Cathe will you be selling?/ /Push ups with rotating??


I noticed Cathe doing Pushups with those pushup rotating?
I don't know what they are called?
Cathe will you be selling those?:+
Or where do we purchase them?
Some of our cast will be using the “perfect pushup” in STS, but this is not our product or something we sell. You can purchase the “perfect pushup” at most sporting goods stores and department stores.
>Or where do we purchase them?

You can find the travel version (plastic handles that are detachable) in Walmart. Target(?) is now having a sale on the original version: $10 off the regular price (there is a thread in "Open Discussion" on it).
Hi Rocky! I really like the Perfect Pushup but as you already know you DO NOT need to have them for STS. I like the variety they provide but I also enjoy doing push ups flat on the floor. It's all good. Just a heads up if you are buying them They have two kits out in some stores. One is JUST the push up product (around $19.99) and the other is a home kit version with a DVD and work out cards or some accompanying program with it ($34.99). I just wanted you to be aware so that you don't unecessarily pick up the more expensive one. Take Care!
>One is JUST the
>push up product (around $19.99) and the other is a home kit
>version with a DVD and work out cards or some accompanying
>program with it ($34.99).

They are actually two different versions of the product as well (see above). ;-)

I just saw that the "original" (metal handles, possibly better ball bearings) are on sale at J. C. Penny's for $19.95 (this is second-hand information, so I can't vouch for it, nor that this is at every J.C. Penney's).
I've noticed the $19.99 version at Walmart. I believe Target has the higher priced version.

RE: Cathe will you be selling?/ /Push ups with rotating...

I ordered mine at about $40. Unfortunately,I couldn't find anything cheaper (or the non-DVD/workout/card version) at on-line stores (who would also ship to Athens, Greece)... I already have push-up handles, but they too stress the tendons in my lower arms, so I hope perfect pushup would be a safer alternate solution for me. I too enjoy more doing pushups on the floor (seems to me that I have more strength doing them this way) but I can't do a whole drop set like that :(

GNC has the original Perfect Pushup, which is much more sturdy and durable, on sale for around $39.99. There is a DVD and exercise chart/poster included. They are of a better quality that the travel set sold at Wal-Mart.

Hope this helps.:)

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