Cathe - check out a four-year old fan!

Hi Cathe!

I'm loving your latest workouts. They are so much fun and incredibly thoughtfully made. The premixes are genius.

I am not the only Cathe fan in the family, though. I posted a few months ago about how I've gotten my husband to workout with you, too. Well, another member of our family has decided to join in. My daughter, Lydia, who will turn 4 next month, asked me to put in Butts & Guts on the TV in her play area. She then proceeded to use an inflatable globe as a stability ball and did all of the sections of the workout where you use the ball. You should have seen her doing glute raises on her globe - it was priceless. You can see a few pics of her working out here:

Anyway, I just had to share. Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all the staff that help give us all the workouts we love.

My three year old calls her Caffey also. I say who is that on the tv or computer and he says, it's caffey. Kids are too cute huh!

Lydia is TOOO CUTE!!! What a gorgeous little girl!

My little girl is also fascinated by the balls!! I have a blue one and a purple one. She claims the purple one, but I have a feeling that if I had a PINK one, she would claim it over the purple!

BTW: What is Lydia's DOB? Cecily's is 7/31/02...they look like they are about the same size.

Merry Christmas!
Denise :) :)
>My three year old calls her Caffey also. I say who is that
>on the tv or computer and he says, it's caffey. Kids are too
>cute huh!

Cecily just refers to Cathe as "Mommy's Girl". I guess it is because I refer to Cathe as "My Girl". :7
It certainly sounds like Lydia has the "model" gene then! I would give my Christmas cookies to have a few extra height that is, Haha! Hummm, maybe this would help me lose the extra inches around my middle too! :7
I just LOVED those photo's Emily. Thank you so much for sharing. Lydia is so cute and very motivational to her stability ball too. Very creative!

My 4 year old son does the same thing. Such a fun age!

Please send my hugs to Lydia too :)
Aw, thanks, Cathe! Lydia read what you wrote about her and got the biggest grin on her face. She also told me that when she grows up she wants to be either Cinderella or Cathe! :)

Have a Merry Christmas! I can't wait until Jan. 1st so I can start using my Cathe calendar. It is VERY cool. :)

She is adorable! Thanks for sharing those. My 6yos does some of the moves with me. He is the only one in the family who can do a full levitation hold, btw.

Emily, your daughter is toooo cute!!! Thanks for sharing her pics. My 3-year old daughter loves Cathe too. Whenever she sees her on the TV, she yells, "Mommy! It's Cathe Feedrik!" Ha! Ha!

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