:::: CHEETAHS :::: thursday, 4.26

Just popping in quick......

DS woke up with his foot MUCH better, so we didn't go to the doctor. He could walk really good and the swelling was way down. So, fingers are crossed that it's on the way to being repaired.

I got an allergic reaction to the medication the doc gave me on Tuesday, so just got a different one that apparently makes me VERY TIRED :-( ;( I think I need somebody to knock me out for a few weeks until things are 'normal' again. UGH!!!

I'm downing coffee now so I can find some energy to work my class tonight. I sure hope I get revived soon.

I'll try to get back later (if I can stay awake ;-) )

Indecisive Cheetah reporting in for duty!:p

I changed my mind about doing the full body work out today. I will do it tomorrow preceeded by ARX!}(

This morning I took my spin class and a few minutes ago, just for fun ;), I did some reverse grip chin ups. I did 3 pathetic sets. I did 3 in the first, 2 in the second and can ya just guess how many in the 3rd set? If you guess 1, you were right! LOL :p

I may do some yoga tonight if the mood moves me but it's not a must as I have it on tap for Sunday. :)

I am really hemming and hawing over what yoga dvd to buy. I've discovered a slew of Baron's stuff to choose from! I have Long and Lean and like it so I'm tempted to go with something else of his since I know I can handle it. On the other hand, they say variety is the spice of life BUT that can get very expensive if I don't quickly find another instructor I can get into. :eek:

Unless I decide to do Cathe's May rotation, I already have next week's BBC rotation planned out:

Sat: Rest
Sun: Yoga
Mon: Arms & Abs (+chin ups) including the cardio
Tues: Butt & Legs weights only + Run
Wed: Chest & Abs weights only
Thur: Spin & Yoga
Fri: Shoulders & Back weights only
Sat: Full Body
Sun: Rest

I'm off to grab some java now. I am hoping to have time to come right back and do personals while I caffeinate! ;)
I made it back!:)

Shelly: I hope your work out went well. You sounded like you needed it after a rough night at work. If you want the Cheetah in your signature just right click on the one in my posts and paste it into your signature! I found it online just by typing cheetah gif in a google search! :)

Carole: Joey was much better behaved today, thanks!:) I know it was lack of sleep (which was MY fault!) that was making him cranky y'day though it doesn't make it any easier to deal with! LOL Hope you had a good work out today!

Jackie: Yet another stellar workout. You are awesome girl! And all of those chin ups!! I am in awe!

Christine: Another BBC convert? YEAY!}( I hope you get to run this weekend! Wish your DH good luck! Give fuzzy Jimmy a squeeze for me! :+

Marcia: I'm so happy to hear that DS' foot seems to be on the mend without the assist of medical attention!:)

Sunny: You are always on the go! How do you do it?
Hello again~ I'm back and feeling a tad more human now.... had a very nice 7.3 mile run and attacked those #$@%^&&$ hills;-) aaahhh
much better now:7

Kristi- I hope I'm not too late for you to read this..... GOOD LUCK!!! I know you'll make us all proud:) Louisville is beautiful
and I assume you start/finish at Churchill downs? Go get em!!!!

Judy- T minus ONE DAY:7 :7 to vacay!!!! have fun!

Carole- I actually have that old Karen Voight vid- GWW. I used to be a fan of hers before I discovered Cathe. I remember how this one really felt hard even with using such a light weight. I think I may have to try it again now. Awesome workout yesterday for you!
How are the runs going lately?

Jackie- I bow down to the undisputed queen of the pull ups:eek: :eek: You
must have some awesome lats!!!

Christine- I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying your new job!! That's great that you don't have to go through a prolongued orientation period.... I hate those! I'm with you, I'd rather just jump right in:) I'll be packing up your purring cheetah today....
you'll love it!

SunnyD- You can't go wrong with a Carole workout;-) She has inspired us all.... for that matter, so have you! So, how many clients do you have now..... 50,60, 1000?

Marcia- That's great news about your DS! I know you were alot more concerned about him then your own health issues. Sorry you had an adverse drug rx!!! You've had your share of bad fortune lately in the health dept. I sure hope things turn around for you!!!

Wendy- Those chin up sets hardly sound pathetic to me!!! Thanks for the info on the running cheetah..... I do like it:)


Afternoon, cheetahs :)

I am dropping my plan to get in a run as my prescription has STILL not been authorized and I am awaiting a call back from the insurance…grrr. It is probably a good idea to give my eye another day’s break from the contact lenses, anyway. And besides, the weekend’ll be warm & sunny, so I’m sure I’ll have opportunity to hit the pavement then. Time for catchin’ up with my girls…

Marcia :: glad to hear DS’s foot is on the mend…and sorry about the issue w/ the meds…As you know, I have been dealing with a bunch of crazy side effects lately from the meds I’m on, so I understand the frustration. Hope you get a second wind for tonight’s class.

Wendy :: Amazon’s policy is to issue a full refund only on unopened DVDs…if you open the package and return it within 30 days, you only get 50% reimbursement…Cool animated cheetah! I need one of those to be chasing me so I pick up the pace some. ;)…Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself with the chinups – that is probably 5 more than I can do…LOL.

Judy :: have a GREAT trip!!

Gayle :: thanks for the info on PY…it does sound like another I’d like to add to my collection. (Of course! LOL) No worries on the personals – you’ve been swamped. Joining Wendy in sending lots of positive & fast cheetah vibes your way.

Shelly :: vent away! Sounds like a rough couple of days. I feel your pain. In my profession, sometimes staying home sick is more hassle than it’s worth, so I came back to “one o’ those days, too.” I will enjoy doing some yoga later. Thanks for checkin’ out the calorie counter…I’m analyzing the numbers FitDay is giving me and have to figure out how to reignite my metabolism.

Carole :: I love days when I’m off and can take my time doing nice, long workouts! ‘Course, they’re not quite as long and as hard as yours are, but maybe someday I can work up to something close to that LOL. Hey, it says a lot for a video if it’s from 1991 and you’re still doing it! Must be a good one.

Kristi :: sorry your co-workers forgot…last year, I had cards & gift cards for our secretaries, and I kept forgetting the cards at home. DOH! I felt like a jerk. At least your boss did remember eventually. Sounds like a busy weekend…best of luck in your HM!!! We'll be thinking of you!…I could have opted to pay for the scrip up front and later get reimbursed, but I have found in the past that that is not a good route to go w/ insurance.

Jackie :: LOL about shirtless Rodney. Now Adam in P90X I don’t mind. What a bod on that one. But I agree ol’ Rod could stand to put on some loose-fitting clothes…thanks for the well wishes…it’s getting better.

Christine :: Yes! We do miss you when you’re not here…Glad the transition into the new job is going so smoothly…Sure can’t beat that commute…It’s not pink eye – just an allergic reaction. Symptoms were the same as pink eye, though, so I opted to stay home yesterday…Aetna/US Healthcare is my insurance; Benerx does the prescriptions. It seems to be an ongoing battle w/ them.

OK, as I finished up this post, the insurance called and the authorization went through finally. Yay! OK, early dinner, yoga, and then back to the pharmacy. Have a great night, everyone!

Cathy :)

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