has been going on for a while now, hasn't it? Thanks sweetie...but I did need a little beating to get my arse back on track }(.

Cathy - Enjoy those remaining DOMS! I thought I was the only one who got 2-3 day DOMS from ab work :p. Great workout tonight! For the gift swap...did we decide if we are signing our real names or leaving it a mystery?

Shelly - So glad to hear you're off tonight! Thanks for the encouragement,'s much appreciated. ITA with the jealousy thing. All I keep hearing from him is "when I was thin I was always sick". What I want to reply with is "when you were thin you were anorexic and bulemic"...not kidding about that either, his admission! I know I shouldn't let it bother me...I will try to improve on that.

Lori - How cute about DS meeting you when you got home! Had to chuckle at my favorite workout of them all...snoozaerobics :7!

Judy - It sounds like you have a good plan for the week. Good luck this weekend! Glad to hear you're enjoying your spin class.

Kristi - So, how was "Upper Body with the Stars"? I know I won't make the finale tonight...will definitely be asleep by then. I hope you enjoy it!

Christine - OMG, he is the cutest!!!! What a wonderful gesture to that couple! Had to LOL at DH "wanting" to try B&G! Does he have any idea what he'd be in for?!?!? ITA about those lunge/squat combos...I dread those more than any other exercise on that DVD. Thanks sweetie :7!

Carole - Nice duds! I almos broke out LIC yesterday, too. Thanks hon! I hope you had a nice run. I can't wait to get out and run again.

Jackie - Thanks for the kind words. It feels wonderful to be back on track. Great workout today!

Susan - I hope you had fun Christmas shopping! Good luck getting it all done!

Thomasina - I'm so pleased to meet you! It sounds like you were missed here. Congrats on your medal! How exciting to have a new workout space! As for the 4DS...I *LOVE* it!!! Great premixes and I love to mix and match the cardio segments and use them as add-ons to other Cathe cardios. This series definitely has a high fun factor for me and I started to see results almost immediately...ahem, before my backslide, that is.

Lorie - I so want to send you endless {{{HUGS}}}. These past few weeks have really been tough for you. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I don't. All I can offer is my support and I know that you will find the path that you are meant to be on. Thank you for the encouragement. I'm not saying I'll never "cheat" foodwise again (that would be no fun), but I won't ever finish a whole package of 52 cookies in a couple hours time again. I told ya's it was bad x(!

Linda - YEOUCH!!! I saw you had a nasty spill off your treadmill! I'm just glad you weren't badly hurt!

I think that catches me up for tonight. I was planning on a run in the morning but it's going to be *VERY* cold here and I still have a bit of a dry cough so I figured I should stick to indoor cardio. I'll have to see what jumps out at me in the morning. Good night everyone!

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