::: CHEETAHS ::: Friday

Well ladies,

I opted for CTX UB split since it's been FOREVER since I've done it and holy moly it hurt!!!}( I am gonna be SORE SORE SORE tomorrow!:7

I apologize but I have no time for personals. I am headed for the shower and then out for a bit with DH. I will catch up later tonight or tomorrow though.


Okay ladies, I take back my previous apology for not doing personals cause I am about to do them now!:7

I changed my mind about going out tonight since I have to get up early for my long run in the morning and don't want to be tired or anything. :)

Christine: So how was your date with Baron today? ;) I ended up working triceps tonight but I skipped the 2nd set of the final exercises (one arm overhead press right into kickback). I just couldn't take it anymore!!!!}( I can handle up to 10-12# on tricep kickbacks and the 5# DB's I was using tonight for that exercise were KILLING ME!:eek: :7

Amy: Can't wait to hear about your first race! How exciting!

Kristi: Have you gotten the yearly pkg for the ITrains yet? It's an awesome bargain if you purchase alot of them or want to but find the cost prohibitive. You end up paying only $2.22 per work out! You can't beat it! Just something to consider. Yes, I am enabling again! }(

Gayle: Good luck with your relay on Sunday! Be sure to report back to us on how it went!

Cathy: UML stands for Upper Middle Lower and is one of the Power 90 Master Series work outs. My poor triceps will remember this work out for days!!! LOL So ya got some chatty little buggers in your classes this year, huh? LOL

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