Cathe/WW 05.25.05


Good morning everybody:

I had weigh-in last night and lost 1.4 pounds. I was sooooo excited!!!!

I won't have much time for working out today, but I know I can find some time for a few ab workouts. ;-)

Have a good day everybody. Eat good and smile often.

Good Morning to you!

I only lost .5 lbs this week...and I know why. My biggest downfall is journaling. I need to buckle down and just do it.
I'll try to do some abwork today but since I pulled a muscle in my back
yesterday, I'm not so sure.

I am keeping my points at mid range. I am worried about the weekend. I will weight myself at home again next Tuesday. Still no exercise this week - Friday for sure. I am working 10 hour days to have a 4 day weekend. It has been raining so I have not fit a walk in at noon. I need to be more consistent with exercise - weight lifting especially.

Have a great day!

Hi everyone!

I'm on Day 2 of my 18-pt a day plan. I did great yesterday, after coming off a day of leftover pasta (about 6 servings worth), 4C raisin bran and a box of cake batter. Classic binge, but I am glad I stopped it after a day - that's a good sign.

This morning I did extra Lo-Max - only on a low step, but burned 572 calories! Those extra APs are nice - I added some black beans to my salad, and have some to play with later. It took forever to get through the workout ... our new puppy took off with one of my daughter's dolls and we spent 20 minutes chasing her around the backyard.

WTG on your weigh-in, Marcia! That's very motivating! Have a good one....
Hi I wont be weighing in until Saturday. I had a good day yesterday. Been raining here alot so did time on a stationary bike. Did well points and water wise. I did journal. WTG for you losers!
Don't ride faster than your guardian angel.

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