Check in 12/16


Hi everyone, after a snowy week that made me really glad I can
work out at home, I am ready to checkin.

Sunday - In Naperville at a swim meet. My son made finals in fly, so we did not get home until 10:30pm. No work out
Monday - nothing, still tired.
Tuesday - cardio kicks
Wednesday - Leaner Legs
Thursday - swim, haven't swam in almost two weeks, so I did lots of short intervals, 100 IMs, 100 frees, ect
Friday - Circuit max in AM, master swim in PM
Saturday - Step and Interval with rotator cuff exercises instead
of chest

More bad weather is called for tonight, so batten down the hatches!

Workout-wise, this was an AWFUL week! I ended up getting the illness my husband had (nasty head cold/flu thing) so ended up just doing alot of moaning and SLEEPING! (What can I say, I moan when I'm congested...)

Monday: CTX Shoulders, CTX Triceps, 10-10-10 Cardio, Abs
Tuesday: CTX Biceps, PS Back, Todd Gheisar Workout #1 (just starting to feel a bit under the weather)
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, SLEEPING!

Felt a little bit like I could do a workout today, but really didn't want to push it. I had pneumonia about 7 years ago, and am trying to learn to take it easy when my body is asking me to.

I'm hoping next week will be a better one!

I'll join you guys!

Dorothy, you're right...home workouts are a lifesaver when the weather is uncooperative. But hey, I'll trade you the snow for the cold temps up here (can you say -30 degrees x( ...brrrrr).

Terri, sorry to hear you're under the weather. What a coincidence, I've felt a cold coming on since I woke up today with a sore throat :-tired. So, I started on some echinacea and I'm hoping for the best. Hope you (and I) feel better soon :).

Here's how my week looked:

Sunday - Cardio Kicks, PS CST, PS SLA
Monday - Interval Max, PS BBA
Tuesday - warm-up and cardio from CTX Kickbox and cardio/circuits from Power Circuit, CTX chest, planks, abs, and cool-down from CTX Kickbox
Wednesday - Cardio Kicks in AM, CTX back and biceps in PM
Thursday - warm-up and cardio from 10-10-10 and cardio from All Step in AM; CTX shoulders and triceps, planks and abs from Power Circuit in PM
Friday - Leaner Legs
Saturday - Step Works

Talk to you all later. Have a great week everyone!
Lisa :)
RE: I'll join you guys!

Terri and Lisa, hope you feel better soon! I hate to have a cold, yuk!!

My week has been a good and fun one which included a new tape I got this week. I told my husband that I have 7 new tapes that I want to get but I will wait until after the first of the year. It's soooooo hard to wait. I have gone video crazy, or is it just crazy--I'm not sure. I think my family believes it is "just crazy!" Oh well, here's my week.

MONDAY: Step Jam--I have done this so much but I still love it!
WEDNESDAY: Step Heaven, all 3 sections--FUN, FUN, FUN!!!! This is the new tape that I just got and boy did I have fun. Did I mention that I thought this tape was fun?
THURSDAY: Kathy Smith's New Yoga Basics. Have had this one for a while but this was my first time to try it. I didn't like it that much but it could be that I'm just not use to that kind of workout.
FRIDAY: MIS--just legs, chest, and back in the morning and Step Heaven--just the first section in the afternoon.
SATURDAY: MIS--shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abs.

I was pleasantly surprised with myself and the choreography of Step Heaven. I am Ms. Clutz and I did fairly well learning this. Of course, I have a long way to go to get all of it but I had fun trying.

Hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful week!

RE: Happy holidays!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-00 AT 07:29PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi eveyone!! Sorry to hear about all the colds/fl;u going around. So far (knock wood) my family has been ok. Still getting used to the PS rotation and I've made one minor change, but I love feeling soooo strong!Ok, here we go!

MON: PS BBA and StepFit

TUES: JOY of Yoga and MIS floor

WED. Joy of Yoga and BodyMax

THURS: Joy of Yoga and oh yeah, just the Yoga.

FRI: PS SLA and PS CST and Joy of Yoga

SAT: Today I did Power Yoga for beginners, MIS Step, and PS BBA

SUN: Tomorrow I plan on doing Power Yoga for beginners, PS SLA and PS CST.

I have added in a morning yoga session every morning when I wake up and I must say, my back has NEVER felt better!! I LIKE yoga! I'm SHOCKED!!!

Have a good one everybody!!!

checking in

Hi everyone! Sorry to hear about the colds going around--its that time of the year, I guess. I haven't really kicked the one I've had for the past several weeks, but luckily I have been able to work, and work out, around it. It has mostly remained an annoying tickle in my throat...
Anyway, here's my week:

MONDAY: 40 min cardio (PM wu and part I + Stepworks section I)


WEDNESDAY: Power Circuit + PS SLA calves, hamstrings and floor work (This was my first time doing Power Circuit--very fun--and I was going for a lighter leg workout, as my knees have really been bothering me.)

THURSDAY: Kathy Smith Peak Fat Burning workout+
NAC Interval Challenge = 65 minutes moderate cardio

FRIDAY: rest :)

SATURDAY: MIS (leaving abs till Sunday, though)

SUNDAY: will either hike or do 45-60 minutes of stepping :)

Have a fantastic week, all of you!
Hi Everyone!!! Christmas is getting too close and I'm not at all ready! I did get some other things done this week: got a physical, went to a dermatologist, and got my hair cut. And I got another good week of working out (8 good weeks in a row; 6 of CTX, it's FUN! FUN! FUN!):

MONDAY: Power Circuit and CTX Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps

TUESDAY: 10-10-10 (omitted triceps)

WEDNESDAY: All Step and Leaner Legs

THURSDAY: MIC and CTX Back and Chest

FRIDAY: Cardio Kicks and CTX Abs/plank work from Kickboxing and CTX Triceps and Biceps

SATURDAY: Step Intervals (Ch 2,3,4) and Leaner Legs

Monday I'm planning to start a new rotation with my new Cathe video's! Hope all of you get over your cold's before Christmas!!
Have a great week everyone!!!

RE: I'll join you guys!

I LOVE Step Heaven, too! Once you get it all down you feel SO GOOD (and proud)! I just got Step Jam and can't wait to try it--looks like fun! I have no self discipline when it comes to new exercise video's and DVD's, I just have to have them! Have a great week!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-00 AT 12:26PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi all!

I'm hoping everyone starts feeling better before the holidays kick in! So far (knocking on wood) all three of us are doing okay. My son has a little cough, but since he's two I don't know if it's really anything or if he just likes the way it sounds! Hopefully, he'll get over whatever it is soon!

Aimee--do you like Yoga? I couldn't tell! :) I just started doing Ali McGraw's tape again and I'm looking to find a few new ones, too.

I had a pretty good week and I'm very pleased with myself since this time of year is always so hectic. My husband has been very cooperative with letting me workout while he's home. I usually try to squeeze it in before he gets home from work or while my son's napping, but my work schedule has been a little crazy lately and I can't always get it in when I want.

Here goes:

Sunday - rest

Monday - Leaner Legs & CTX shoulders

Tuesday - all of CTX Kickbox & CTX back. I am so in love with CTX Kickbox. It's so much fun that I have to make myself NOT do it!

Wednesday - nothing. Got home late from work and had a craft class in the p.m. with my sister. I keep saying I want to start working out in the a.m. to avoid days like this, but I just don't have the energy to get out of bed earlier than I have to!

Thursday - CTX triceps, chest, shoulders, planks and abs. I wanted to make up missing my weight work on Wednesday!

Friday - CTX Kickbox, up to the arm drill section. Then Cardio Kicks, didn't do warmup, but did the rest to the end.
Okay...this killed me! I wanted to stick in a longer cardio day and I could not believe how wiped out I was. My upper body was just fried!

Saturday - Leaner Legs & CTX bicep, back, chest & triceps. Being I was still a bit sore from my Kickbox killer day, I was a little weak with everything, but wanted to get in my 2nd strength day.

Have a great week, everyone!
Bah Humbug!

Boy I can't wait till the Holidays are over!;-) I thought I was making headway with my workouts and chores galore!

MONDAY: Thank goodness for my workout buddy. We made plans to get back on track and workout Mondays and Wednesdays after work. We did the cardio to [font color ="red"]All Step[/font] and [font color ="red"]Step&Intervals[/font]..minus the intervals..we were both being poopy:-tired OK..really I was and Wendy didn't want to finish alone.

TUESDAY: Planned to get up early..didn't

WEDNESDAY: Wendy and I did [font color ="red"]MIC[/font]. We were going to try some of the new CXT but were afraid of Wendy getting goofed on new stuff so we picked an old favorite. Wendy did reach for IMAX till I gave her a swat on the head;-) it was I ended up sitting out for my favorite part...the interval blast...having tummy problems due to poor eating..I have to get that act together.

THURSDAY: Nada..didn't get up again and came home with pizza to watch the tube with Hubby

FRIDAY: Too many errands.

SATURDAY: Just put it off:p

SUNDAY: Marathon cookie baking day...and cramping up..not a good combo :-tired

I was talking with Cleda this morning and told her if you see a women running madly and screaming with arms's me running towards January trying to put Decemeber..OK..November too..behind me!!!
Hello Everyone.

I just love this time of year! I feel so motivated to work out and do healthy things. Yesterday I decided to give up the sugar pop for a while. The last time I did it, I lasted for almost a full year! (Today was day one--a success!)

Michele...Seems you are hooked on Kickbox...have you tried Karate? I have been in it for six years. I love it! I have a heavy bag in my basement that I kick, punch and strike regulary. What a great workout it is!

Here goes my week... (A good one, but not what I planned on thanks to piles of snow!)

MONDAY-- STRETCH in the morning... rest for the rest of the day.

TUESDAY--Shoveling snow --AM Step Fit-- PM

WEDNESDAY-- :( Christmas shopping...Nothing!


FRIDAY---30 minutes Step Aerobics, MIS

SATURDAY-- 90 Minutes Karate Class, plus 10 minutes free sparring.

SUNDAY-- Shoveling Snow...Here, There and Everywhere. (First we shoveled ourselves out, then my grandparent's then a bit at my parents. I wanted to do 45 minutes bagwork and Upper body weights, but snow made that impossible.
Hey Karen!


Yes, I am hooked on kickboxing. I tried Tae Bo when it first came out and wasn't really into it. Since doing Cathe's Cardio Kicks and CTX Kickbox, I'm addicted.

I have thought about Karate, but didn't know what was involved, or how involved you need to get. Tell me more, please! :)

Hey Karen!


Yes, I am hooked on kickboxing. I tried Tae Bo when it first came out and wasn't really into it. Since doing Cathe's Cardio Kicks and CTX Kickbox, I'm addicted.

I have thought about Karate, but didn't know what was involved, or how involved you need to get. Tell me more, please! :)


Everyone at my house is coughing and snorting. Anyway, my week went pretty good. I really need to start getting more weight training in. I am just soo addicted to cardio workouts and running.

Sunday: 6.5 mile run
Monday: Interval Max
Tuesday: All Step and Leaner Legs
Wednesday: MIC
Thursday: 6.3 miles on treadmill
Friday: 6.5 miles
Saturday: 6.5 miles

My week didn't go as well as I had hoped, but here goes. . .

Sunday rest
Monday 20 min. of 10-10-10 plus 30 min. walk
Tuesday 25 min. of Wedding step, plus 40 min. walk
Wednesday 30 min. walk
Thursday Made it thru first 8 intervals of IMAX (YIPPEEEE!!!)
This (for me) is an accomplishment. I was sweating buckets.
Was sore for probably 3 or 4 days. WOW!
Friday rest, still sore
Saturday rest, still sore

I'm going shopping today to look for a book to help me lose weight. I'm not sure which book I should buy. I am terribly discouraged with my weight loss efforts and I am so confused about this whole carb business. I am so confused and do not know "who" to believe. Which is best? High carbs, no carbs, low carbs, which is the way to go? I'm so darn confused!
Please give me suggestions on which book to buy.

RE: Viva Las Vegas

Hi everyone

I just happen to be here in Vegas visiting my family and loving the getaway from the cold northern Canadian weather.

Unfortunately, with the travel etc., my workouts have not been as many as I would like but the good news is that each and every day, I feel improvement in my hamstring. Also, the physio has given me the go ahead (in fact told me to) to incorporate some running and weighted leg work outs into the mix. Patience is starting to pay off - after having it hammered into my stubborn head that is. Soon, perhaps I can get back into my new Cathe tapes - slowly that is and with moderation. I have to tell my intensity junkie self that a lot.

Sorry to hear about the flus and colds going around. I hope you all get better by Christmas.

Here were my workouts last week:

Monday - 60 minute walk in the a.m. (and we are talking in -30 degree Celsius weather here - brrr - although if one is dressed appropriately it is not too bad)

Tuesday - PS CST

Wednesday - another cold 60 minute walk in the a.m.

Thursday - PS BBA and Step Reebok the Power workout (yahoo I am able to do this pain free)

Friday - rest (long day at the airport getting to Vegas. Got delayed because of icing on the wings in the Saskatoon airport but eventually got away)

Saturday - 45 minute walk/run (yes, you read correctly the word "run" - yahoo) and it was in Las Vegas in balmy (to me) weather.

Sunday - rest (and I see a few more of these than I care to have happen in the next week or two but since I am holidays - what can I say)

While I am here, I am going to try and check out some gyms and neat classes that I don't have access to where I live.

Take care everyone.

preggers check-in

Nancy C-still thinking of you! Hope you enjoy the holidays just a teensy bit :)

Kim-Hope you are enjoying are beautiful weather here in So. Nevada. It's even warm for those of us who live here!

And I'll join the sicky club. Luckily no congestion or runny nose, but my throat has been very sore since Thursday.

Last week I got in Tough Tape, a 25 min. walk, and Firm Strength. I really liked Firm Strength (was my first time) it is very modifiable for preggies. Because I am sick I am just going to try and get some extra rest and water this week, and maybe keep up with the holiday stuff. So I probably won't have any workouts...ahhhh, but I did get a barbell from hubby for Christmas!!!

Ooooh, bad week...

Okay Nanc, you can smack me for gushing earlier this month over how great my November was! ;-) Holiday stuff has been getting in the way for me, too.

Monday - PS-CST (did the exercises on my own without the video)
Tuesday - Nada... not in the workout mood
Wednesday - Nada... couldn't get my butt out of bed for an AM workout
Thursday - Tried to do the new Crunch: Next Step video, but I just wasn't into it (it's just not a Cathe video! ;-) also a little to easy! :eek:). Stopped halfway through.
Friday - Life got in the way
Saturday & Sunday - cookie baking, baking, baking and finishing up Christmas shopping... and oh, more baking. ;-)

The baking is done, the Christmas shopping is done... looking forward to at least 3 workout days this week! :-jumpy!
Check in

Not sick but suffered side effects from a new Rx & some canine induced sleep deprivation. Finally picked up some weights :) after 2 weeks abstention. Went real easy w/ Kathy Smith & so far so good. No shoulder aches.

Monday: Cycle 22 miles w/ hills
Tuesday: Pilates mat class; KS Secrets .. Upper Body
Wednesday: Spin
Thursday: nada though venturing into Costa Mesa's South Coast Plaza in December is quite physical
Friday: KS's Upper Body tape; Run 30 minutes
Saturday: 14 mile Hike w/ DH & dogs :-tired
Sunday: Millenium Stretch & long walk to loosen up some tight muscles

Have a healthy & happy week everyone. Happy Hanukkah!


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