:::: CHEETAH BABES :::: 5.10

My work out is done. It went from the scheduled B&G Overall Legs Premix to the last minute decision to do Firm It Up! LOL Ah well, it was a lower body work out and it was tough so I'm happy! It included abs as well so that was an unscheduled lil bonus for me!}(

My pain is not nearly as bad as it was. I guess the ibuprofen helped after all. Maybe it IS the arthritis????

Okay, off to get the little guy outta bed...He is awake now. I hear him yammering on to himself!;) :7

BBL with personals!:)
Hey guys. Just popping in with a quick HELLO! I BRIEFLY read the posts, just briefly. Life is to return to normal starting tomorrow after school.

In regards to Cathy saying she forced herself out of a funk.....I am doing the very same thing. I'm forcing myself to get the motivation back again. I've been up since 3:30am when I heard one of the boys go down to the kitchen for a drink. Couldn't get back to sleep, so I stayed in bed till 4:30, just thinking about the days' tasks. I then got to the basement and did Low Max. Had a GREAT TIME and feel really good for making myself get in a workout. I'm planning on keeping it going tomorrow, with low body (maybe PLB my fave, or L&G).

I promise I'll be a better Cheetah poster next week. Can't wait to give you updates on a few things (including possible work for next school year, YAY).


guess what i got in the mail today..yep, SQUEEZE! so take another guess at what's on my agenda for tomorrow:D :7

wendy- i have p90 masters and they are IMO, intermediate workouts. no where near the intensity of the X.
Hey all!

Quick post for me today. I had to get to work early this morning and as DH JUST landed this afternoon, I had to do everything myself again (what a pain - I do NOT know how you single moms do it without going bonkers!) I made today my rest day instead of tomorrow. Worked out well. But my day has been jammed packed with meetings - good ones, but meetings none-the-less. I just wanted to pop in and let y'all know I'm still alive and thinking of y'all!
Just popping in to say a very quick "Hello Cheetahs"!

Sorry I've been really bad about posting lately. My running and exercising in general has been nil. On my vacation last week I was experiencing a lot of dizziness. Yesterday afternoon I went to the doctor to see what the problem was since it has been going on for about a week now. I was diagnosed with vertigo which is being caused by my allergies. Due to the pressure changes while flying on vacation it made the symptoms worse. I didn't even notice any symptoms before I left, but maybe they were too minor to take note of. In any case, it can take up to 2 weeks for it to go away, or in 1 out of 100 cases the person needs to go to the ENT physician. I'm hoping I'm one of the 99 cases that goes away. Currently, I'm waiting on exercising until Sunday. Hopefully some of this will finally subside. It has been pretty bad just sitting here at work as it is.

Well, I need to get back to work. TTFN
Hola, cheetahs :)

Wendy :: I’ve bought (and sold) a couple of other DVDs (and other items) through eBay, but I just won’t take the risk again. I would buy from you, though! :) I picked up BC/ME last summer or early fall, and the seller assured me it was an authentic, but now I’m thinking I got snookered. It worked well for a little while, but then after a few runs, it started to freeze up to the point where the workout wasn’t doable…I’ve never done the overall legs premix. Curious about your thoughts next time you do do it…Sorry about the pain – but I see neither it nor the cramps put you outta commish. You’re a beast, woman! An absolute beast! :)

Jess :: glad you’re enjoying the new wheels…Squeeze is partly pilates-inspired, for sure…Thanks for the good thoughts on my job situation…it’s not really something I have a whole of say in. Unfortunately, you can be moved involuntarily to different teaching positions, and if you are a flexible person who doesn’t complain a lot, you find yourself being the go-to person. It’s true—like anywhere else—the squeakiest wheels get what they want. I am in my second year in my current district, so all of my previous moves occurred in my former district at the hands of another administration, but still…it is unsettling and more work to have to move, esp. if you switch grade levels, so I would rather stay put. I just hope there is an end to the bouncing around because constant change is just too stressful for my liking…Agreed with Shelly on CS… CTX has been on my wish list, too. I can’t wait to get that one!

Carole :: that is weird about BC/ME…I bought a new DVD player since I last played it, and I couldn’t even get it to run at all this time!…can’t wait to hear what you think of Tracey, too.

Sunny :: mmmm, you baked a cake for your son’s teacher???? You will be a goddess in her eyes!!! :) :) :) I can’t wait until you try Squeeze, either!! I think it’s gonna give us those chiseled Serena legs!…And yes, you need a Garmin!!!!…Checked out the article link – how cool! A celeb in our midst!

Jackie :: thanks so much for your kind words about teachers. :) The cheetahs are such a supportive group. I felt a warm fuzzy coming on just now. Sometimes I find myself wishing we all lived near each other, so we could see Jimmy in person, or babysit Jess’s girls when she & DH want a night on the town, or try Indian food with Christine & Susan, or rock out at the bingo hall, and of course, run some races together!…That sounds like a great price for the 305. I have the Garmin 201, and while I’m really happy with it, I do plan to go with the 305 when it’s time to upgrade. It’s an excellent tool—you will love it.

Linda :: thanks for the premix – looks awesome!! Maybe I’ll try that one this weekend instead of doing Tony or Cathe’s legs. ITA that it gets into different muscles. Frankly, I like it more than Fluidity. Squeeze is a keeper…I agree, running when you feel like it ain’t a bad plan, either, if you ask me. Sometimes the constraint of a rotation is too much. If you don’t have specific training goals, then I think going by how you feel for a while isn’t necessarily bad.

Shelly :: honestly, I don’t think I could do one of your workouts on my best day *LOL*…As I've said before, all I can do is bow down! :) You do scare me when the evil smiley comes out. ;) For the Pine Beach 5K, I *know* I will be too slow to even eat your dust! *LOL*

Susan :: I’m curious about the new Firms, so I look forward to the review…Hey, it’s OK if you can’t be strong this Mother’s Day…the first holidays will be the hardest ones. I think you have to give into the emotions and let yourself grieve. We will be thinking of you, for sure.

Judy :: Here’s a link to the Squeeze site: http://squeezebytracy.com/ It’s billed as a blend of pilates, yoga, ballet, isometric exercises, and resistance training for the whole body. You need a kickball and light handweights. I’ve only done the 26-minute shorter premix, but I really liked it. As mentioned, the pushups/dips were too easy after Cathe & Tony, but the rest of the exercises are surprisingly unique and challenging.

Gayle :: great job pushing yourself to workout – that’s no small feat at such an ungodly hour! Ooh, now you’re leaving us hangin’ about the possible job for next year!

Christine :: good to see ya! A rest day sounds like it’s in order. Hope you get to relax some after all the craziness.

Kristi :: sorry to hear about the vertigo…I hope you are better by Sunday and can resume your normal routine…take care & get well soon!!

Enjoyed a nice & easy 3-miler this afternoon w/ my friend. Now I still have to go figure out dinner and finalize a quiz for tomorrow. It may wind up being a little late for yoga.

~Cathy :)
Shelly - You did all of Cardio Sweatfest and Hi/Lo + DM Cardio Blaster??? You beast you! LOL! OK, what's your secret? You're keeping something from us. Good job!! Yeah, ME is another toughie! How did the run go?

Susan - Good luck with the clean eating! You can do it! Do you need us to put you on a clean eating watch? LOL! You will be in my thoughts and prayers this weekend.

Judy - Love those Zone bars.

Sunny - I did it! I ordered the Garmin from Amazon.com. Got it for $257. With the $50 rebate, it'll end up being $207. That was cheaper than Wal-Mart. Would also have to pay tax with Wal-Mart. I didn't think I ran enough outside to use it either but you can get a shoe pod and be able to use it on a treadmill. Boss said it's good if I plan on doing any long distance running. I told him I didn't know if I'll be doing long distance. Then he says, aren't you running a HM. Well, it just depends on how I feel after each race.;) Checked out the link. So, awesome.

Carole - Do you have the shoe pod?

Wendy - Glad the pain is betterand you were able to get a workout in. Those are some great workouts you plan on buying. I have a couple of the P90M workouts.

Gayle - Glad you're come out of your funk too. Can't wait to hear about possible job.

Christine - Hope the rest day gets you ready for your day tomorrow.

Kristi - So sorry to hear about the vertigo. Hope you feel better so that you can get back to your workouts.

Cathy - That's what we here for to offer encouragement and support. I'll pray that everything works out for you. Glad you got the run in with your friend. How did she do?

Well, I'm about to preview a little of Cadio Core Express. That's on my schedule for in the morning.

Oh, yeah, should have that Garmin tomorrow. I'm so excited. Don't think I can buy anything else until Cathe comes out with her new workouts.:7

Good Evening Cheetahs!

Busy day today so this is my first opportunity to sit down for personals!:eek: I had to go food shopping this evening for my weekly stuff + everything for Joey's party on Sunday. I was in the store for like 2 hours! YIKES! LOL Then I had to unpack everything and get Joey off to bed, blah blah blah. I finally finished everything after 8pm. No yoga tonight. Too late and too tired. DH won't be around tmrw night though so I have yet a THIRD chance to get it in!:p

I sat down in front of the PC with a cup of my usual...decaf coffee but then I was reading a post on another check-in the girl was talking about "cool adult beverages". Well that got my mouth waterin' after the day I had so I've traded in my cofee for a Corona!:9 Hey Cathy, would you like one? :+

Gayle: I know what it's like to wake up at 3am and not be able to fall back to sleep. Unfortunately I can't get up and work out TOO early b/c my work out area is right next door to the bedroom. x(

SunnyD: The P90 Master work outs being intermediate doesn't bother me at all! I know they won't be X intense and I am totally okay with that. I just want to know if they decent work outs. They have a couple new ones out that you may not have though. That's so cool that you and your client made the paper!:)

Christine: I agree with you on the single mom thing. OMG, I think I'd lose my mind! LOL

Kristi: I hope your vertigo clears up quickly! I have had positional vertigo since I was a child. What a pain! I am uncomfortable in a dentist chair, lying back to get my hair washed at the salon, lying flat on my back for any reason for too long and being upside down. For years I would have "attacks" of it in my sleep. I can't go to sleep on my back because of it but I guess I would roll on to my back in the middle of the night and I would get dizzy in my sleep. I would wake up face down in the pillow kicking and screaming and hanging on for dear life while the room spun around me and I was waiting for it to stop! Sometimes I would wind up on the floor because I'd be so panicked I would throw myself off the bed by accident. That hasn't happened in YEARS thank goodness but I still have a hard time with everything else I mentioned. Vertigo is NOT fun. Feel better fast!

Cathy: I just listed my Yoga Shakti DVD on Amazon today. I've never listed with them before. It's a much easier process then Ebay and they don't charge you a dime if you don't sell your product! I hope it works out well because I have collected quite a few things I could stand to sell and am just not in the mood to do the whole Ebay thing. It's such a long process that I just don't have the time or patience for right now. Oh and I'm no beast when it comes to my work outs...just a little OCD is all!:p :7

Jackie: So I take it you like the P90 Masters work outs that you have? I think I am definately going to order them if you like them! }( So you bought a garmin? Have fun with it! Waaay cool little tool for outdoor running! I have the basic one myself.:)

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