~~Challengers - May 11-17~~


Im kinda excited about a local gym that just opened. I called about it yesterday and its very reasonabled priced too. 25$ a month and its 24/7 access. I could go when DH got home from work right now,then when the kids start school(and hopefully my car is fixed:rolleyes:) i can go in the morning:) I plan on signing up for it next friday:).

I hope it will help kick this blah state im in...im excited about using the elliptical and the spinning machines. Not to mention the weight machines:eek:

anyways...im at work,twiddling my thumbs. BBL w/personals
Good Morning,

Today I did Push Circuit 3 and then 20mins on the TM and then tonite I need to do Burn Interval and then I am caught up for the week. DH hates my new haircut.

Amelia-sounds like a really good deal and you can mix up your cardio choices with ellipticals and bikes.
Good Morning,

Today is SM then yoga really need to stretch out the lower body. Eating was horrible and I didn't get any planting done. Its kind of quite on here this weekend.
Buenas noches:D (and thats all i know:confused:)

I didn't do anything yesterday that would be considered 'exercise' but i did clean up alot so that counts for something:pToday was CC V 3 and it felt great! If the rain will every stop we will do some yard work. I plan on going to the gym tomorrow after DH gets off work:eek:

Roxie-It is pretty quiet around here isn't it? What kind of haircut did you get? I need to get mine trimmed...its just one of those tedious things that i don't take time to do:rolleyes: im trying to grow it out.

Andrea-Nice challenge! Good Luck!

Elaine-I hope your feeling better! High fives on getting your car fixed...

Jean-Food poisoning is dreadful to go through:( i hope your doing better!

Hey to Andrea H and Becca!

Have a great day...i will BB tommorrow!

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