Cathe and Crew, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas Cathe and crew and SNM!!! I hope to see much more of you all in the next few days... under my tree!!! :p

Thanks for all the work you put into your passion. It shows, and we all appreciate both your work and your passion. Enjoy the coming year and all of your new projects.

Happiest of holidays!!

Joining the others in wishing you a Merry Christmas and that all your wishes come true!
You're the BEST!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wishing Cathe, her crew, and my fellow forum members a wonderful holiday season!

May 2006 be even better for you than 2005.
Chiming in with all the rest of the Educated Crowd! :) Cathe, this has really been an exciting year for you and the crew at SNM, and I hope that next year is even more filled with wonderful new adventures for all of you!

Wishing you, Chris, Nancy, Sharon, the hunky shipping dudes, everybody else at SNM and Four Seasons, and of course your dear hubby and sons the BEST Christmas ever, and a very Happy New Year! :) Have a restful holiday! Kathy S.
I also would like to wish Cathe and SNM Staff a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks so much for all your hard work. Helen:)
Hi Cathe and SNM,

Here's wishing you and yours a joyous holiday season and all the best for 2006! It's been great working out with you all these years - would love to see a picture of the boys - can't imagine how much they must have grown this year! I know mine have!

Thank YOU !

Hi Everyone! Thank you so very sincerely for the warmest sentiments anyone could ask for. I am always touched by your kind words.

I thank YOU for all the joy and inspiration you have brought me. It is nice to see that we are a supportive team and work together to keep each other fit and motivated!

I wish all of you a memorable holiday filled with all of the traditions that give you warm fuzzies and happy hearts.

Holiday hugs Everybody!

{{{GROUP HUG }}}}

Fa la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, la laa laaa laaaaaaaaaaaaa

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