Cathe Videography


Hi All:
Does anyone know or have a link to a chronological listing of all of Cathe's videos? I understand that some may not be available anymore, but I ask out of interest.
If you go to the order online page, the videos are listed in order of release, with the release dates to the right of the screen.

Unfortunately, only the videos still in production are listed. Titles like "Step n Motion 2" or "Rock Bottoms" are not.
Thanks for the information Nitty Gritty. I was sure there were a few discontinued Cathe tapes out there. Wonder if you can find them on eBay or something.
Yes, you see them all the time at eBay and at the Ya Ya's swapmeet. What I would do for eBay would be to do a search like this:

"Cathe Friedrich" "Rock Bottoms"

complete with the quotation marks. I'd mark the "search titles AND description" box. When the search comes up empty, look for the "Save this Search" link on the right side of the page. Save the search and ask eBay to e-mail you whenever auctions containing these search terms come up. That way you won't have to keep searching... eBay does it for you. But you'd need to know the titles of those tapes no longer in print. VF can probably help you there with its list of titles:

Here's a Cathe video eBay auction for a title I don't recognize: "The Home Step Workout." (I found it just using the search term "Cathe Friedrich"). Maybe somebody else knows what it is... an out-of-print video maybe? It might just be the one that comes with a new step.

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