Cardio Or Ab Work??


Active Member

Can someone give me advice on whether I need to start doing cardio or Ab work in order to lose a couple inches in the waist and tummy. I cannot afford to lose weight in upper or lower body. I currently use the PS series for weight training in order to bulk up the arms and legs. So my question is: Will I sacrifice my progress in bulking up my upper and lower body if I do cardio for the mid-area?????????


P.S. Hello to my new Ecto friends!
I can't speak for anyone else, but when I upped my cardio I lost the weight around my middle, as well as everywhere else, but my muscular arms and legs are still there - only you can see the muscle now. I bulk really easy and love weights. I did focus on cardio while losing weight and now have a more even balance of weights and cardio. I do ab work after I work out, whether it be cardio or weights.
Good luck!
The PS comes with 2 ab workouts. If you use it, you should not need to add extra ab work. A pure cardio workout for in between strength training days will help with the abs too.


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